![]() Seventh Year; Astronomy Club President ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Total Threads:17 (0 threads per day | 0.06 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads) Total Posts: 144 (0.04 posts per day | 0.06 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts) Total Likes Given 139 (Find All Liked Threads — Find All Liked Posts) Katherine Ashley Midford
“ I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.”
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Early Life
Born on the 27th of May, Katherine was born the second child and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Midford. Although her birth meant that her mother couldn’t bear more children due to complications, the couple still thought of the girl as a blessing in their life. She was raised to become a refined young lady of society. Katherine proved that she had wits. She was quick to learn several languages which were French, Latin and Basic German &Italian. Her governess also praised her talent in painting and singing but was disappointed with her mediocre skills in playing the piano. As a young child she had always been fascinated by the stars and frequently stargazed with her older brother. Hogwarts Years
It was a shock that the blonde was not sorted in Slytherin like her brother and cousins. She felt as that she was a failure and resented the sorting hat for a period. As time passed, she learned that Ravenclaw was where she truly was most suited. Being used to only interacting with family, Katherine took longer to get used to being social. She devoted her time on studying and the classes she enjoyed the most were transfiguration, History of Magic and Astronomy. By the end of the school year she made few friends but none that she was close with.
With the help of her brother, she was pushed to being more social in her second and when she reached her third year, she is more relaxed with interacting with people and grew closer to the girls in her dorm. This also helped in her classes as she was too afraid to raise her hand up when she knew the answer or perform spells well since she lacked confidence. In her fourth year, she developed an infatuation with the half-veela prefect Rasmus Mohr and she even confessed her feeling with a monogrammed handkerchief during the Valentine’s day ball but was rejected as Mr. Mohr made it clear that he had feelings for someone else but he offered friendship. Katherine was crushed by the revelation but this did not mean that she will give up on winning his affection. She was also chosen as Fifth year Prefect and this delighted her parents. It was also the year where she took her OWLs exam. She had excellent grade except for Herbology which was her most terrible subject. She was so terrible at it that she had suspicions that Professor skeeter passed her out of pity. She had also launched her plan on making Rasmus fall for her. She joined his little History Club with another Ravenclaw. She enjoyed History and through the months she had grown attach to both Clayton and Raz. On Valentines Day, she gets stuck under a charmed rose arch and was forced to kiss her crush. It was a nice kiss but it left her feeling empty. Also during her summer break, she was on internship under Barnabas Skeeter whom she loathed and will continue to loath.
Present Day
It is now her final two years of Hogwarts. She is still indecisive of what she really wants to do. If she doesn’t choose her career by the end of the school year, she fears that her parents might send her to finishing school.
General Information
WANDS| Silverlimewood; Dragonheartsing core; 11 1/2 inches; Unyielding LANGUAGES| French, Latin, Italian & Basic German PATRONUS| Butterfly. MUSICAL TALENT| Good singing voice; average piano skills BOGGART| The corpse of her mother calling her useless AMORTENTIA| Lavender, peaches, chocolate & parchment PERFUME/SCENT| Chrysanthemum with a hint of blood oranges PETS| Merlin[A male King Charles Cavalier Spaniel] and Mia [Originally owned by her brother; a male ragdoll cat] ARTISTIC TALENT| Good at sketching & watercolor painting HOBBIES| Reading, embroidery , painting and archery Notable Relationship
Miss Cecily Gallivan- Friend
Miss Angelica Fawley-Friend Mr. Clayton Ross- Friend Mr. Rasmus Mohr-Friend & Love Interest Miss Daffodil Potts- Friend
POSITIONS| Prefect [1885-Present] Head Girl [1887-Present] Astronomy Club President [1886-Present] BEST SUBJECT| History & Charms WORST SUBJECT| Herbology CLUBS| Book, Transfiguration, Art, Astronomy OWL ELECTIVES| Ancient Runes, Divination, Ancient Studies NEWT| Ancient Runes , Ancient Studies , Astronomy , Charms , DADA , History , Transfiguration Credits
Coding for this compiled by Lady, but taken from various things around the site. Soph coded the quote at the beginning, the headers are integrated into the site's coding, and the coding for the justified paragraph format is taken from a letter coding also by Soph!
Last updated 04/21/2017 |