Extended Profile
Dueling Commission Head of Office & One-Legged Asshat
Total Threads:170 (0.04 threads per day | 0.57 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads) Total Posts: 646 (0.15 posts per day | 0.27 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts) Total Likes Given 976 (Find All Liked Threads — Find All Liked Posts) Barnabas Skeeter JUNE 27TH, 1859 • SECOND BORN SON • TRADITIONAL, INSECURE, JUDGEMENTAL KNOW-IT-ALL HAS A PROSTHETIC LEG AND USES A CANE Pre-Hogwarts June 27, 1859 — August 31, 1870
Barnabas was born the second son to what would later be a rather large family. He was a small for his age, even in infancy. There was speculation that there may be a birth defect that caused this, but as he grew, he seemed to be able to function perfectly well - he was simply short. As the years passed, more siblings joined them. Barnabas gave special attention to his studies, even as a youngster. From a young age, he realized that if he were to do well in everything, his father would praise him. It was because of this that he was proud to rattle off facts and recite difficult Latin and classical literature in his father's presence. It gave him a rather large ego and he quickly became a child that did not like to be wrong. He gleefully pointed out when others were, and was quite difficult to get along with. Because of this, he did not become particularly close to any of his siblings. They would call him "Barney" to tease him, though he hated it. He believed nicknames to be demeaning of his intelligence. Hogwarts and Beyond September 1, 1870 — May 31, 1877
He attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin. He did well in his subjects and was elected prefect in his fifth year. He continued on as prefect in his sixth year and hoped for head boy for his seventh, but was beat out by Bennet Potter. Barnabas is still bitter over it, as he does not like to lose. He did retain his prefect position that year however.
After completing his education, he landed a job at the Ministry in the Improper Use of Magic Office as an investigator. In Character Developments
During his work at the Ministry, he has been bayoneted in the gut, had fingers sliced off and required them be reattached, and was also hexed to have a very difficult to remove donkey's tail. (He'd had to have special robes sewn to keep it hidden for four months until its removal.) He has also traveled to Boston for a month to assist in the improper use of magic there and discovered that he has a penchant for coffee (he takes it black.)
Socially, he's made some people angry, others charmed and has a sexual-tension/hate relationship with Mrs. Ivy Scrivenshaft and Miss Maeve Connolly. The former was the sole inspiration for the misshapen ivy tattoo on his left ass cheek that he got one drunken night with the help of his friends' encouragement, whilst the latter wounded his pride by openly combating his stance on female dueling. He's true love interest is Miss Amelia Evans, though it's a rocky relationship (and he's secretly terrified of her dog, Penny.) During the summer of 1885, he defended Padmore Park against a troll attack and in reward, a troll bit off the lower half of his left leg. Rather than be an invalid, he was able to switch to a department that did not require so much physical activity - the Dueling Commission Head of Office. With the promotion and his newly one-legged status in mind, in January 1886 he proceeded to propose that female sanctioned duels should be illegal in The Daily Prophet. In March of 1886, it was brought before the Wizengamot. The proposal sparked a lot of public attention and in the end, the Wizengamot decided to allow females to duel each other outright, as men's equals. Ship Index Amelia Evans
Ivy Scrivenshaft
Maeve Connolly
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