Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Forums in 'Salem Square'
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    Irvingly Harvest Festival
    This is a staff-run event. For more information, see here.
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    The Irvingly casino is four stories tall and towers over the other buildings of the town. It is painted a cheery plum with gold gilded accents that are meant to look wealthy and inviting. The building is furnished in order to make the upper class comfortable. The first floor holds all sorts of games for gambling as well as a separate room where the fireplace that is connected to the floo network is located. Alongside the room is the closet dedicated for apparation. There is a bar off to one side that serves muggle and magical drinks and a long counter on the other side that serves as a money exchange point. The other three floors are dedicated to billiards, bowling, concerts, dancing, dining, tea parties and theatricals. On the roof of the building (which is decorated much like a park), several tennis courts have been set up. A charm has been placed on it so that if anything (or anyone) falls off of the roof, they simply bounce back up again - unharmed.

    It is most often frequented by members of the middle and upper classes.

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    Chance L'Amour
    A small brick two-story cafe that has wide windows lining the front walls. There is a small wooden porch that one must cross in order to reach the front door. It is decorated with thick amber-colored fabric, sage green walls, several large ornate mirrors and dozens of golden candlesticks. There are several round tables scattered throughout, with amber place settings and perpetually living floral arrangements in the center. Near the back of the cafe is a bar - though generally reserved for tea and wine, customers can also order hard liquor. A fireplace that is connected to the floo network sits in the back room. Stairs that lead to the upstairs apartment are also located here.
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    The Irvingly Arms
    Founded in the spring of 1884. A small inn and pub located in Salem Square near the train station. The stone house boasts ten guest rooms, a dining room, and a small parlour. A modest three-bedroom suite is located towards the rear of the building in which the innkeeper resides. There is a gazebo in the back garden in case patrons wish to take in some air. Rooms are available by the night or by the week, though they prefer not to have a given guest longer than a month.

    It is most often frequented by members of the lower and middle classes.

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    Irvingly Infirmary
    A large house modified to serve medical needs, the Infirmary was founded by Felicity Riley and caters to both magical and muggle maladies.
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    Irvingly School
    Funded by the Etherium family, Irvingly School offers a basic muggle education to the lower class (and middle class, if their family cannot afford a governess) children of Irvingly and Hogsmeade between the ages of five and fourteen. The small, one-room schoolhouse is located on the edge of Salem Square, and has a locked room with a fireplace for Hogsmeade children to floo to school.
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    Irvingly Station
    Situated near the edge of the square is Irvingly Station, the only non-magical method of transit two and from the town. A small structure, the stone building houses two ticket booths and the office of the station manager.
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    Irvingly Village Shoppe
    Built to accommodate the increase in traffic of the Quidditch World Cup in the summer of 1883, the small general store has a little bit of everything, and is a hub of activity within the town.
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    Magical Liaison Office
    A modest two story red brick home is set across the street from the casino. The first floor serves as the liaison's office, with a small counter for the postman, while the second floor serves as his apartment. Any complaints or concerns from either magic of muggle folk alike are welcome. In May of 1883, a small addition was added to the back, with two desks for muggle police constables and a single jail cell.
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    The Market
    A small space in the square has been set aside to allow vendors such as florists, farmers, and craftsmen to come sell their wares from carts and stalls every Friday afternoon, and all day Saturday.
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    Salem Square Quality Meats
    A small butcher shop opened just before the holidays of 1883.
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    Blurring Together
    01-29-2018, 01:13 PM
    by Lupus Jameshill

    Salem Square
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      Private Thread 2 505 01-17-2018, 03:59 PM
    Last Post: Magdalena Backus
      Private Thread 1 496 12-22-2017, 11:06 PM
    Last Post: Brian Pratt

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