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Head of Muggle Liaison Office
Total Threads:14 (0.01 threads per day | 0.05 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads) Total Posts: 56 (0.02 posts per day | 0.02 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts) Total Likes Given 15 (Find All Liked Threads — Find All Liked Posts) Walt BrownhillSeptember, 188701 sad little badger with miss tatianna brownhillOctober, 188705 fml with morwenna skeeter28 it's not so hard to be married with eleanora brownhill 28 big news with miss theodosia brownhill 30 you could say it's a surprise party with evander darrow 31 on autopilot with esteban zavala November, 188706 scarlet letters with albert pettigrew10 ladies' night 15 the sentimental man with elias grimstone 19 solidarity with edgar pomfrey 19 all your cards on the table with percival adlard 20 and still you doubt 21 playing it safe with evander darrow 22 a request with mr. black 25 slumber party with misses brownhill December, 188713 the waiting game with eleanora, theodosia, and tatianna brownhill14 and the band played on with eleanora brownhill 28 bend and break with eleanora brownhill January, 1887# title with