Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Daily Prophet Article Directory

    22 February to 14 May 1881 (Sitewide Plot #1)
    Dangerous Patient Escapes from Hogsmeade Hospital!
    Muggleborn Man Brutally Murdered!
    Group of Muggleborn Students Gone Missing!
    Minister of Magic Decrees Muggleborns Must Leave Hogsmeade
    Scandal at the Ministry!
    Interview with Mr. Christian de Vigny
    Interview with Mr. Darcy Potter
    Election Day Arrives!
    Landslide Victory in Ministerial Race
    01 June 1881
    Annual Coming Out Ball a Dazzling Success
    13 June 1881
    George Hamilton's Long Lost Daughter
    14 June 1881
    Well This Isn't Fun
    15 August 1881
    Earl Etherium to Wed Eleora Asperhand
    Summer Solstice Festival Leaving Town
    26 August 1881
    Wedding Day Approaches
    07 September 1881
    Vampire Bride Gives Birth to Twins
    Swedish Princess Visits Hogsmeade
    09 September 1881
    Chief Warlock Found Dead in Ministry Elevator
    10 September 1881
    Impromptu Infant
    22 September 1881
    Eccentric Alchemist is Coming Back to Hogsmeade
    06 October 1881
    Hogwarts Hussies
    10 October 1881
    Minister's Sister to Wed
    Wedding Bells Sound Around Hogsmeade
    Isis Howard
    20 October 1881
    Azkaban Releases Witch
    Eligible Bachelor Secures Questionable Bride!
    22 October 1881
    What are They Teaching Our Daughters?
    24 October 1881
    Evangeline Asperhand Rebuts Article
    Auror Saves Young Woman's Life!
    25 October 1881
    Hogwarts Responds to Recent Criticism
    26 October 1881
    A Member of the Holyhead Harpies Speaks Out
    Student Reaction to the Changes
    27 October 1881
    Ministry Stands Behind Black
    01 November 1881
    Girl Killed at Hogwarts
    17 November 1881
    More Scandal at Hogwarts
    18 November 1881
    Another Potter Scandal
    Divorce in Hogsmeade
    27 November 1881
    A Broken Betrothal
    28 November 1881
    Auror-in-Training Saves Upper Class Girl
    02 December 1881
    Diana Winthrop Released
    Kleptomaniac Mer!
    05 December 1881
    Hogwarts Rife with Disease
    Dionne Etter Poisoned
    06 December 1881
    Rumors of Scandal at Hogwarts Confirmed
    07 December 1881
    Cage Wakefield Presumed Dead in Shipwreck
    08 December 1881
    Hogwarts Desecrated by Graffiti
    09 December 1881
    Hogwarts Rapist Expelled
    Impropriety at Hogwarts
    10 December 1881
    Local Businessman Murdered by Vampire
    Andren Lovegood Speaks on Behalf of his Sister
    25 December 1881
    Merry Christmas from the Minister
    30 December 1881
    31 December 1881
    Mistletoe at Hogwarts

    13 January 1882
    Princess a Fraud
    A Call for National Educational Reform
    24 January 1882
    Hogwarts Teacher Missing
    28 January 1882
    Horrific Experiments Unearthed
    30 January 1882
    Adler Awaits Sentence
    12 February 1882
    Crime in the Theater
    The Minister Steps Out
    14 February 1882
    A Whore in High Society
    15 February 1882
    Riley Betrothed to Whore
    17 February 1882
    Riley Rescinds Betrothal
    Prewett Family Expands
    18 February 1882
    England to Wed Russia
    19 February 1882
    Married Fiancé
    20 February 1882
    Burglary in Hogsmeade
    On His Sister's Behalf
    The Van Helsings Arrived in Hogsmeade
    21 February 1882
    Widow Fears for Children
    25 February 1882
    A Woman's Tears
    27 February 1882
    A Wife's Betrayal
    "No Harm Will Come from My Family"
    03 March 1882
    Vocal Vicar Defends Licentious Local
    10 March 1882
    Engaged Before Coming Out
    18 March 1882
    It's All Over
    01 April 1882
    Minister Marked to Marry
    12 April 1882
    Unspeakable Joy
    17 April 1882]
    Suspicious Death in the Slums
    19 April 1882
    Vampire Killed in Forbidden Forest
    21 April 1882
    Another Vampire Attack
    23 April 1882
    Mysterious Attack on Hogwarts Students!
    25 April 1882
    Star Quidditch Player Returns to Hogsmeade
    A Secret Affair in Hogsmeade!
    Immorality at Hogwarts
    29 April 1882
    Mrs. Wilkinson Responds to the Article
    30 April 1882
    To the Editor
    01 May 1882
    Ministry Devises Secretive Draft for Hogsmeade Expansion
    02 May 1882
    Miss Root and Mister Hatchitt Set a Date
    04 May 1882
    Women Entered Into Draft By Menaces
    05 May 1882
    Community At Odds
    Dear Mr. Editor
    06 May 1882
    A Great Injustice Has Finally Been Set Right
    08 May 1882
    A Temptress Among Us
    Art Professor Responsible for the Attacks
    09 May 1882
    Another Hussy on the Horizon?
    Mister Whitlock's Affair Revealed
    Gallivans Expans
    12 May 1882
    An Utmost Respectable Match
    14 May 1882
    Prankster Holds Up Hogsmeade
    02 June 1882
    Minister or Murderer?
    04 June 1882
    Minister Defends the Draft
    06 June 1882
    Lestrange and Baudelaire Betrothed
    20 June 1882
    Minister in Mourning
    The Yaxley Household Welcomes its Newest Member
    Yet Another Addition to the Hogsmeade Population
    23 June 1882
    Seamstress' Sinister Secret
    The Rights of Women
    25 June 1882
    Goyle Bastard Conceived
    27 June 1882
    Seamstress Scandal Continues
    29 June 1882
    Scandal in a Pureblood Family
    05 July 1882
    22 July 1882
    Ministry Restricts Property Rights
    24 July 1882
    Minister a Fraud
    One Week's Wait
    26 July 1882
    Minister is Found!
    27 July 1882
    Ellory Pendergast Recovered
    02 August 1882
    Fraud Minister Gets Lifelong Sentence
    03 August 1882
    Kidnappers Found Dead
    Wealthy Newcomer Courts Fallen Women
    06 August 1882
    Five Dead in Fire
    08 August 1882
    Ambassador Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances
    Property Law Repealed
    Body Found in Slums
    15 August 1882
    Head of Magical Law Enforcement Found Dead
    Former Gringotts Goblin Arrested
    17 August 1882
    Masked Streakers!
    19 August 1882
    New Bride Kidnapped from Ransacked Home
    30 August 1882
    Headmaster Prepares for New Year
    31 August 1882
    Minister Makes Deal With Muggles
    Miss MacFusty to Marry Auror-in-Training
    12 September 1882
    Fish Out of Water
    15 September 1882
    Bizarre Death in Black Lake
    Thieving Widow Apprehended!
