A winter gale had been howling and blustering relentlessly all night. It swept through the narrow streets of Diagon Alley with a mad cackle of a howl, disorienting her as she passed from this shoppe to that gathering supplies for work, finally browbeating her into submission to seek solace in a dimly lit pub. Shaking her cloak's hood loose of the ice shards that had pelted her on her travels, it wasn't until she approached the bar for a warm beverage that she realized just how far off the beaten track she'd wound up.
Regret washed over her at having let her escort get distracted with a bouncing bustle back by Flourish and Blotts, his waning attention having seemed fortuitous at the time. The lower classes frequented this establishment and should she be found within its walls without an escort after dark in a soaking wet gown... well... the gossip columns would practically write themselves now, wouldn't they.
@'Yasmina Khatri'
Regret washed over her at having let her escort get distracted with a bouncing bustle back by Flourish and Blotts, his waning attention having seemed fortuitous at the time. The lower classes frequented this establishment and should she be found within its walls without an escort after dark in a soaking wet gown... well... the gossip columns would practically write themselves now, wouldn't they.
@'Yasmina Khatri'