Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Forum Threads Posts Last Post
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    Any topics regarding character development can be found inside. If you need to claim and/or reserve something, the lists can be found inside. Any list or registry that could enhance and be helpful to game play will be located here.
    17 411
    02-27-2018, 05:29 PM
    by Clarissa Cosgrove
    App Templates
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    Ready to join us? Post your application here. Accepted, Inactive and Unfinished applications are stored inside as well.
    3,792 7,746
    Headley, Amery
    02-22-2018, 12:54 PM
    by Aldous Crouch
    Helping Hand
    Guest Help
    Questions & Suggestions
    Buddy System
    House Points
    Need a bit of help? Our maintenance requests, guest assistance and member suggestions forum are located here.
    151 1,323
    Buddy System
    10-20-2024, 01:40 PM
    by JamesDer

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    1887 CalendarKeep up to date with the latest happenings by reading our announcements.
    85 576
    February '18
    02-25-2018, 04:17 PM
    by Aldous Crouch
    Charmers' Chit Chat
    Postlogs, Profiles & Stamps
    Absence List
    Out of character discussions, graphics, and postlogs/extended profiles should all be directed here.
    880 13,280
    03-13-2018, 03:28 PM
    by Howell Merrick
    Contests and Events
    StampsInformation regarding our monthly contests and events that the board may be having can be found inside.
    346 5,041
    Lonely Threads
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    Adoptable Plots
    A forum where you can post specific plot ideas to get feedback, find interested members and create all sorts of awesome plottage! Networking type of requests that are meant to create/establish relationships with other characters should be posted in the Networking forum.
    608 6,452

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    Journals and Letters
    Community Bulletin
    Homework Assignments
    Does your character need to write down their thoughts? Perhaps they need to write a letter to a friend? Maybe they want to post a community bulletin? Journals, letters and the in character community bulletin can be found inside.
    4,751 25,595
    02-24-2018, 11:41 PM
    by Fortuna Lockhart
    Daily Prophet
    The Rumor Mill
    Article Directory
    Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The Daily Prophet is a staff run newspaper with members submitting articles to be published. The Daily Prophet covers all IC happenings that are worth mentioning to the rest of the wizarding society. Any article published can (and probably will) be read by the other characters in the game.
    1,099 1,662
    Chief Warlock Found
    01-20-2018, 03:26 PM
    by Daily Prophet
    Witch Weekly
    Feature Me! Witch Weekly is a magazine geared toward witches who are inclined to gossip and tabloids. It is considered a bit frivolous and can be frowned upon in upper-crust circles (as gossip is unladylike) but has a rather high readership just the same. It is run OOC by the Weekly Wenches, with issues being published every OOC Sunday.
    172 1,013