    16 September 1882
    Dead Infant Owled to Post Office
    Vampire Killed on High Street
    20 September 1882
    Mrs. Turnbull Sentenced
    04 October 1882
    Professor Murdered in Forbidden Forest
    13 October 1882
    Locked Room Mystery in Bartonburg
    28 October 1882
    05 November 1882
    Man Who Plotted the Heavens, Deceased at 45
    11 November 1882
    Mr. Mereworth's Mystery Maiden
    12 November 1882
    Cyclone Strikes Bombay
    Puddlemere Crushes Harpies 380-150
    13 November 1882
    Student Duelist Injured
    14 November 1882
    Tragedy Off Scottish Coast
    Falmouth Falcons Change Roster and Slogan
    Being True to Yourself
    15 November 1882
    A New Powerful Match
    Scandalist to Settle Down
    16 November 1882
    On Dueling
    Advice Column
    17 November 1882
    18 November 1882
    Solicitor in Irvingly
    Guard Against Seduction
    19 November 1882
    Tutshill Tornadoes versus Wigtown Wanderers
    20 November 1882
    Dangerous Seductresses
    21 November 1882
    Mereworth Engaged!
    22 November 1882
    Death in the Slums
    23 November 1882
    Female's Views on Quidditch
    Weekly Horoscopes
    The Best Lap-Dogs
    24 November 1882
    Parent Concern Growing Over Duels
    Pendergast Family Grows
    25 November 1882
    Snow Falls in Hogsmeade
    26 November 1882
    Carriage Accident
    Antonia Eastman Elopes
    27 November 1882
    28 November 1882
    Death in Padmore Park
    29 November 1882
    Unexpected Union
    30 November 1882
    Widow Recovers After Tragic Loss
    Kenmare Kestrels Defeat Wimbourne Wasps
    01 December 1882
    Ivana Memorial Asylum
    Current British-Irish League Rankings
    02 December 1882
    Small Boy Saves Sister
    Seer's Corner
    03 December 1882
    04 December 1882
    Appleby Arrows Defeat Falmouth Falcons
    05 December 1882
    Riots on Agrippa Wharf
    06 December 1882
    House Elves
    07 December 1882
    Browne Shoes Robbed
    08 December 1882
    Seer's Corner
    09 December 1882
    Corpse Found in Cemetery
    10 December 1882
    The Secrets of Mrs. Barragan
    Puddlemere United Loses to the Chudley Cannons
    11 December 1882
    Ministry Reports: Minister Alive and Well
    Another Baby Joins Hogsmeade
    12 December 1882
    Hogsmeade Crime Spree
    13 December 1882
    Dead Girl Identified
    14 December 1882
    Phoebe Black Deceased
    15 December 1882
    Asylum Opens
    Dinner Parties
    16 December 1882
    Return from the Grave
    Black Lake Freezes Over
    17 December 1882
    Miracle Victory for Harpies
    18 December 1882
    Bizarre Accident at Ministry of Magic
    A Paranoid Anonymous Letter
    19 December 1882
    Hogsmeade Crime Wave Continues
    Riley's Recovery
    20 December 1882
    Welcome Witch Murdered
    21 December 1882
    Tragedy on the Ice
    22 December 1882
    Care of Magical Creatures
    23 December 1882
    Muggles Imitate Magic
    24 December 1882
    Kenmare Loses to Montrose in Ten Minute Game
    Advice Column
    25 December 1882
    The Cup is Coming
    Merry Christmas Hogsmeade
    26 December 1882
    Quarter Session in Hogsmeade
    27 December 1882
    Murder in Dumblemead Town
    Boxing Day Delights
    Holiday Passing
    28 December 1882
    Daniel Riley Dies
    Widow Attacked
    29 December 1882
    Fatal Attraction
    Beloved Prankster
    30 December 1882
    Violent Death in Wellingtonshire
    Marriage of a Scandalist
    31 December 1882
    Appleby Arrows Lose to Caerphilly Catapults
    Advice Column

    01 January 1883
    Irvingly to Gain Infirmary
    Current League Standings
    02 January 1883
    Body Found in Bartonburg
    Fire Rages in Drug Shop
    03 January 1883
    Serial Killer Strikes Again
    Sands Bastard in Hogsmeade
    04 January 1883
    Mr. Wiliam Dudley
    05 January 1883
    Killer Captured
    Evelyn Pendergast Married
    06 January 1883
    Fourth Victim Identified
    07 January 1883
    Sands Employed at Hogwarts
    Chudley Cannons Lose to Falmoth Falcons
    Advice Column
    08 January 1883
    Group Desires Change on the Quidditch Pitch
    09 January 1883
    Charles-Jonathan Abbott Found Dead
    Water Crisis Worsens
    10 January 1883
    Dancer Murdered
    11 January 1883
    What's Blood Got to do With it?
    12 January 1883
    Blood is Thicker than Water
    Letter to the Editor
    13 January 1883
    A Father's Stance
    14 January 1883
    Student Floods Dungeon
    15 January 1883
    Puddlemere Defeats Ballycastle
    16 January 1883
    Brewing the Tasting Tonic
    17 January 1883
    Scandalous Paintings
    Birthday Wishes
    19 January 1883
    Muggles Leap Forward
    What Really Makes a Man Better
    20 January 1883
    Love and Marriage
    21 January 1883
    Advice Column
    22 January 1883
    Ministry Official Dies
    Holyhead Barely Defeats Kenmare
    23 January 1883
    Attack in Irvingly
    24 January 883
    A Little Bit of Lace
    Snowflake Social a Success
    25 January 1883
    Do We Really Want to be Objects?
    26 January 1883
    Repairs Completed
    Lost and Found
    27 January 1883
    Slasher Strikes
    A Woman's Power
    28 January 1883
    Appleby Arrows Defeat Montrose Magpies
    A Mother's Opinion on Marriage
    29 January 1883
    World Cup Competitors Announced
    30 January 1883
    Quarter Sessions Pass Off Without Incident
    31 January 1883
    Art World Not for Women?
    01 February 1883
    Buyer Beware
    02 February 1883
    The Fellowship of New Life Emerges
    03 February 1883
    Amortentia Laced Tea Causes Havoc in Hogsmeade
    Debutante Murdered
    04 February 1883
    Improve Your Singing Voice
    05 February 1883
    Tea Scandal Continues
    League Rankings Updated
    06 February 1883
    Two Lives Lost in Slum Fire
    07 February 1883
    Amortentia Causes Divorce
    08 February 1883
    Turnbull Mystery Solved?
    The Headmaster's Legacy
    09 February 1883
    Truth to the Mystery
    New Broomstick Not on the Market?
    Welcome to a New Malfoy
    Madeline Hatchitt Delivers Triplets
    10 February 1883
    Laundress Killed
    Urquart in Custody
    11 February 1883
    Student Killed
    Useful Methods of Self Protection
    Quidditch Baskets to be Replaced with Standardized Hoops
    Puddlemere Beats Falmouth
    12 february 1883
    Bring Back our Baskets!
    Chudley Cannons Defeat Tutshill Tornadoes
    13 February 1883
    Minister's Sister Missing
    14 February 1883
    Padfooted Plimpy Discovered
    Death of a Poet
    15 February 1883
    Dark Wizards Arrested
    Irvingly Shop Vandalized
    Rape in Hogsmeade
    Two Added to Pendergast Brood
    16 February 1883
    Bakery Burglarized
    17 February 1883
    Slasher Captured
    18 February 1883
    Cure for Gangonboils Discovered
    Kenmare Defeats Wigtown
    19 February 1883
    Applyby Victory Against the Harpies
    20 February 1883
    Post Office Scandal
    21 February 1883
    Anonymous Letter About Filch Scandal
    Arts Ruining Our Daughters?
