December 31, 1887 - 11:30
Regina felt stifled, and had been from the beginning of summer. Her emotions did not help one bit. Being in the home for so long had given her time to think about what had happened between her and her 'uncle'. What he had said, and how she felt. Honestly, she had been staying in her room most of the time after that conversation. It had given her time to think, to process. Yes they did have differences, and he was much too clingy, but was he really so terrible to her? Bella's parents had been so much worse, and not to mention his sister.
Her parade of emotions seemed to wish to want overwhelm her. Along with the stronger liquors, she couldn't help but bring up champagne. Tonight was a special night, after all. But she didn't want to join any celebrations tonight, too lost in her own thoughts to properly think. Despite the count down, she felt as though time was frozen, especially when a letter slipped under her door.
Fingers shaking, though she was in no way quaking of fear for what it might contain, she picked up the letter. Though it was not typical of her, she was feeling so conflicted, and thus had decided to have quite a few drinks from her uncle's collection. It was not as if he would mind anyway. After all, he practically made it an almost daily tradition to have multiple drinks of his own.
The Gryffindor's vision was thankfully not hazy as she began to read the words. Oh yes, yet another new addition to the saga of their drama. Had she been mistaken to read this? What could she possibly make of this?
She looked at the hardest liquor that she had taken into her room. Hating hard liquor the most, she had yet to open it, but if she was going to go speak to him or deal with him at all tonight, she felt that she would need it. Though, perhaps that was just the other liquor talking. She sighed, getting up and slightly stumbling over to the bottle, with the single glass that she had brought up.
The stumble made her pause. Was it really such a good idea to have even more alcohol after that? She looked back at the letter in her hand, then nodded to herself. Yes, yes it was. She opened the bottle, poured the drink, and took a sip. Swallowing with a flinch, she scrunched her nose at the acrid flavor. Looking at her drink once more, she shook her head and placed it down on her dresser. No more of that for her.
Regina then turned to the door. Now all she had to do was not let the maids see her stumble. Hopefully she wouldn't be seen at all by them tonight. And she thought of this as she slowly made a way to the door. Walking out of her room, there was a thought in the back of her mind that this was a mistake. A mistake to talk to him while she was like this. Pushing past that thought, she felt that she had to work towards a resolution with him over their conflict and feelings. After all, they were soon to be in a new year, and banishing a conflict was a perfect way to start it off.
Hoping that she would not be stricken by bad luck in an effort to talk all of this out, she hoped to be followed by a bit of good luck from the coming year. Looking around as she walked down the hall, it seemed that the maids were staying clear of this area at the moment. Possibly not wanting to disrupt the head of the house for the evening, perhaps this was an even better moment than she had thought to speak with him.
When coming to the door, she couldn't help but wish with her fuzzy mind that the door was not opaque, hoping to know what he was doing. Hearing clanking, she instantly realized what he must have been doing. Pushing past any hesitation that came to her mind, she knocked on the door.