Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...

    Extended Profile

    Reuben Crouch

    Aspiring Racketeer

    Aspiring Racketeer

    Played by Lynn
    Unattached 5 ft. 6 in.


    Date of Birth
    08-29-1988 (36 years old)
    Local Time
    02-18-2025 at 08:53 AM
    Time Spent Online
    1 Week, 4 Days
    Last Visit
    03-11-2018, 11:04 PM
    Members Referred: 0
    Total Threads:84 (0.03 threads per day | 0.28 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads)
    Total Posts: 793 (0.27 posts per day | 0.33 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts)
    Total Likes Given 331 (Find All Liked ThreadsFind All Liked Posts)


    Reuben Crouch

    February, 1887

    14 you're gonna be my bruise with brighid connolly
    18 let's play with john humphrey-mavis
    19 slippery slope with una walsh, tierney walsh
    19 so i've spoiled you with miss connolly
    20 pleading with miss walsh
    20 on the subject of rumors with a. crouch
    24 a different way to get your heart racing
    25 a beautiful disaster with estelle shannon

    March, 1887

    02 so you're gone, and i'm haunted with una walsh
    07 like sardines with various
    21 under a more familiar sky with angie swan
    24 a crumbling foundation with una walsh
    24 building blocks with november malfoy
    25 a gentleman's wager with orpheus parkinson, antigone lestrange
    27 such great heights with ginevra blackwood
    29 there's a potion brewing with mrs. malfoy
    31 i can show you the world with ellory pendergast
    31 using a machete to cut through red tape with balthazar urquart

    April, 1887

    03 reuben crouch & the temple of doom with ellory pendergast
    03 dress to impress with ellory pendergast
    04 at least your daughter was kidnapped by a pureblood? with olivia pendergast
    04 but points for style with aldous crouch
    06 a study in sibling relations with roman crouch
    06 it's all a blur, doc with richard gladstone
    07 the story of your red right ankle with maeve connolly
    08 i am fire gasoline with autumn avery
    10 contagious with roman crouch, ellory pendergast
    12 don't threaten me with a good time with howell merrick, art pettigrew, elmer macmillan
    15 the sad violinist and his puppet wife with november malfoy, elmer macmillan
    21 duel vs. imogen macfusty
    21 slow love with ellory pendergast
    21 gross with clinton podmore
    21 chivalry is dead with edward macmillan
    21 you may be right with ellory pendergast
    22 let me just invite myself over with miss swan
    26 wraith pinned to the mist, and other games with ellory pendergast, roman crouch
    29 time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'... with howell merrick

    May, 1887

    11 never there with una walsh
    13 heroes with ellory pendergast
    13 intensive care with ellory pendergast, belmira lestrange
    13 tip tap on the glass with annabelle scrimgeour
    14 are we in trouble? with ms. pendergast
    15 silver linings with morwenna skeeter
    19 monkey see, monkey do with frederick humprey-mavis
    29 curious george gets a new home with apollodora vablatsky
    30 sugar, we're going down with terpsichore van helsing
    30 live while we're young with ellory pendergast

    June, 1887

    02 mr. r crouch? with mrs. blackwood
    03 losing game with sawyer, art pettigrew
    03 life on mars with various
    04 jailhouse blues, unsent
    05 the mongol and the maiden with ginerva blackwood
    06 the ankara chronicles: the adventure begins with roman crouch
    06 the ankara chronicles: the hotel california with roman crouch
    08 the ankara chronicles: roman crouch, tomb raider with roman crouch
    10 do better with r crouch, a crouch
    15 greased lightning with miss blackwood
    15 cut me loose with orpheus parkinson
    15 from the maiden to the mongol with miss blackwood
    16 i'll place the sky within your eyes with annette fontaine
    17 cold with ellory pendergast
    19 surprise kitten with r. crouch
    20 riddle me this with pierce scabior
    20 only the good die young with ellory pendergast
    20 bearer of bad news with mrs. pendergast
    20 love will tear us apart with ellory & olivia pendergast
    21 bad advice with a pettigrew
    29 don't tell your mom with ms pendergast
    29 all we see is sky with una walsh