    22 February 1883
    Owl Emporium Sales Skyrocket
    Mrs. Valerius Welcomes Son
    23 February 1883
    Pitch Construction Begins
    24 February 1883
    Slasher Sentenced
    25 Februar 1883
    Healer's Wife Attacked
    26 February 1883
    Local Wizard Arrested for Trafficking Manticores
    27 February 1883
    MacFusty Elopes
    28 February 1883
    Dark Cult Sentenced
    01 March 1883
    Rule, Britannia!
    Infirmary Now Open!
    02 March 1883
    Creature Population on Rise
    03 March 1883
    Minister in Mourning?
    Asylum Break Out
    Jinx Trading Company Collapses
    04 March 1883
    Goblin Silver Stolen From Jewelry Store
    05 March 1883
    Asylum Escapee Dead!
    First Manticore Cub Recovered
    06 March 1883
    Attack on High Street
    07 March 1883
    Mr. Bates to be Trusted With Our Safety?
    Blood Purist Speaks
    08 March 1883
    Another Elopement in Hogsmeade
    09 March 1883
    Minister's Sister Dead
    10 March 1883
    Linnet Apartments
    11 March 1883
    Fire in Bartonburg
    12 March 1883
    Cannons Defeat Ballycastle
    13 March 1883
    Inferi in Hogsmeade?
    16 March 1883
    Dalliston Murdered
    17 March 1883
    Murderer Apprehended
    18 March 1883
    Dangerous Animagus Strikes Padmore Park
    19 March 1883
    Student Falls From Astronomy Tower
    20 March 1883
    Fisherman Found Dead
    Girl Speaks Against Daily Prophet
    21 March 1883
    Is the Daily Prophet Just for Fun?
    Authoress Writes Still
    22 March 1883
    Bubble Head Charm Deemed a Success
    23 March 1883
    Miss Aretta Tipton Launches a New Beautifying Potion
    24 March 1883
    Upheaval in Magical Law Enforcement
    25 March 1883
    Dangerous Animagus Captured
    26 March 1883
    The Final Victim
    27 March 1883
    Holyhead Harpies' New Second-String Seeker
    28 March 1883
    Four Werewolves Found Dead
    29 March 1883
    Earl's Daughter Wed
    30 March 1883
    Back From the Dead?
    31 March 1883
    Who's in Page's Grave?
    01 April 1883
    Monthly Horoscopes
    02 April 1883
    Strauss' 'The Bat'
    03 April 1883
    Crups Recovered
    04 April 1883
    Werewolf Killer Steps Forward
    Magart Gallery in Hogsmeade
    05 April 1883
    The Parker Mystery
    06 April 1883
    Owl Prices Stabilize
    07 April 1883
    Fire in Bartonburg
    08 April 1883
    Magical Teapot Scares Muggle Ladies
    09 April 1883
    Manticore Murders Nine Year Old
    10 April 1883
    Women Warned
    11 April 1883
    Whizzhard Books: a Look Inside
    12 April 1883
    Quidditch Pre-Cup Chaos
    13 April 1883
    Potioneer Dead
    14 April 1883
    Boat Capsizes in Padmore Park
    15 April 1883
    Child Dies After a Healer's Mistake
    16 April 1883
    Healer Responsible for a Child's Death Commits Suicide
    17 April 1883
    Knotgrass Prices Rise
    18 April 1883
    Wizlit Welcomes its Newest Star
    19 April 1883
    Weasley to Leave Quidditch
    20 April 1883
    To the Editor
    21 April 1883
    On Aiding Children
    22 April 1883
    Murder in Padmore Park
    23 April 1883
    Quidditch Referee Vanishes
    24 April 1883
    Local Girl Kidnapped
    Corpse Found Near High street
    26 April 1883
    Construction Complete
    27 April 1883
    "Dead" Woman Speaks
    28 April 1883
    Prewett Clan Expands
    29 April 1883
    Baby Boiled to Death
    30 April 1883
    Falmouth Chaser Arrested
    01 May 1883
    Suspicious Death
    02 May 1883
    Writing for Life
    03 May 1883
    Edna Urquart Sentenced to the Asylum
    Belby for Azkaban
    04 May 1883
    Mrs. Prewett Passes
    05 May 1883
    Wealthy Gentleman Found Tortured
    Prewett Lashes Out
    06 May 1883
    Death in Yaxley Family
    07 May 1883
    Olive Lovegood Dies
    08 May 1883
    Sudden Rise in Demand for Flowers
    09 May 1883
    Wife Attacked in Willingtonshire Home
    10 May 1883
    What if My Husband Doesn't Love me Anymore?
    11 May 1883
    Mrs. Atalanta Pendergast Attacked
    12 May 1883
    Mr. Colton's Annual Spring Ball Destroyed
    13 May 1883
    Student Vanishes on Hogsmeade Trip
    14 May 1883
    Body Found in Forbidden Forest
    15 May 1883
    Trelawney Investigation Continues
    18 May 1883
    Revival of a Success
    19 May 1883
    Missing Student Found
    20 May 1883
    Italian Hospital Attacked
    21 May 1883
    Interview With Our National Captain
    22 May 1883
    Dangerous Gobstones Recalled
    24 May 1883
    A Questionable Season?
    25 May 1883
    Iolanthe a Hundred Times
    26 May 1883
    Valour Rutledge Dies
    27 May 1883
    Another Adulteress in Hogsmeade
    28 May 1883
    Czar Alexander III Crowned in Moscow
    29 May 1883
    Public Indecency!
    30 May 1883
    Farmer Finds Treasure
    31 May 1883
    Danger and Tragedy on the Isle of Drear
    And Here They Are
    01 June 1883
    Britain's Quidditch Team: a Closer View
    02 June 1883
    Interview with Britain's Keeper
    04 June 1883
    Attack in Padmore Park
    05 June 1883
    Galleons Gone Gallivanting
    06 June 1883
    A Foreign View
    07 June 1883
    My Brush with Death
    08 June 1883
    Mr. Flavius Bulstrode Gone Missing
    09 June 1883
    A Young Beater Speaks
    11 June 1883
    Missing Thestral Reported
    13 June 1883
    Increasing Numbers
    18 June 1883
    Victoria Hall Disaster
    A Narrow Defeat
    19 June 1883
    Mr. Flavius Bulstrode Found
    20 June 1883
    The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
    23 June 1883
    Mr. Flavius Bulstrode's Wife Found Dead
    25 June 1883
    Gustave Aimard Dies at Sixty-Four
    26 June 1883
    Man Trampled to Death by Carriage
    27 June 1883
    Catch That Sni-Baby
    28 June 1883
    Acromantula Breeder Apprehended
    29 June 1883
    Interview with Egypt's Female Chaser
    30 June 1883
    Keeping it in the Family
    02 July 1883
    Chimera Sighted
    03 July 1883
    Fudge Family Opens Seaside Resort
    04 July 1883
    Hyslop Family Welcomes New Baby
    05 July 1883
    Introducing Mademoiselle Deschamps
    06 July 1883
    Tragedy in Hyslop Family
    07 July 1883
    Xavier Rastick to Have Chocolate Frog Card
    09 July 1883
    Interview with France's Keeper
    10 July 1883
    Quite the Fish Tail
    11 July 1883
    French Captain Speaks
    12 July 1883
    Last Living Quagga Dies
    13 July 1883
    Magical Astronomy of Ancient World
    14 July 1883
    Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions
    16 July 1883
    What Thorn
    17 July 1883
    Body Recovered From the Black Lake
    18 July 1883
    Inferius in Irvingly
    19 July 1883
    Garvey Goes Down
    A Mother Lost
    20 July 1883
    Corpse Found Outside of Irvingly Casino
    21 July 1883
    Magical Painting Stolen
    23 July 1883
    Tragedy in the Skies
    Mrs. Oakheart Goes Missing
    24 July 1883
    Intoxicated House Elf
    25 July 1883
    Lady Mary Fitzwilliam-Rose
    26 July 1883
    Almost Buried Alive
    03 August 1883
    Owls, Toads or Cats?
