Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    I'll Find You
    Open Thread 
    November 7th
    Her quest had begun when Patience Flynn and her sister had realized she would not be permitted to return to Hogwarts, but the change in her circumstances had not halted the mission that saw the young witch spend much of her ‘leisure’ time pouring over records at the Crowdy Memorial Library. Though her desire to find her mother’s natal family had blossomed out of necessity, with so many hours put into the task it had seemed a crime to leave it behind.

    And so, while her efforts had declined, they had not halted, and so her now weekly (rather than daily, as it had been) visit to the library saw her stationed once more at her usual table, scrolls littered about her as her eyes searched their rather mundane contents for any mention of her mother’s birth, arrival at Hogwarts, marriage—anything that might point Patsy in the direction of her extended family.

    Crop rotations.

    What was supposed to be a neighborhood census had, in fact, proved to be a record of Irish crop rotations. With a huff of frustration, Patsy cast the scroll to the floor, knocking several others off the table after it and causing enough of a scene to draw the wary glare of a librarian. Steadily, she let out a breath and with it, she hoped, her frustration.
    a+ set by soph <3
    [Image: Tu5qk8A.png]
    It was safe to assume that despite Percy’s own little home in Hogsmeade he missed London where his first home of his own had been, the little flat that Percy had rented then later owned and still felt imness fondness for. When he had first moved to London, right out of school, the busy streets and the bustle of the muggle city had intrigued Percy. For the young man who had grown up on his father’s country estate outside of Coventry and then went to Hogwarts, he’d had little experience with muggles, a point of pride on his father’s part. But Percy had never found fault with the non magical population, indeed, they had fascinated him. That hadn’t been the only appeal of the capital city, the very fact that it was far away from his father’s lands - which held little appeal for him with the lack of his sisters being their - had been enough to send Percy to London. One day, he had known then, his father would insist his heir return to their home to run the estate and take his place. But in those days that had been far away. Even after the exposure of wizards, Percy had remained in London, despite his mother’s insistence that he move with them to Hogsmeade where it was safe. Those years he had lived in a quiet existence, keeping much to himself and blending in with the muggle population that he had observed since his graduation from Hogwarts. It had only been Catherine’s added insistence after her own graduation that had convinced Percy to leave the city he loved. Percy still missed the city and from time to time after the work day had finished he would take the London exit instead of returning to Hogsmeade and walk his favorite paths.

    One of Percy’s favorite haunts was the Crowdy Memorial Library of Writing and Witchcraft. He’d always been an avid reader, indulging in shopping for new books much for often than he likely should. As such the library held great appeal for him, stocked with every type of book that could be found. He preferred novels, however, books about magical creatures and new spells often intrigued him too. When he had lived in London he had often visited the library after work, spending hours reading books that he could not yet afford and keeping much to himself. These days he hardly had the time for such visits, instead his life seemed taken up with social events that his sisters insisted he attend or spending time with his niece and nephew. For a man who professed himself to want to live a hermit like life he certainly didn’t hold himself to it. Well this evening he was going to indulge in a book and some old habits such as spending hours in the library before he returned home. He reasoned that if he did then he would be innocent of responding to the summons that had become more and more frequent from his father these days and if he were ignorant of the summons then he could at last have an evening to himself.

    With that in mind Percy had left work and followed the few blocks to the Crowdy Library and settled himself into an armchair in one of the less frequented sections of the building. The only other occupant was a young woman who sat with several scrolls around her at a table keeping much to herself. He was pursuing a new novel about an adventuring wizard who had left to search the tombs of Ancient Egypt when he heard an angry sigh, the shuffle of papers, and a whoosh as scrolls and papers flew from the desk. His eyes flew to the young lady whose looks was a mix of anger and frustration. Across the way Percy caught a librarian glaring at the young woman. Not really wishing to attract the librarian’s attention any further Percy stood from his chair, removing his wand from the pocket of his work robes. With a swish the scrolls floated back to the table. Never a social person, Percy hesitated before he moved forward. Had it been one of his sisters causing such a scene he knew they would be truly angry or frustrated and he hoped someone would reach out to them to help if they were in his shoes and so he approached the young lady. “Are you alright?” he asked kindly as he might of his sisters. He hoped she was in part for her own sake and in part for the fact that if she were he could return to his book with a clear conscience.

    Word Count: 780
    @'Patsy Flynn'

    Wonderful set is a work of art from Lynn!


    It was not only the librarian’s attention that the secretary had caught, but that of another library visitor. Immediately, Patsy was thankful that her complexion was not apt to blush, for it was one thing to act like a child and quite another to have that action witnessed—and acknowledged. Fortunately, she heard more compassion than judgment in the stranger’s few words, though that did not stop the witch from being all too aware of how she must seem to passers-by.

    “Alright? Yes, but I am afraid likely rather foolish as well,” Patsy replied sheepishly after a moment’s hesitation, not meeting the man’s gaze.
    a+ set by soph <3
    [Image: Tu5qk8A.png]
    We all deserve a foolish moment, now and then.” Percy replied with a half smile at the young woman. She didn’t look up at him and Percy knew he should walk away, but she did seem rather unhappy. From one lonely soul to another perhaps there was something he could do to help.

    Do you mind if I ask if you need help?” He asked gently, reasoning that he could simply leave her alone and not feel offended if perhaps she simply wanted a moment alone. But at least his conscience would be clear that he had indeed offered to help, right?

    @'aldous crouch'
    @'patsy flynn'

    Wonderful set is a work of art from Lynn!