    July, 1887

    07 watch your head with tatiana lestrange
    08 anybody wanna buy a monkey? with hortensia moody
    08 i hope a brick didn't ruin that fine face with ms pendergast
    08 responsibility is hard for some people with roman crouch
    09 the birds and the belles with moïsette bourdillon
    15 are you sleeping? with alphonsine maxine
    20 it's five o'clock somewhere
    24 dude, where's my car? with javert de montfault
    24 the lazarus effect with aldous crouch
    24 summer didn't change a thing with ellory pendergast
    24 condolences and feelings and whatever with miss pendergast
    28 let's go down to the tennis court with miss pendergast
    29 it's a new art form, showing people how little we care with ellory pendergast

    August, 1887

    02 why can't you say what you mean? with miss pendergast
    02 a kiss with a fist is better than none with elmer macmillan, ned macmillan
    03 better than that with ned macmillan
    07 crystal ball with apollodora vablatsky
    09 let her go
    09 stay the fuck away from my sister D< with mrs. abercrombie
    09 well, then. with chester beauregard
    09 yet more terrible life decisions with yarrow macnair, nigel yaxley
    11 choose your own adventure with aldous crouch
    12 before you go with mr r crouch
    14 i hope you're happy with miss pendergast
    14 losing my religion with una walsh
    19 the oven timer's gone off with g. malfoy
    25 every time you go somewhere, you leave somewhere behind
    26 this is why we need facebook with mr. de montfault
    28 parole officer check-in with mr. a. crouch

    September, 1887

    01 walking disasters with a. pettigrew
    02 the human grapevine with a. crouch
    03 shameless with miss swan
    04 felicitations with miss blackwood
    05 leave no traces when you go with marigold finch
    07 making a habit of it with marigold finch
    15 souvenirs with miss walsh
    16 for "good luck" with r. crouch
    27 dig down and find faith with marigold finch

    October, 1887

    02 boys just wanna have fun with arthur pettigrew
    03 drunk dials with arthur pettigrew
    04 art and ben's excellent adventure with arthur pettigrew
    08 family politics with a. crouch
    12 what happens in toronto with marigold finch

    December, 1887

    11 homecoming with aldous crouch
    12 no one should take themselves so seriously with percy pettigrew
    13 winter blunderland with annabelle scrimgeour
    13 just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you with maeve connolly
    24 all i want for christmas is you with una walsh
    29 when the cat's away with alexandra seymore

    January, 1888

    # title with


    Quick Stats

    Born 1858
    Brown Hair
    Grey Eyes
    5 ft. 6 in.
    Athletic Build
    Upper Class
    Right Handed

    Misc. Facts

    Wand: 10" Dogwood
    & Jackalope Antler, Swishy

    Boggart: Himself, Old & Crippled

    Amortentia: Maple Trees, Cardamom, Worn Leather

    Had a Titi Monkey named Ignatius

    Has a broomstick named Adelaide


    Resident of Excalibur
    Since 1884


    05.1876 - 12.1877
    Second String Chaser
    Appleby Arrows

    01.1878 - 12.1878
    DRCMC: Beast Div Employee

    01.1879 - 03.1880
    DMG&S: Employee

    04.1880 - 05.1882
    "Academic" & "Author"

    08.1882 - 05.1884
    "Exotic Beast Breeder"

    06.1884 - 08.1887
    Freelance Cursebreaker

    12.1887 - Present
    Aspiring Racketeer


    Aldous Crouch, Brother
    Roman Crouch, Brother
    November Malfoy, Sister

    Art Pettigrew, Friend
    Howell Merrick, Friend


    Gryffindor [1869 - 1876]
    --Chaser [1872 - 1876]


    Ancient Runes
    Muggle Studies


    Ancient Runes
    Muggle Studies


    Club Quidditch [1869-1872]
    Flying Club [1869-1872]
    Exploding Snap Club [1871-1874]
    Dueling Club [1869-1876]
    Leisure Sports [1870-1876]

    Cursebreaking Escapades

    Sep '84 - Dec '84
    Feb '85
    Apr '85 - May '85
    Jul '86
    Aug '85 - Sep '85
    Dec '85 - Feb '86
    March '86
    3 May '86 - 27 Oct '86
    1 Nov '86 - 19 Nov '86
    20 Dec '86 - 3 Jan '87
    30 Mar '87 - 4 Apr '87
    30 Apr '87 - 10 May '87
    6 Jun '87 - 15 Jun '87
    Mexico (For Real)
    Ankara, Turkey