    04 August 1883
    A Viscount is Born
    06 August 1883
    Mr. Achilles Oakheart Attempts to Elope
    07 August 1883
    Infant Crushed to Death by Pig
    10 August 1883
    Underage Magic Causes Death
    11 August 1883
    Mr. Collins Presumed Dead After Vanishing
    End of Esme Endicott
    14 August 1883
    Man Found Dead in Forbidden Forest
    15 August 1883
    Purloined purebloods
    16 August 1883
    Mrs. Oakheart Found
    20 August 1883
    And the Winner is ...
    21 August 1883
    Cadaver Uncovered
    22 August 1883
    Suspect Floozy Flees
    23 August 1883
    Watch Those Howlers Fly
    Minister Makes Announcement
    24 August 1883
    Lestrange Girls Rescued
    Death at a Bookstore
    25 August 1883
    Lestrange and Blishwick to Wed
    27 August 1883
    Collins Found Dead
    Just What Goes Into Matching Wands to Wizards?
    28 August 1883
    Freya Abbott Wanted
    29 August 1883
    Body Found in Godric's Hollow
    Superior Scar Salve
    30 August 1883
    The Ladies Shall Fly Again
    31 August 1883
    The Refuge - Cauldron
    01 September 1883
    The Head Girl's Opinion on Changes
    04 September 1883
    Smoke from the Slums
    05 September 1883
    Miss Calvin Sent to Asylum
    06 September 1883
    Charms Gone Awry
    07 September 1883
    'Colorful Irises'
    10 September 1883
    Arthur Pettigrew Switches Teams
    11 September 1883
    Mountain Troll Pillages Village
    12 September 1883
    Illegal Pets on the Rise
    13 September 1883
    Godric's Hollow Corpse Identified
    14 September 1883
    'The White Lotus Pond' is Coming to Hogsmeade!
    17 September 1883
    Atmospheric Charm Destroys Home in Godric's Hollow
    18 September 1883
    Freya Abbott Still at Large
    21 September 1883
    Countess' Sister Marries Young Healer
    24 September 1883
    First Quidditch Weekend
    25 September 1883
    Tea Parties with Elves
    26 September 1883
    Erkling Massacre?
    27 September 1883
    Body Found in High Security Vault
    01 October 1883
    Three Days Worth of Games
    02 October 1883
    Intoxicated Bicorn
    03 October 1883
    "Screech for Them, Song for Us"
    04 October 1883
    Boston Blaze
    05 October 1883
    Turkish Minister of Magic Revealed to be a Werewolf
    06 October 1883
    Harpies Lose Chaser
    08 October 1883
    Flying Carpet Over Cardiff
    09 October 1883
    Dive for Disaster
    10 October 1883
    Express D'Orient
    12 October 1883
    Famous Potioneers and Healers
    19 October 1883
    Wife Turns Husband Into Pig After Argument
    22 October 1883
    Ask Harmony
    23 October 1883
    Accident Magic Awry
    24 October 1883
    Wizard's Wand Stolen; Blame Placed on Goblins
    29 October 1883
    What Happened?
    30 October 1883
    Freya Abbott Sighted
    02 November 1883
    Wealthy Solicitor Weds Middle Class Girl
    05 November 1883
    Lord Algernon Lawrence Murdered
    06 November 1883
    Glove Shop Gone
    07 November 1883
    Tears in Gemany
    08 November 1883
    Godric F. Wilde
    Young Marriage
    12 November 1883
    Snow in Hogsmeade
    Engagement Broken
    13 November 1883
    Tea for the town
    14 November 1883
    Irvingly School to Open
    15 November 1883
    Son to Take Over Father's Legacy
    16 November 1883
    Minister's Brother Engaged
    17 November 1883
    Professor Found Dead
    19 November 1883
    Wedding Bells to Ring
    20 November 1883
    Abbott Apprehended
    Marriage Arranged for Evangeline Asperhand
    22 November 1883
    The 'Snow White' of Asphodel Cemetery
    23 November 1883
    The 'Cinderella' of Padmore Park
    24 November 1883
    Volkov to Inherit
    26 November 1883
    Beauty Potion Accident
    27 November 1883
    Abbott Trial Suspended
    28 November 1883
    Harmony's Beauty Secrets
    30 November 1883
    Murderer Captured
    01 December 1883
    Hippogriff Flies Over Hogsmeade
    02 December 1883
    Save the Date
    03 December 1883
    Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
    04 December 1883
    The Plot Thickens
    07 December 1883
    Illegal Wands Cache Discovered in Irvingly
    08 December 1883
    Young Lawyer and Wife Murdered
    Get Festive for the Holidays
    09 December 1883
    Death by Unicorn
    10 December 1883
    Missing Hippogriff
    11 December 1883
    Trelawney Walks Free
    12 December 1883
    Woman Missing From Hospital
    Stella Borgin Spotted Unchaperoned
    20 December 1883
    Lestrange 'Lestrange' No More
    21 December 1883
    Watch Out for Your Purses!
    22 December 1883
    Family Trouble
    23 December 1883
    Wedding Bells A-Ring
    24 December 1883
    A Snowstorm for the Holiday?
    25 December 1883
    Gobble up Your Christmas Feast
    Whale Ashore
    26 December 1883
    Escaped Patient Found Dead
    29 December 1883
    Letters of Condolences
    31 December 1883
    League Rankings

    01 January 1884
    An Icy Incident
    02 January 1884
    Princess Ida Soon to Come
    03 January 1884
    The Train is Coming
    04 January 1884
    Cursed by a 'Beauty' Potion
    Runaway Bride
    05 January 1884
    A New Debutante
    09 January 1884
    Animal Hoarder Found in Bartonburg
    11 January 1884
    Have You Lost Your Purse?
    12 January 1884
    Werewolf Attack in Asphodel Cemetery
    First Time Hosting a Dinner Party?
    14 January 1884
    Local Widow Goes Missing
    15 January 1884
    Violent Murder
    16 January 1884
    Accident in Padmore Park
    18 January 1884
    Lost Purse Recovered!
    20 January 1884
    Hussies Return
    21 January 1884
    Accounting for Personal Responsibility
    Station Open at Last
    22 January 1884
    A Position of Care
    24 January 1884
    More Reign for Women
    25 January 1884
    A Tragic Loss
    26 January 1884
    Lestrange and Pendergast Wed
    29 January 1884
    Dragon Dung Disaster
    30 January 1884
    More Life in Hogsmeade
    01 February 1884
    February 1884 League Rankings
    02 February 1884
    Courtship Trouble?
    03 February 1884
    Better Training, Better results?
