Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...

    Extended Profile

    Ursula Black

    Neglected Wife of Phineas Black

    Neglected Wife of Phineas Black

    Played by Olive
    Married 5 ft. 4 in.

    Skype: spazziliv

    Date of Birth
    03-20-1994 (30 years old)
    Local Time
    02-15-2025 at 04:13 AM
    Time Spent Online
    9 Months, 1 Week, 4 Days
    Last Visit
    01-24-2025, 10:49 AM
    Members Referred: 0
    Total Threads:253 (0.05 threads per day | 0.85 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads)
    Total Posts: 1,643 (0.32 posts per day | 0.69 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts)
    Total Likes Given 594 (Find All Liked ThreadsFind All Liked Posts)


    Early Life
    1857 — Ursula is born, she is the last child born to Mr. and Mrs. Flint and the second daughter.
    1859 — When she nearly falls down a flight of stairs, instinctive accidental magic saves her mid-fall. It is her first magical feat.
    1865 — Orson, Ursula's brother, goes to Hogwarts leaving the two sisters behind. The two bicker as much as ever, perhaps even more so.
    1866 — Benilda leaves for Hogwarts. Ursula is thrilled to be rid of her sister and hopes to get extra attention from their parents in her absence. If anything Ursula ends up with less attention as her parents feel like they've essentially finished raising their children. They go away on vacation abroad for several months.
    Hogwarts Years
    1868 — Ursula's turn to go to Hogwarts finally arrives. She insists on her father buying her a wand that doesn't choose her because she thinks it's pretty. She is sorted into Slytherin. Her wand quickly proves to be temperamental but she is too stubborn to admit it.
    1871 — Ursula picks up Ancient Studies, Arithmancy, and Earth Magic.
    1872 — A shiny prefect badge arrives in the mail.
    1873 — By her sixth year she had earned a slight reputation amongst those that did not like her as being a conceited flirt.
    After Hogwarts
    1875 — Her NEWT results are quite good, though her temperamental wand let her down at times in practical assessments. Shortly after her Coming Out her former Potions professor, Phineas Black, begins courting her.
    1876 — On June 7th, Ursula and Phineas married. It was by no means a love match and Ursula has never deluded herself into thinking it so but within the first twelve months of being married, his lack of interest inspired a want for it. She would attempt to flirt a little with other young gentlemen in his company to inspire his jealousy and attention but this never seemed to work. Phineas is promoted to Headmaster, this initially pleases her.
    1877 — The Black family relocate to the newly established village of Hogsmeade. Soon after, Ursula presents her husband with their first son, Sirius, named after Phineas' brother. She didn't take to motherhood very well at all; she found Sirius to be bothersome and annoying and the only purpose she found for him was to show him off and feel smug that she had given her husband a son first time.
    1880 — No children had followed, mostly because there had been little intimacy in the marriage. Ursula feels deeply neglected and spurned by him. Her frustration comes to a head in December when she seeks comfort in another man's bed.
    1881 — The one day rendez-vous has much longer lasting consequences. She was carrying his child. She made arrangements with Cage Wakefield to give the child to him in secret, but he goes missing, presumed dead. That summer, Phineas slips veritaserum into her wine to find out the cause of her evasive behavior. With all revealed, she was disgraced and the running of the house was passed onto her sisters-in-law as she couldn't be trusted. The child is born that September, Ursula barely acknowledges her illegitimate son whom she blames for her disgrace. Phineas refuses to even consider forgiving her as long as the child remains under their roof and so, little did she know, Elladora exchanges her son for a frail orphan of the same age and gave her real child to the newly married Mrs. Wakefield. The baby Ursula believes to be her son dies.
    1882 — With the death of the infant, the state of her marriage improves slightly and by January she is expecting a legitimate child and the running of the household is restored to her. In May she was drafted into the expedition to expand Hogsmeade and miscarried half-way up a mountain, splinching herself in the process of trying to apparate to Hosgsmeade Hospital. Ursula is barely fazed by the loss of her child, but her splinched bosoms are another matter. She publicly blames Darcy Potter, the current Minister, for her ordeal. Unfortunately, she decides to pay him a visit to express her displeasure and after some brandy, unspeakable deeds take place on his floor. She walks away from the entire experience with the intention of wiping it from her mind completely. Unfortunately she can't when she finds out a few weeks later that she is expecting and it might very well be his.
    Soon after, Ursula finds out about a scheme to kidnap Darcy Potter and gets involved. It is her job to keep him fed and watered. One day she meets the person impersonating him with polyjuice potion, Elsbeth Lupin, though she is unaware of her identity at the time. One thing leads to another and Ursula kisses her. In September, Ursula visits Phineas at Hogwarts and doses his tea with amortentia but she finds she doesn't really like him under the influence and so doesn't repeat the offense.
    A couple weeks later, she makes the acquaintance of Thomas Pettigrew but doesn't think much of it. She sees him again a month later and her opinion of him starts to change, especially when he sends her perfume. He invites her to watch a quidditch match in his private box a couple weeks later but instead of watching the match, they end up doing... other things. A few days later, Ursula finally does something about her wand issue and gets one that actually works for her.
    1883 — Phineas II is born and Ursula is quite certain he is Darcy's because of his ears. Her affair with Thom Pettigrew continues and she soon realizes that she is in love with him. One evening, Phineas returns home to exercise his marital rights but Ursula refuses out of loyalty to Thom. This arouses his suspicions and he is convinced she is having an affair despite her insistence otherwise. An incriminating letter falls into the hands of a woman who attempts to blackmail Ursula for it and as a result, Thom ends their tryst to protect them both. Ursula is devastated. To make matters worse, Phineas still believes she's untrustworthy and arranges for her to be operated on. With the removal of a certain part of her nether regions, he believes it will stop her from being unfaithful. Ursula's even more miserable than before. She meets with Thom one more time to inform him that she's expecting his child. With no way to pass it off as Phineas' and the likelihood of him divorcing her or worse, they agree they must get rid of it. He sends her a potion to do just that. With Thom out of her life and a growing resentment for Phineas, she sank into a deep melancholy, this only worsens when she finds out she is expecting Phineas' child. Wanting to feel better, she develops a reliance on laudanum.
    1884 — It eventually comes to her husband's notice (on her birthday, no less) that Ursula is addicted to laudanum. He raises a hand to her for the first time and then sends her off to an asylum. While she despises the asylum, it does help put her back onto the right track. With the promise of behaving and becoming a model wife, she convinces Phineas to let her return home, though she must keep him convinced or he threatens to commit her indefinitely after she has had the child. The Laughing Plague strikes and while Ursula escapes unscathed, Phineas and Sirius both fall ill. They recover, but then the house burns down. They stay with the Prince family until the quarantine is lifted. While there, Arcturus is born. Ursula escapes the asylum and when the quarantine is lifted, the family relocate to 12 Grimmauld Place. For the first time in years, Ursula feels at peace with herself - she's not happy, but she no longer feels guilt and shame for her past promiscuity. Her first challenge comes on Halloween when, at a ball, she see Thom Pettigrew properly for the first time since they parted ways. Ursula tries to keep him at arms length by being harsh with him but their conversation quickly grows heated and Ursula leaves the ball early. He shows up a couple weeks later unexpected, and despite her best attempts to suppress her unchanged feelings for him he easily persuades her to resume their relationship.
    1885 — Ursula starts the year by falling down a flight of stairs and suffering a miscarriage. A matter of weeks later, Phineas II magicks her hair blonde and despite a trip to the Spell Damage ward, the healers seem incapable of reversing it. Fortunately, her hair returns to normal a month later. Thom admits to murdering a man which does not disturb Ursula as much as it ought to. Some time later, an article in the Daily Prophet is published that exposes Thom's involvement with a veela. Ursula is enraged and, having found she was expecting a child that could easily be his, she aborts it out of spite. A few weeks later, he invites her to Prague where he makes amends to her.
    1886 — In January, Ursula coerced Elladora into getting her nipples pierced with her. In mid-June, Belvina was born.
    Ursula's just spawned the illegitimate Belvina!