    Forum Threads Posts Last Post
    Hogsmeade Station
    de Montfault TheaterThe only train station that travels to and from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogsmeade Station is your one-stop-shop for all transportation needs. Almost kitschy in atmosphere, the station is made of big, melodramatic archways and high, vaulted ceilings that serve little purpose. The colors tend to be equally gaudy, and artwork, upholstery, trains, and floor tiles range in color from royal purple to neon orange. A handful of restaurants and gift shops can also be found within.
    0 0
    High Street
    Beautiful Beast Boutique
    Denbright's Emporium
    Dervish & Banges
    Gladrags Wizardwear
    High Street Area Clubs
    Hog's Head
    Hogsmeade Hospital
    Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom
    Honeyduke's Sweet Shop
    Ministry of Magic Offices
    Ollivander's Wands
    Owl Emporium
    Post Office
    Quality Quidditch Supplies
    Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
    Silverwand Cauldrons
    The Painted Lady
    The Three Broomsticks
    Twilfit & Tatting's
    Whizzhard Books
    Bursting with activity at all hours of the day, every respectable (and those less so) establishment can be found along this avenue, wide enough to accommodate the constant rush of pedestrians and vehicles. The Three Broomsticks, Ollivander's and many other fine places of business can be found in varying states of occupation all day and all night.
    97 392
    Wellingtonshire Area ClubsA cut above all of the rest, Wellingtonshire is the residential lane for those of considerable means. Though the houses are tightly compacted and built somewhat like miner's homes, the outer facades are deceiving. Enchanted to hold more than they ought, the homes of Wellingtonshire are exceptionally and intimidatingly grand on the inside, and few pedestrians litter the immaculately kept streets for fear of being thought of as potential thieves.
    16 83
    The Pack
    01-25-2018, 02:15 PM
    by Nathaniel Gallivan
    Padmore Park
    A beautiful and colorful garden has been carefully cultivated over the spring and is now ready for summer use. It is large but still manages to be cozy. The green leafage is spread all around with bright and colorful flowers sprinkled thickly throughout. Among the sprawling grass and a shady copse of twisted trees are paved paths, perfect for walking or bicycling. Different benches are scattered about, some shaded some in the sun, for those who merely want to rest. The lawn is open enough to offer a game of croquet or lawn tennis, or even play host to a picnic. A large pond can be found off to one side of the garden, an inlet from the Black Lake. Several charmingly decorated boats are enchanted to give lazy and gentle rides around the pond, though the spells are not strong enough to resist the tampering from troublemakers. As far as anyone knows, there aren't any creatures that live in the lake aside from a couple of gentle giant goldfish. Several families of ducks have decided to make the place their home, as have dozens of songbirds. In the evenings, the park is lit up by golden orbs that levitate above the walking paths. They have been known to become attached to a person and to try to follow them home, so keep an eye out. A person of any class is welcome here, though most stick to their own social circles and ignore the rest.
    20 54
    Eternity How Long
    01-31-2018, 09:11 AM
    by Porphyria Dempsey
    Bartonburg Area ClubsHome of the middle class, the Bartonburg District is a modest but extremely dense bit of Hogsmeade, holding more than half of its inhabitants in a series of townhouses that all interconnect in various, confusing ways. Homes are known to be stacked aslant on top of one another, though naturally the magic ingrained into the architecture makes the homes of the Bartonburg District sturdy, cozy, and just big enough for your average family.
    15 92
    Bend and Break
    02-12-2018, 02:47 PM
    by Walter Brownhill
    Redeveloped in 1886, this district boasts a cleaner, safer quality of living for the working class. Well-lit by gaslights and with ample curb appeal, Pennyworth is not affordable to all members of the lower class. (For specifics on residency, see this announcement.)
    2 10
    The Slums
    The Slums are just as glamorous as they sound. Built amidst a din of less than savory people and street purveyors, The Slums are where the lowest class dwells. Small, squat, shack-lack buildings line the streets, which are littered with garbage and muck. Though during the day The Slums are unpleasant, it's the night which really gives the area a bad name — even those who live here are rarely seen outdoors after nightfall, as the shadiest of characters can be found in every nook and cranny.
    2 18
    days end
    01-06-2018, 09:01 PM
    by Lorna Van Patten
    Asphodel Cemetery
    Named for the asphodel flowers that grow wild around the tombstones, Asphodel Cemetery is a quiet and mysterious place when the sun is shining. In the evening, it's been rumored to be haunted by the most terrifying ghosts who howl and whine throughout the late hours. Those who visit at night have been said to have never been the same - some say cursed, some say terrified into craziness and others say it's unexplainable. It is tucked away on a hill that overlooks the village of Hogsmeade. The only way to reach it is by following winding paths through the village that lead out to the slums and slightly through the Forbidden Forest. The graves are new, with the oldest being only a few years old.
    0 0

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    The Black Lake
    Cold and mysterious, the Black Lake is exactly the way it sounds - the depths in the middle of the lake are so deep that the water takes on a blackish hue. However, the closer to shore it becomes the bluer the water appears. It is rumored that a mercolony has been established underneath the depths.
    1 5
    Sinking Scarves
    12-24-2017, 03:19 PM
    by Holly Scrimgeour
    The Forbidden Forest
    Thick and dark, the Forbidden Forest offers many dangers for those adventurous enough to breech its borders. Magical creatures of all kinds call the forest home, though not all are friendly. Please note that Hogwarts students are strictly forbidden from entering the forest, and risk punishment from the Headmaster. Enter the forest at your own risk.
    3 22