    04 February 1884
    Man on a Broomstick Sighted Above the Town of Ilkley
    07 February 1884
    Minister's Brush With Death
    Tragic Accident
    09 February 1884
    Bodes' Baby Nearly Killed
    11 February 1884
    Former Minister Grogan Stump Dies
    12 February 1884
    Released From Azkaban
    13 February 1884
    Chaos in Diagon Alley
    14 February 1884
    Find Love This Valentine's Day
    15 February 1884
    An Amortentia Incident
    18 February 1884
    Living Dinosaur Skeletons
    19 February 1884
    Muggle Victim of Magical Mayhem
    20 February 1884
    Golden Snitch Loose in Cornwall
    22 February 1884
    Man Gets Splinched on Muggle Street
    23 February 1884
    Two Wizards Terrorize Muggle Children
    25 February 1884
    Second-String Seeker Flees Country
    26 February 1884
    A Deadly Tonic
    28 February 1884
    Recruitment Party
    01 March 1884
    The Minister of Magic is Dead
    Potter Weds Browne
    04 March 1884
    Looking to the Future
    05 March 1884
    Cauldron Attack!
    06 March 1884
    Minister's Murderer Martyred
    07 March 1884
    New Dumbledore Son Born
    08 March 1884
    Let the Race Begin
    Famous Soprano Coming to Hogsmeade
    09 March 1884
    An Interview with Faustus Prewett
    A Glamorous Homecoming Ball
    11 March 1884
    Unspeakable Excitement
    15 March 1884
    'The Witch of Fate' a Flop
    19 March 1884
    Interview With an Auror
    Illegal Breeding Bust
    22 March 1884
    A Lestrange on the Run
    23 March 1884
    Elderly Woman Disappears
    25 March 1884
    Goblins: the Shortest Threat
    26 March 1884
    Alchemy Gone Wrong
    27 March 1884
    29 March 1884
    Winthrop Family Patriarch Dies
    01 April 1884
    Another Ministerial Candidate Announced
    Rowle and Asperhand Wed
    02 April 1884
    Darrow for Minister
    Donation to Public Health
    03 April 1884
    Former Minister Stump has Passed On
    04 April 1884
    New Candidate Joins the Fray
    Like Mother, Like Daughter
    05 April 1884
    Another Death in the Upper Class
    07 April 1884
    Hogsmeade to Gain an Orphanage
    08 April 1884
    Rumors on International Quidditch Association Policy
    09 April 1884
    Man Found Strangled
    11 April 1884
    Headmaster's Barrier Repaired
    12 April 1884
    Scientia ex Lux Lucis
    Carmichael Retracts Campaign Point
    13 April 1884
    Flower Dilemmas
    14 April 1884
    Pixie Attack in Edinburgh
    Son Born to Priam Lestrange
    15 April 1884
    Viscount of Vehemency
    The Youngest Ministerial Candidate
    Prewett for Education
    17 April 1884
    Illicit Peatreek Distillery Uncovered
    18 April 1884
    Mr. George Boot Found Dead
    Death in the MacFusty Family
    19 April 1884
    New Ministerial Candidate
    Wizard Examinations Authority Member Joins the Run
    21 April 1884
    Easter Prank Gone Wrong
    22 April 1884
    Newest Hogwarts Hussy a Prefect
    Padmore Park Rescue
    23 April 1884
    Potioneer Marries Ripley
    Medical Fund Announced
    25 April 1884
    Raining Rats
    26 April 1884
    Blishwicks Like Their Italians
    Pendergast Pays Rival!
    27 April 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    Accidental Magic Gone Wrong
    28 April 1884
    Urquart on the Move?
    May he Rest in Peace
    29 April 1884
    Webster Adopts Bear
    30 April 1884
    Speeches on the Horizon
    A Chimera Slain
    01 May 1884
    Jane Prewett Prize Announced
    02 May 1884
    A Community Donation
    03 May 1884
    This Year's Exams
    04 May 1884
    Pendergast Grooms New Generation
    06 May 1884
    Walsh Seeks Divorce
    Mr. Webster on the ATC and the New Hogwarts Scandal
    07 May 1884
    An Anna Karenina Like Ending
    09 May 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    10 May 1884
    No Chastity Belts for Hogwarts Students
    The Next Generation
    12 May 1884
    Minister's Murder Solved
    Letter to the Editor
    13 May 1884
    Prewett Saves Widow
    Letter to the Editor
    14 May 1884
    Candidate's Generosity Speaks Volumes
    Wandering White Peacock
    Letter to the Editor
    15 May 1884
    Another Blow
    Child Trampled by Carriage
    Letter to the Editor
    17 May 1884
    Notice From the Editor
    Pendergast Family Expands
    18 May 1884
    Chaser Impaled
    Wretched Heartbreak
    19 May 1884
    Tragedy in the Lestrange Family
    21 May 1884
    An Act of Heroism
    23 May 1884
    Parkinson Provides Scholarship
    27 May 1884
    Current League Rankings
    28 May 1884
    Corpse Found in Alley
    30 May 1884
    Mr. Webster Defeats Manticore
    A Sudden Departure
    31 May 1884
    Promotion for Casper Darrow
    Another School Year Comes to an End
    03 June 1884
    The Chudley Cannons Draft a New Seeker
    04 June 1884
    Costa's Chimaera
    05 June 1884
    Young Lady Attacked
    07 June 1884
    Browning Family Expands
    09 June 1884
    The Joys of Summer
    10 June 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    11 June 1884
    The Results are In
    13 June 1884
    Head Auror Gracious in Defeat
    Third Blishwick Daughter Wed
    Rain, Rain, Come Again?
    16 June 1884
    Troll Wrangler Dies
    20 June 1884
    Padmore Pond Shrinking!
    21 June 1884
    Divorce Granted in Walsh Case
    23 June 1884
    Padmore Puddle?
    24 June 1884
    Courting Advice
    25 June 1884
    That Droughtful Feeling
    26 June 1884
    Inside the Mystery
    27 June 1884
    Foul Smells Cancel Summer Picnic
    28 June 1884
    Five More Dead at Carnival
    Annabel Lee Mulciber
    29 June 1884
    Who is Mrs. Titan Yaxley?
    Dragon on the Loose
    30 June 1884
    Hogwarts Professor Falls Off Stairs Because of Laughter
    01 July 1884
    Wigtown/Ballycastle Game Drags On
    04 July 1884
    Ministry Declares Epidemic
    'Widow' Left Wanting
    05 July 1884
    Viscountess Cornwall Dead
    06 July 1884
    The Death Toll
    07 July 1884
    Pendergast Patriach Dead
    11 July 1884
    The City Ablaze
    12 July 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    13 July 1884
    Wilde Changes Ahead
    The Death Toll
    15 July 1884
    Letters to the Editor
    16 July 1884
    Blaze Extinguished at Last
    Tent in the Park
    17 July 1884
    The Race Continues
    18 July 1884
    Wandmaker Goes Down With his Shop
    19 July 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    20 July 1884
    The Death Toll
    23 July 1884
    Out of the Ashes
    24 July 1884
    Minister Urquart's Dilemma
    27 July 1884
    The Death Toll
    28 July 1884
    A Medical Breakthrough
    29 July 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    30 July 1884
    Collapse Causes Casualties
    01 August 1884
    A Magical Breakthrough
    02 August 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    03 August 1884
    Relief and Loss
    The Death Toll
    07 August 1884
    Revisited: The Tail of Mirabella Plunkett
    08 August 1884
    Back to School?
