Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    "Did You Know?" Blurbs
    Every couple of weeks, I'll be rotating the "Did You Know?" blurbs that are up in the announcements box with fresh ones. I'd love for members to come up with some as well!

    They can be about Charming and it's features (such as the buddy system and Daily Prophet) or about the era (such as chaperones). We're looking for little-known facts/ideas that perhaps newer members and old members alike either don't know about or don't utilize.

    Blurbs that are used can earn a board contribution stamp. You can submit as many as you like!

    This is an ongoing contest — there is no end date. Reply here with your suggestions. Let's see what you've got!
    Please tag Barnabas Skeeter in replies.
    [Image: visig_zpstvfnsede.jpg]
    [Image: Stamp3_zpsc250b732.png] [Image: HamletBt_zps96feccff.png]
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickersLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    "Did you know wizards and witches have a longer average lifespan than their muggle counterparts?"

    "Did you know Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans won't be invented for at least another 50 years?" Used 02/03

    "Did you know we have our own Wiki?" Used 08/04
    Rune keeps spoiling me unexpectedly with graphical wonders

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    "Did you know that Victorians were generally shorter than modern day people?"
    "Did you know the Victorians had a whole language of flowers?"

    "Did you know the Forbidden Forest is home to a herd of centaurs, amongst other things?" Used 08/04

    "Did you know that only Selkies are native to the Black Lake?"

    "Did you know the mers of the Black Lake regularly hunt the Giant Squid, but have never caught it?"
    [Image: LVt7zaV.jpg]
    I owe MJ all my love <3
    Jenny has sold her soul to gods of architecture and is most likely absent to some degree unless otherwise said. If you need me, various people have non-charming ways of throwing stones at me
    "Did you know that robes are closed like a dress, not open like a coat? You only wear your undergarments underneath!" Used 08/04

    "Did you know there is no house insignia on your Hogwarts uniform?" Used 03/01

    "Did you know a man courting a woman was restricted to gifts of flowers, candy, or books?" Used 02/03

    "Did you know a woman could only give a gift to a man if she had already received one, and then the gift was expected to be handmade and inexpensive?"

    "Did you know Victorians had languages of fans, handkerchiefs, and parasols?"
    [Image: 20zbrdd.jpg]

    set by Ladybug
    "Did you know that regardless of where they are from - be it England (North or South), Wales, Scotland or Ireland - a well brought up upper class person in the Victorian era would speak with a heightened received pronunciation accent?"
    Gertrude speaks with a Mancunian accent
    [Image: 7D8ZuIl.png]
    the glory is of course MJ's
    [Image: jhucnm.jpg][Image: 29wak5e.gif][Image: Baintaine2_zps2cbaf4a1.gif]
    "Did you know only 36% of late Victorian-era families comprised of only parents and their children? It was common for families of all classes to have extended family or lodgers living with them."

    "Did you know it was typical for children in families with a nanny or governess to only be allowed to see their parents once a day?" Used 08/31

    "Did you know that since 1880, all children had to attend school until they were ten, but in most of Britain it still cost money?"

    "Did you know that even the richest families would most likely not own their own homes? Unless they inherited property most rented homes." Used 03/01/16
    [Image: LVt7zaV.jpg]
    I owe MJ all my love <3
    Jenny has sold her soul to gods of architecture and is most likely absent to some degree unless otherwise said. If you need me, various people have non-charming ways of throwing stones at me
    Updated again.
    Please tag Barnabas Skeeter in replies.
    [Image: visig_zpstvfnsede.jpg]
    [Image: Stamp3_zpsc250b732.png] [Image: HamletBt_zps96feccff.png]
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickersLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    "Did you know that people in the 1800s drank five times as much hard liquor as the average person does now?" Used 10/22/14

    "Did you know? Countries like Germany and Italy have been unified for less than thirty years!"

    "Did you know? The modern city and the skyscraper began to rise in prominence during the 1880s!"