    Forum Threads Posts Last Post
    Outside the Castle
    Quidditch Pitch
    As wide and varied as the rooms of the school itself, the school grounds extend for what seems like eternity. However, there are certain landmarks students learn to identify as the brink of permissible exploration. Overall, the grounds are beautiful, even with its occasionally violently vile quirks.
    15 79
    3 2 1 Go
    01-17-2018, 11:49 PM
    by Cameron Gillenwater
    The Great Hall
    House PointsWhen not being used for meals — The Great Hall is full around breakfast, lunch, and dinner, during which lavish meals are provided for students and staff alike — the hall is a common place for students to meet in order to talk, study, and generally mingle, especially during the colder, soggier months. The room is amorphous in appearance: the ceiling is alternately starlit, filled by floating candles, garnished with garishly opulent colors, or decorated for the holidays. The tapestries on the walls likewise change depending on the headmaster's mood. The only solid features are the four tables for the four houses, the staff table at the front of the room, and the headmaster's podium.
    11 50
    Hogwarts Is My Home
    02-09-2018, 07:35 AM
    by Katherine Midford
    The classrooms of Hogwarts come in all shapes and sizes, generally dependent upon the Professor's preference. Large and spartan; small and cozy; midsized and eccentric — like most things at the school, every aspect of every room is exceptionally protean, and given to change at any moment. The Headmaster and Professors' offices, respectively, can also be located here.
    18 170
    The Library
    Set on the second floor of the castle, there are several large floor-to-ceiling windows that give a serene view of the lake and forest below. There tens of thousands of books on tens and thousands of shelves that cover every subject imaginable. Near the back of the library is the Restricted Section, which is roped off in order to discourage wanderers. A student must have a note from a teacher in order to be given permission to enter. There are intricately carved wooden tables scattered about the large room that are perfect for studying.
    9 100
    Gryffindor Common Room
    Hospital Wing
    Ravenclaw Common Room
    The corridors of Hogwarts are just as varied as the classrooms - some are wide, some narrow, some tall, some you have to duck in order to pass through and some seem to shift direction as you pass by. They lead to the different rooms in the castle, whilst some lead to nothing at all.
    16 120
    Staircase Woes
    02-25-2018, 02:31 PM
    by Seneca Lestrange
    Lower Levels
    Hufflepuff Common Room
    Slytherin Common Room
    The lower levels of the castle are located underground. The basement is the first level where the Hufflepuff Common Room can be found alongside the kitchens, which are directly beneath the Great Hall, hidden by a painting of a fruit bowl. Below the basement are the dungeons. Colder and gloomier than the floor above due to being underneath the Black Lake, the dungeons are as ominous and chilly as they sound and the labyrinthine passages are almost identical in appearance, making it easy to get lost. Besides the Slytherin Common Room, the dungeons also contain the potions classroom and the Potion Master's office. Other, less frequently used rooms, can be found in the dungeons and are sometimes used for detentions, as spare classrooms and extra curricular activities, among other things.
    7 30
    The Visitation
    02-13-2018, 12:33 PM
    by Sweetie Whitledge

    Forum Threads Posts Last Post
    Hawthorne Hollow
    Church of St. Fergus
    Podmore Zoological Gardens
    The area around Irvingly is filled with a lush forest where much wildlife dwells. Set about a mile from the edge of the city is Lake Greer, a lake nearly the same size as the town itself. As far as anyone knows, it holds freshwater fish of the non magical variety. The hollow offers room to hunt, forage and explore. Meadows are woven in and out of it at random. The northwest section possesses steep hills and small mountains that are accompanied by valleys and creeks throughout.
    2 9
    Flight of the Phoenix
    01-17-2018, 03:48 PM
    by Una Walsh
    Swallowbury District
    The north side of Irvingly is decidedly different than the south. While the muggles had solid homes built for them, the magical residents were left to their own devices when it came to shelter. Homes of different styles and skill levels have been erected. Magic is not allowed on the streets even in the north side, so wizards have to be careful to keep such things inside the privacy of their homes.
    8 55
    Salem Square
    Magical Liaison Office
    Chance L'Amour
    The Irvingly Arms
    Irvingly Infirmary
    Irvingly School
    Irvingly Station
    Irvingly Village Shoppe
    The Market
    Salem Square Quality Meats
    The commercial district of Salem Square lies in the very heart of Irvingly. The casino and the home and office of the Magical Liaison is set at the very center, a perfect location for neutrality between the two communities in an attempt to peacefully unite them. Over time, more and more businesses have grown around them, and a large, open area lies just in front. At a distance of one mile from Irvingly, Ivana Memorial Asylum - a three story brick building - is quiet and secluded, but not so far removed that it is at risk from the dangers in the mountains. For more information on Irvingly, see here. To learn how to get your own shop forum, see here.
    10 36
    Blurring Together
    01-29-2018, 01:13 PM
    by Lupus Jameshill
    Dovecote District
    Originally made of poorly built ramshackle huts, the south side of Irvingly has since been remade into neat and organized red brick and stone two story homes that are identical in appearance. The muggles tend to stick to this side of the town in order to avoid running into the magic folk.
    0 0