    09 August 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    11 August 1884
    Earthquake in United States
    12 August 1884
    Wigtown/Ballycastle Game Continues
    13 August 1884
    Another Patriarch Down
    14 August 1884
    Magizoologist Speaks Out on Lizard People
    15 August 1884
    Rain Leaves Spain
    16 August 1884
    Not Your Typical Sunday
    17 August 1884
    The Death Toll
    18 August 1884
    'Shark' Sighted. Again.
    19 August 1884
    Man Tries to Make Inferi Out of Wife
    20 August 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    21 August 1884
    A Vaccine!
    Letter to the Editor
    Letter to the Editor
    22 August 1884
    Slapping Glove Causes Chaos in Muggle Clothing Shop
    23 August 1884
    'Stolen' Diamond Necklace Found
    25 August 1884
    Teacher Mugged
    26 August 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    27 August 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    28 August 1884
    The French are in War
    MacFusty Elopes Again?
    29 August 1884
    Fake Vaccine Kills Family of Five
    30 August 1884
    Tornado Photographed
    Highland Games
    31 August 1884
    Mysterious Body Discovered in Forest
    The Death Toll
    Letter to the Editor
    01 September 1884
    September is Here
    Letter to the Editor
    02 September 1884
    Flowers Left in Front of Arthur Pettigrew's House
    Letter to the Editor
    Letter to the Editor
    03 September 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    Letter to the Editor
    04 September 1884
    Grand Reopening for Valois Parfumerie
    Letter to the Editor
    Letter to the Editor
    Letter to the Editor
    05 September 1884
    Cure Found, Quarantine to Life
    06 September 1884
    Bastard Inherits Selwyn Fortune
    07 September 1884
    Dream Interpretations
    08 September 1884
    New MacFustys Born
    09 September 1884
    Quidditch Predictions
    10 September 1884
    A Born Orphan
    11 September 1884
    Body Found
    Strays Everywhere
    12 September 1884
    Hoax Revealed
    13 September 1884
    Back To School
    14 September 1884
    Letter To The Editor
    15 September 1884
    Hogwarts Express Prank Goes Wrong
    16 September 1884
    The World Comes to Hogwarts
    17 September 1884
    Tragedy in the Hebrides
    Drunk and Disorderly Goblins
    18 September 1884
    Rekindle the Stars
    19 September 1884
    Aurors Avert Arson
    20 September 1884
    New Spell Created
    21 September 1884
    Relationship Compatibility
    22 September 1884
    Basilisk Not Spotted
    23 September 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    24 September 1884
    Yaxley Publishes Research Book
    25 September 1884
    Muggle Debutante Comes Out in Boils
    26 September 1884
    'Adonis' Premiers in New York City
    27 September 1884
    Ghost Bride
    28 September 1884
    Hardy Perennials and Old-Fashioned Flowers
    29 September 1884
    Three-Headed Dog Stolen
    30 September 1884
    Montcalm and Wolfe
    01 October 1884
    Hogwarts Etiquette Professor Missing
    02 October 1884
    Hogwarts' Students Glad to be Back in Session
    03 October 1884
    Black is the New Black
    04 October 1884
    The Sweet Taste of Freedom
    Letter to the Editor
    05 October 1884
    Yaxley Marries Yaxley
    Howlers Defeat Cannons
    Letter to the Editor
    06 October 1884
    Appleby Trounces Falmouth
    Letter to he Editor
    07 October 1884
    Murdered Werewolf Presumed to be Miss Vera Rose
    10 October 1884
    Girl On Fire
    11 October 1884
    Pettigrew to be Released
    Wallace to Wed Veela
    12 October 1884
    Tea Party Gone Awry
    13 October 1884
    Three-Headed Dog Found
    14 October 1884
    Spiller is the New Ventus
    15 October 1884
    Seventeen Days a Vulture
    16 October 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    18 October 1884
    Stooge This
    Widow Goes Missing
    19 October 1884
    Man Dies When Trying to Impress Prospective Father-in-Law
    20 October 1884
    Three-Headed Dog Not Found
    21 October 1884
    Here Be Dragons
    Press Conference Announced
    Letter to the Editor
    22 October 1884
    Village Devoures
    24 October 1884
    Premature Halloween Prank Gone Wrong
    25 October 1884
    Blishwick Family Expands
    Letter to the Editor
    26 October 1884
    Accidental Magic Gone Wrong
    27 October 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    29 October 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    30 October 1884
    Not a MacFusty Department
    A Response To:
    31 October 1884
    Miss Wren Returns
    01 November 1884
    Nightmare on Halloween
    02 November 1884
    Fake 'Intelligence Potion' Almost Kills Student
    03 November 1884
    Baby Posted to Home Office
    04 November 1884
    Death of a Harlot
    05 November 1884
    Van Rossum Marries Maid
    06 November 1884
    Ballet Dancer Outed
    07 November 1884
    The Next Generation of Quidditch
    08 November 1884
    Carriage Accident on Snidget Lane
    09 November 1884
    Animagus Killed
    11 November 1884
    United States Presidential Election Results
    12 November 1884
    Mrs. Grimaldi Not Widowed
    13 November 1884
    Writing Contest to be Held
    14 November 1884
    Three-Headed Dog Found
    17 November 1884
    More Dead Debs
    19 November 1884
    Welcome Wesley Weasley
    20 November 1884
    Hair Hitman?
    21 November 1884
    Winner Takes All
    22 November 1884
    Wigtown/Ballycastle Game Hits Five Month Mark
    23 November 1884
    Child and Governess Missing
    24 November 1884
    Ballroom Extravaganza
    25 November 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    26 November 1884
    Woman Blows Hole in the Front of Her House
    27 Nobember 1884
    Stormchaser Unveiled
    28 November 1884
    Around the World in Eighty Dolls
    29 November 1884
    Second Son Vanishes
    01 December 1884
    Body Found From 1864 Murder
    02 December 1884
    Snowstorm Hits Hogsmeade
    03 December 1884
    Padmore Park Bridge Collapses
    Muggle Man Dead
    04 December 1884
    Lions and Tigers and Bears
    05 December 1884
    Dueling Tournament Death
    06 December 1884
    Daughter Born to Alfred St. John
    Bones Baby Boy
    07 December 1884
    Miss Edwina Fairchild Returned
    08 December 1884
    Dancing Disaster
    09 December 1884
    Dudley and Stephens Convicted of Murder in Survival Cannibalism
    10 December 1884
    Honeyduke's Announces New Treat
    11 December 1884
    Skating on Thin Ice
    12 December 1884
    Not a Debutante This Time
    14 December 1884
    Miss Edwina Fairchild Dead
    15 December 1884
    Love Potions and Lucy Hotions
    16 December 1884
    Cursed Conifers
    17 December 1884
    Dudley and Stephens to Serve Six Months
    18 December 1884
    Monkey Business
    20 December 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    21 December 1884
    Death of a Debutante
    22 December 1884
    Death of a Married Man That Definitely was Not a Debutante
    24 December 1884
    Letter to the Editor
    25 December 1884
    Merry Christmas
    26 December 1884
    Debutante Almost Chokes on Tea
    27 December 1884
    Christmas Dinner Gone Awry
    28 December 1884
    And the Champions Are...
    Child Snatching! Parents in a Panic!
    A Christmas Miracle
    29 December 1884
    Wigtown/Ballycastle Game Finally Wraps After Setting Six-Month Mark
    30 December 1884
    Current Quidditch League Rankings
    31 December 1884
    1885 is the Future
    01 January 1885
    Werewolf Sighted at Padmore Park?