    "Did you know? The popularity of public libraries began to expand greatly in the 1880s, and were largely funded by philanthropists and businessmen such as Andrew Carnegie!" Used 04/25/16
    I just moved to a new country! [Image: mThvFq.png]
    set by MJ!

    [Image: 11shy53.gif][Image: 16204dv.gif]
    "Did you know the Statue of Liberty didn't arrive in America until July 1885?"

    "Did you know Hogsmeade is the only all magical settlement in Britain?"
    [Image: LVt7zaV.jpg]
    I owe MJ all my love <3
    Jenny has sold her soul to gods of architecture and is most likely absent to some degree unless otherwise said. If you need me, various people have non-charming ways of throwing stones at me
    • Boys wore frocks with pleated skirts until the age of three or four
    • Dressing a woman could sometimes comprise of almost twleve steps! Used 10/22/14
    • It wasn't uncommon to see a Victorian woman pass out at an event from lack of oxygen from an overly tight corset Used 06/20/15
    • The length of girl's skirts lengthened as they got older – the hemline started a bit below the knee, and lengthened as she got older 03/01/16
    • Children were often dressed in smaller versions of what adults would wear.
    • Child labor was not uncommon in the Victorian Era – children worked in factories, coal mines, textile mills, and were even sold into prostitution. [note: if the prostitution bit is too much, then that can be left out of the fact] Used 07/25
    [Image: PjJcRcW.jpg]
    [Image: NgWZmWq.png][Image: jV4zYu4.png][Image: q4dbTiu.jpg]
    [Image: O67Um7.png]
    Did you know? Students who live in Hogsmeade or Irvingly do not ride the Hogwarts Express! Instead, they simply meet the boats and carriages at Hogsmeade Station.
    Feel free to PM me for all things prophecy and plot related on that front.
    [Image: 2in8rm.jpg]
    set by Soph
    Did you know? White wedding dresses weren't popular until Queen Victoria wore one at her wedding to Prince Albert in 1840 in order to incorporate some of her favorite lace. Prior to the Victorian Era (which started roughly around 1837), most brides wore any color.
    [Image: FOaR5K9.jpg]
    Because I've been doing research

    Did you know? A divorce in Scotland could be obtained for as little as 12 pounds, or about 3 galleons! Used 10/22/14

    Did you know? Unlike England, in Scotland either sex could file for divorce on the grounds of infidelity or abandonment without further cause.

    Did you know? Because divorce was so much cheaper and easier to obtain in Scotland a couple married in England would have to prove residency in Scotland for a Scottish divorce to be considered valid.
    Tor has a heavy Scottish accent that might or might not be written out.

    set by Jenny
    Did you know the average waist size of a debutante was around 22" when corseted? Some women claimed to be able to get their waists down to 13"!

    Did you know 1 in 200 women in the late Victorian era would die of childbirth? Used 02/03

    Did you know the average age for a woman to marry was 22, however upper class women would likely marry before this? Used 01/01
    [Image: fairysig_zps59796844.jpg]
    up until the end of October 1884, Fairy was blonde
    These are more random 19th century events and notable births/deaths but I thought they'd be fun? xD

    The first automobile, the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, was built in 1886 by Karl Benz. 03/01/16
    (probably more applicable for next year, but yolo)

    The battery was invented in 1800, by Count Alessandro Volta.

    The first plastic surgery was performed in 1814!

    Naturalist Charles Darwin died on April 19th, 1882 - about 2 years ago IC! Used 01/01

    Philosopher Karl Marx died on March 17th, 1883 - about a year ago IC!

    Physicist and chemist Marie Curie was born on November 7th, 1867.

    Painter Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30th, 1853.

    Painter Pablo Picasso was born on October 25th, 1881.

    Author Franz Kafka was born on July 3d, 1883.

    Poet C. P. Cavafy was born on April 29th, 1863.

    The Brooklyn Bridge was opened on May 23rd, 1884!
    Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.