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    The largest city in Britain—larger even than the muggles know. With several magical side streets accessible only to those who know they are there, the city boasts the most commercial magic activity outside of Hogsmeade.
    46 326
    Ministry of Magic Offices
    A large, imposing facade marks the entrance to the Ministry, however, the facade is just that; upon entering the building in Hogsmeade or London, you are transported to the atrium of the Ministry of Magic building in London. The main floor, the atrium, is located on the first floor. Gold gilded fire places are pressed up against two of the walls and serve for arrivals and departures. The floor is black and white checkered squares, while the ceiling stretches up so high that one cannot see it. It is a vast blackness and most try not to look at it. Farther down the room is a long hallway which holds several lifts, operated by a person of lower class. The lifts can move forward, backward, right as well as left and are able to reach all the way up to the ninth floor.
    15 90
    In Passing
    02-01-2018, 12:44 AM
    by Theseus Greengrass
    Diagon Alley
    The Leaky Cauldron
    Fudge & Son Desserterie
    Gringotts Wizarding Bank
    Ollivander's London
    House of Lytton
    Flourish & Blotts
    Tightly-packed buildings pile high over the narrow cobblestone streets in the hub of Magical London. Though the area is primarily commercial, some magical residents have taken on flats above the myriad shops that line the district. Accessed via the rear of The Leaky Cauldron.
    15 91
    Monkey Business
    02-02-2018, 06:29 AM
    by Annabelle Scrimgeour
    Knockturn Alley
    The Jinxed Jackrabbit
    Borgin & Burkes
    A shadier shopping district for the darker soul. Accessible via Diagon Alley.
    1 2
    Bustles and Blotts
    01-01-2018, 12:27 AM
    by Yasmina Khatri
    St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
    To enter the premises, one may step through the window of what appears to be a red-bricked, condemned department store called Purge and Dowse, Ltd. The interior, on the other hand, looks exactly as a hospital should. One way one individual can enter the building is speaking to an apparently inanimate dummy in the department store. (Credit to HP Wiki)
    8 38
    Great Ambitions
    02-16-2018, 06:06 AM
    by Annabelle Scrimgeour
    Crowdy Memorial Library of Writing and Witchcraft
    Founded by the Crowdy family shortly after the death of Maximilian Crowdy, then Minister of Magic, in 1781. Inaccessible to muggles, the library is located about a block from the Ministry of Magic Headquarters. The first three floors are open to the public, boasting reception and literature, reference texts, and public records, respectively. The subsequent five floors are grouped by subject matter, and accessible only to Ministry employees with the appropriate clearance level, or members of the public who have received permission from the Department of Magical Education for a particular use. Such petitions take from two to ten months to receive word on.
    5 16
    I'll Find You
    01-23-2018, 06:30 PM
    by Percival Adlard Jr
    The Museum of Magical Miscellany
    Located in London, The Museum of Magical Miscellany is reachable through a secret door in a regular, muggle museum. Filled with exhibits on everything from Ancient Rome to the muggle riots of 1877, the museum is massive and winding, and has statues, artifacts, and paintings, all related solely to wizarding history. Visitors may berate resident ghosts for historical details if they are so inclined.
    4 29
    The State Dinner
    12-02-2017, 11:45 AM
    by Roslyn Ross

    Forum Threads Posts Last Post
    British Isles
    The Sanditon ResortThreads that take place around the British Isles are located inside. Wizarding families must be sure to keep themselves hidden throughout the country, with only magical areas of London serving as a safe haven.
    29 144
    Six Years Later
    02-09-2018, 08:46 PM
    by Rufus Bixby
    Around the World
    From Germany to France and China to Russia, all threads that take place around the world can be found inside.
    4 19
    The Past
    Want to roleplay something that happened in the past? You can do it here.
    49 412
    Keep Calm and ...
    02-28-2018, 07:45 PM
    by Minnie Pendergast

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    Keep Breathing
    02-28-2018, 07:07 PM
    by Iphigenia Urquart
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    Affiliate with Charming
    09-03-2017, 05:16 PM
    by Andrew Weston

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