    02 January 1885
    Abraxan Corporations Release Two-Storey Carriage
    03 January 1885
    Cavanaugh Marries Beauregard
    04 January 1885
    Atmospheric Charm Malfunction
    05 January 1885
    Malfoy Missing!
    Debutante Killer Arrested?
    06 January 1885
    Debutante Attacked, Stabbed
    07 January 1885
    Bonny New Year Baby
    08 January 1885
    The Shrake
    09 January 1885
    Abraxan Corporations to Create an Enchanted Yacht
    10 January 1885
    Vicious Attack in Bartonburg
    11 January 1885
    Better Safe Than Sorry
    13 January 1885
    "In Pursuit of the Chamber of Secrets"
    14 January 1885
    Mrs. Crabbe in Critical Condition
    15 January 1885
    Kwikspell: Expanding Minds Since 1885
    17 January 1885
    Misfortune for Mrs. Black
    19 January 1885
    Bicycles Not Safe
    20 January 1885
    A Death at Hogwarts
    24 January 1885
    Man Tests Out 'Flying Potion;' Dies
    26 January 1885
    Hogsmeade High Street Destroyed in Explosion
    27 January 1885
    Mr. Carmichael Dies in Explosion
    28 January 1885
    Murderous Maid Meets Painful End
    29 January 1885
    Into the Jungle
    03 February 1885
    Current Quidditch League Rankings
    04 February 1885
    The End of Ulick Gamp's Legacy
    05 February 1885
    Mrs. Volkova Decapitated
    06 February 1885
    Where's Wally?
    08 February 1885
    New Head Auror in Office
    09 February 1885
    Salem Square Sinkhole
    Advice Column
    10 February 1885
    Pigs Fly Over Hogsmeade
    14 February 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    16 February 1885
    Honeyduke Missing
    Bittersweet Valentine's
    17 February 1885
    No Death, Murder, or Crime
    19 February 1885
    Wakey, Wakey, Wakey!
    22 February 1885
    Killer Sausages
    23 February 1885
    24 February 1885
    "Girl of the Ocean"
    25 February 1885
    The Mastication of the Macnair Twins
    26 February 1885
    27 February 1885
    Holy Cows Spotted
    28 February 1885
    Chinese Exhibition Coming to London Museum
    Downpour Imminent
    01 March 1885
    The Minister of Magic is Dead
    02 March 1885
    Minister is Actually Very Much Alive
    03 March 1885
    Rosa Lee Teabag Destroyed by Water Damage
    04 March 1885
    How Did Noelle Macmillan Die?
    05 March 1885
    Dancing Into Eternity
    When It Rains It Pours
    06 March 1885
    Storm Proof Umbrellas
    07 March 1885
    On Unbreakable Vows
    08 March 1885
    A-Moo-Zing Miracle
    11 March 1885
    12 March 1885
    Macnair Leaves Ministry
    Coffee Capture
    14 March 1885
    On Women and Dueling
    15 March 1885
    Pettigrew's Visitors: The Complete Exposé
    In Agreement With "On Women and Dueling"
    16 March 1885
    Man Stabbed on Ides of March
    17 March 1885
    "To the Moon"
    18 March 1885
    Another One Bites the Dust
    19 March 1885
    Follow That Carriage
    21 March 1885
    You Won't Believe What This Man Did to His Wife!
    Two Houses Alike in Dignity
    24 March 1885
    Malfoys in Mourning
    27 March 1885
    Yellow Bellied Chickens
    28 March 1885
    Find Out What Shocking Discovery People Had at Padmore Park This Morning
    29 March 1885
    Mrs. Bersley Ruins Her House Again
    30 March 1885
    It's Happened Again
    31 March 1885
    Ministry of Magic in Lockdown!
    01 April 1885
    Azkaban to Close
    02 April 1885
    April Fools!
    04 April 1885
    Man Wins Chess Tournament Thanks to Felix Felicis
    05 April 1885
    Hairy "Monster" Visits Hogsmeade
    06 April 1885
    Ministry Freed
    A Mother Missing
    Love At First Kite
    07 April 1885
    A Time to Mourn, Not Learn
    08 April 1885
    Pinocchio Syndrome?
    09 April 1885
    Chief Warlock Perishes
    In Memoriam
    Introducing Miss Riley
    11 April 1885
    'Soup in a Cauldron'
    13 April 1885
    Witch Weekly Changes Ownership
    14 April 1885
    Mr. and Mrs. Pea
    15 April 1885
    Daylight Vampire: The Return
    16 April 1885
    Hospital Purchases Asylum
    18 April 1885
    Mohrs to Hold a Birthday Party
    19 April 1885
    Quidditch Playing Birds
    21 April 1885
    Azkaban Falls Into the Sea
    22 April 1885
    Ministry Cautions Irvingly Residents
    24 April 1885
    New Treatment for Healing Minor Burns
    26 April 1885
    27 April 1885
    Convicts Escape Asylum
    28 April 1885
    "Extra Limb Growing Potion" A Sham
    29 April 1885
    Sebastian Echelon Slain
    30 April 1885
    Two Escaped Convicts Recaptured
    02  May 1885
    Dead Unicorn Found Near Asphodel Cemetery
    Jane Prewett Prize
    03 May 1885
    No More Ophelias
    Honeydukes Introduces New Treat
    05 May 1885
    Church Choir Refreshments Spiked
    Painting Stolen in Wellingtonshire
    08 May 1885
    09 May 1885
    Unicorn Traffickers Busted
    10 May 1885
    Final Pan-Magical Games Event Cancelled
    11 May 1885
    New Magical Theory Text
    12 May 1885
    "The Tempest"
    13 May 1885
    Daylight Vampire Slain
    16 May 1885
    Married Veela Seduces Teenager in Padmore Park
    Perry Pickett Found Dead
    20 May 1885
    Floo-Pow to Increase Prices
    21 May 1885
    We Can Teach You
    Wizards Dying Out
    22 May 1885
    Author Exposed
    Parkinson Scholar Announced
    23 May 1885
    More Unicorns Stolen
    24 May 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    26 May 1885
    Potter Abducted
    Atmospheric Charm Incident in Godric's Hollow
    28 May 1885
    Open Letter to the Minister
    29 May 1885
    The Wizarding Suite
    Letter to the Editor
    30 May 1885
    Hogwarts Students Sent Home Early
    An End for the Unicorn Business?
    01 June 1885
    The Weather
    02 June 1885
    Hexed Vases Uncovered in London
    03 June 1885
    Six Dead in Domestic Massacre
    04 June 1885
    Body Found
    05 June 1885
    Lockdown at Hogwarts
    06 June 1885
    This Year's OWLs and NEWTs
    07 June 1885
    Carrow and Lestrange to Wed
    08 June 1885
    Potter Portrait to be Unveiled at Last
    The Weather
    10 June 1885
    Captain Darcy Potter?
    13 June 1885
    Coming Out Balls are Stupid
    14 June 1885
    Where are the Tribblys?