    Ursula Lucetta Black
    School: Hogwarts
    House: Slytherin
    Attended: 1868 - 1875
    Ancient Studies
    Earth Magic
    History of Magic
    Other: Music
    1872 — 1875
    The Lady Morgana
    1875 — Present
    Born: April 26th, 1857
    Star Sign: Taurus
    Wand: 11½” Chestnut and Dragon heartstring
    Blood: Pureblood
    Dominant Hand: Left
    Languages: English
    Issue: Sirius Black
    Elpis Wakefield
    Phineas Black II
    Arcturus Black
    Belvina Black
    Amortentia: Thom Pettigrew, clean sheets, Sirius' hair.
    Boggart: Herself, old and very ugly
    — Romance Novels
    — Sewing
    — Malicious Gossip
    — Fashion
    — Parties
    — Foreign Travel
    — Tight-lacing
    Sirius Black — Son
    Josephina Flint — Grandmother
    Orson Flint — Brother
    Elladora Black — Sister-in-Law
    Rufina Mulciber — Best Friend
    Phineas Black — Husband
    Cage Wakefield — One-off Tryst
    Darcy Potter — One-off Tryst
    Thom Pettigrew — Former Love
    Leon Lupin — One-off Tryst
    Yarrow Macnair — One-off Tryst
    Benilda Greengrass — Sister
    Elsbeth Lupin
    Guinevere Lukeson
    Make one of her sons!
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