    15 June 1885
    Voting Bill Proposed in Wizengamot
    A Mother Returned
    Pettigrew's Public Proposal
    The Weather
    16 June 1885
    Lestrange Slays, Arrested at the Ministry
    18 June 1885
    Massive Colliery Explosion
    20 June 1885
    Owls of the Void
    22 June 1885
    The Weather
    23 June 1885
    Love Potion-Laced Punch at Performance of Play
    24 June 1885
    Squib Wins Magic Carpet
    25 June 1885
    Manuscript Found
    03 July 1885
    Twins Born to the Rowle Family
    04 July 1885
    Snows, Heat Wave Disrupt Ministry
    Lloyd Newlyweds Disappear
    05 July 1885
    Newly Wed (Widowed?) Mrs. Tribbly Found
    06 July 1885
    The Weather
    07 July 1885
    'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Producer Wanted
    08 July 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    09 July 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    14 July 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    15 July 1885
    Con Artist Uncovered
    16 July 1885
    Lestrange and Baudelaire Married
    19 July 1885
    An (Impressive) Case of Accidental Magic
    21 July 1885
    Trolls in Padmore Park
    22 July 1885
    Baby Snatched
    Letter to the Editor
    23 July 1885
    Man Ignites Own Face
    24 July 1885
    Cheap Fabric or Fabrication?
    28 July 1885
    Wizengamot Goes Into Private Session
    29 July 1885
    Stag Smashes Ten Windows
    30 July 1885
    Brutal Mass Murder
    31 July 1885
    Hippogriff Attack
    01 August 1885
    The Truth Behind the Troll Attack
    02 August 1885
    Miss Arietta Armistead Found and Returned
    03 August 1885
    Lestrange Returns to Wizengamot
    The Weather
    04 August 1885
    Protests in Diagon Alley
    05 August 1885
    Giant Spider Infestation
    06 August 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    07 August 1885
    Arson and Arachnophobia
    08 August 1885
    The Black Lake is Going to Overflow
    09 August 1885
    Debutante Missing
    13 August 1885
    Lestrange Trial Pushed Again
    14 August 1885
    Irvingly Attack
    16 August 1885
    Cynthia Bloom Taken into Custody
    17 August 1885
    The Weather
    18 August 1885
    Lestrange Trial Continues
    19 August 1885
    Just Desserts
    20 August 1885
    Four Bodies Found
    21 August 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    22 August 1885
    Cynthia Bloom Had No Plan in Mind
    Letter to the Editor
    23 August 1885
    Ashwinder Accident?
    26 August 1885
    A Noble Union
    01 September 1885
    Lestrange Sentenced
    03 September 1885
    Fifth Cholera Pandemic Confirmed
    04 September 1885
    Veela Adulteress Spotted Again
    05 September 1885
    Corpse Found in Gringott's Vault
    Letter to the Editor
    06 September 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    07 September 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    Letter to the Editor
    08 September 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    09 September 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    10 September 1885
    Bulgaria Unified
    12 September 1885
    "Magical Ark" Sinks on Test Voyage
    13 September 1885
    "A Day in the Garden"
    15 September 1885
    Leaky Cauldron Casualty
    16 September 1885
    Vandalism in Diagon Alley
    18 September 1885
    Indecent Exposure in Padmore Park
    22 September 1885
    Longbottom Family Expands
    23 September 1885
    Foul Play?
    25 September 1885
    My Life as a Rat
    29 September 1885
    30 September 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    04 October 1885
    Gingerbread House in Bartonburg
    05 October 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    10 October 1885
    12 October 1885
    Gingerbread House Begins to Crumble
    21 October 1885
    Murder in Slums
    22 October 1885
    A Mysterious Disappearance
    25 October 1885
    Woman Found Dead in the Black Lake
    26 October 1885
    Corpse Bride
    An End to the Gingerbread House Saga
    28 October 1885
    Minister's Wife Passes
    29 October 1885
    Poor Lives Matter
    01 November 1885
    The Indestructible Mrs. Rutledge...
    Death Comes to the High Street
    02 November 1885
    Not in Your Backyard
    03 November 1885
    Enough is Enough
    04 November 1885
    A Study on Human Transfiguration
    05 November 1885
    A Family Reunited
    08 November 1885
    More Crime in the Slums
    09 November 1885
    Priam Lestrange Goes into Coma
    13 November 1885
    Corporal Punishment is the Way to Go
    21 November 1885
    Potions Experiment Gone Wrong
    24 November 1885
    Mr. Prewett's Biggest Fan?
    25 November 1885
    Brooms Flying off the Shelves
    28 November 1885
    Ross to Increase Slum Enforcement?
    29 November 1885
    Ellory Pendergast Attacked
    01 December 1885
    Pixies Loose in Hogsmeade
    05 December 1885
    Letter to the Editor
    12 December 1885
    Bartonburg Home Burns
    13 December 1885
    Safe Living Standards for the Slums
    14 December 1885
    What to do When You Leave School
    18 December 1885
    Scandal Rocks the Cannons
    25 December 1885
    An Atmospheric Charm Gone Wrong
    CC Cassius Lestrange on all articles.
    10 January 1886
    Robbers Raid the High Street
    13 January 1886
    Letter to the Editor
    14 January 1886
    Two Women Duel Over Teacup
    17 January 1886
    Hags in Hogsmeade!
    18 January 1886
    Further Tales of Unladylike Horrors
    20 January 1886
    Dog Girl Story Revealed!
    21 January 1886
    Letter to the Editor
    24 January 1886
    Miss Fisk Missing
    25 January 1886
    Safety for the Slums!
    26 January 1886
    The Case Against Women's Dueling
    28 January 1886
    Is Mr. Skeeter Mad?
    03 February 1886
    Letter to the Editor
    07 February 1886
    Silencio, Mr. Skeeter!
    Letter to the Editor
    08 February 1886
    Eagles Soar High
    14 February 1886
    Irvingly Home Goes Up in Flames
    17 February 1886
    Lestrange's Life Lost
    08 March 1886
    A Lady Duelist!?
    11 March 1886
    Raise Your Hammers!
    12 March 1886
    Get Out, Get Lost!
    16 March 1886
    Riley Dead, Greene in Hospital
    18 March 1886
    Shacklebolt a Prewett!?
    19 March 1886
    Mr. Justin Ross Promoted
    21 March 1886
    Man Seeks Woman
    22 March 1886
    Greene Succumbs to Injuries
    Public Art Gone Wrong
    05 April 1886
    The Wizengamot Rules on Dueling
    07 April 1886
    Mrs. Phaidra Cinderwell Joins the Wizengamot
    08 April 1886
    House Collapse in Irvingly
    14 April 1886
    Letter Culprit Revealed!
    16 April 1886
    Death By Unbreakable Vow
    04 May 1886
    Child Vanishes Parents
    15 May 1886
    What More Can be Done for the Poor?
    16 May 1886
    Mohr Veela Scandal!
    22 May 1886
    Pennyworth Unveiled
    24 May 1886
    The Veela Problem: An Expert Speaks Out
    25 May 1886
    A Half-Veela Prefect?!
    29 May 1886
    News Roundup
    30 May 1886
    Britain to Host 1886 World's Wizarding Fair
    31 May 1886
    The Class of 1886
    05 June 1886
    Sweet Design Competition
    07 June 1886
    Another School Year Gone
    12 June 1886
    Wizengamot Member's Newest Promotion!
    15 June 1886
    Minister Molested
    25 June 1886
    News Roundup
    23 July 1886
    Simpson Resigns
    01 August 1886
    A Shift in Focus
    07 August 1886
    Explosion in Irvingly
    09 August 1886
    Lost Letters?
    16 August 1886
    Changes at Hogwarts
    CC Cassius Lestrange on all articles.

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