Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.
With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
"Are you always this forward?" He asked teasingly since it would be a very short thread if he just ignored her entirely. — Tobin Cartwright in Take A Peek
Did you know? Churchgoers and worshippers had to endure a foul stench during prayers due to the amount of bodies often stored within the vaults of churches and chapels.
Do you have an idea for a plot but no characters to carry it out with? Are you looking to shake things up with your crew, but struggling for ideas? Dump your ideas here, however vague, and maybe someone will give them the loving home they deserve!
if I could marry Bee I would but I can't so I ship our characters instead.
I've always wanted a cannibal on board. Bonus points if it's a healer, Dept. of Magical Law Enforcement employee or someone who works with children (but doesn't eat them! or do they...)
A genuine polygamist family - one is magical in London and the other muggle in Irvingly. Plot twist: the wife is the one with two families. Every real pregnancy she has she has to steal an extra baby for the other family or fake a stillborn to keep them from discovering each other. She's constantly mixing up names and birthdays and then one day, she gets caught! *dun dun duuuun*
A character who makes it their life mission to either a) save the giant squid from the Mer's perpetual hunting or b) catch it once and for all. They essentially turn into a pirate that sails around on the Hogsmeade side of the Black Lake.
A failed attempt at an animagus transformation results in forever being part human, part animal. Could result in epic awkwardness and hilarity, depending on the animal and which parts are what. ;D
I had a sudden realization that we were never introduced to lady goblins in the Harry Potter series, so now I have the sudden desire for a cult of lady goblins who run an illegal galleon exchange or counterfeit galleon exchange in the black market. We would obviously need a few that work in Gringotts as well!
A parent trap/Brady Bunch type situation where the children of two widows get up to all sorts of fun shenanigans in a effort to get their parents together. At least 3 kids per parent for maximum confusion.
Inspired by Single by 30. Basically, two characters who have been friends since childhood decide that if, by the time the woman is 26/27, neither of them are married they'll court each other for convenience's sake. One of them thinks it's better to marry a friend than not be married at all. The other is head over heels in love. Complications arise because it wouldn't be fun if everything went as planned.
Pretty Woman aka a prominent, respectable UCPB man engages the services of a prostitute, falls in love, and marries her. Just think of the glorious, glorious scandal.
A well to do UCHB(?) lady with connections~ who takes pity on romantic!fail UC muggleborns and takes it upon herself to see them appropriately hurled or possibly even betrothed- for an under the table fee. Could go devious and require sexual favors for advanced payment.
Inspired by Pottermore's Hogwarts Banned Items List:
Have your student character become the reason that screaming yo-yos, fanged frisbees, and/or ever-bashing boomerangs are added to the list of banned items at Hogwarts.
Have your student character attempt to cheat on an exam with an early version of Baruffo's Brain Elixir, with some hilarious unintended side-effects.
Repo! plot idea time!! I was listening to Legal Assassin this morning and got the idea for a vampire male (based on Nathan) and his daughter (based on Shilo). The vampire would be one of the rare emotional vampire types, falling in love with a witch. He accidentally kills his mortal lover sometime within the first three years after the daughter was born, and raises her on his own. He keeps her sheltered from the world, for the most part - but has no idea how to teach a witch! Cue daughter going to Hogwarts and finally realizing just what Daddy is. Bonus if the witch was UC and betrothed because Rotti Largo, man.
Please note, the video might be a little offbeat, it's a movie clip and that movie is a horror musical more campy than Sweeney Todd and far more casual.
Have a character return from a trip abroad that went very poorly--went on holiday to Africa with a broken return portkey, and didn't realize it until a month in and had to work their way back to England through Muggle means, perhaps? Or captured by native Muggles and separated from their wand?--only to find that after months/years without word of them, their family has declared them dead and divided up their estate, and/or their spouse has remarried/procreated. Their return from abroad is rather inconvenient.
This actually happened to a French scientist who was trying to observe the transit of Venus in 1691 -- he was abroad 11 years facing various misadventures before he eventually returned home and found that his estate had already been inherited by his distant relations!
A Seer is also an opium addict. This makes him/her all but useless as far as actual prophesy goes, but creates interesting small talk since s/he keeps getting confused about where everyone is in the timeline of their life:
"So good to see you again; did you bring your wife?"
"No... I'm not married."
"Oh, aren't you? What a bore, I adore your wife..."
Guys, we have a lot of werewolves on the site, and no members of the werewolf capture unit. THIS MUST BE REMEDIED.
The first character has a VENDETTA against werewolves. He takes his job very seriously. He thinks werewolves should be forced to register with the Ministry and to change in Ministry-approved, Ministry-provided cells. He is very gung-ho.
His partner took this job because he figured there would be literally nothing to do for 27 days out of the month. He thinks the first guy takes this way too seriously. He often makes up stories about capturing werewolves that never happened in order to win over ladies. He has a scar from tripping and falling somewhere that he claims was a werewolf scratch.
They have to work together all the time. Hilarity ensues.
(05-07-2017, 08:03 PM)Lupus Jameshill Wrote: Guys, we have a lot of werewolves on the site, and no members of the werewolf capture unit. THIS MUST BE REMEDIED.
The first character has a VENDETTA against werewolves. He takes his job very seriously. He thinks werewolves should be forced to register with the Ministry and to change in Ministry-approved, Ministry-provided cells. He is very gung-ho.
His partner took this job because he figured there would be literally nothing to do for 27 days out of the month. He thinks the first guy takes this way too seriously. He often makes up stories about capturing werewolves that never happened in order to win over ladies. He has a scar from tripping and falling somewhere that he claims was a werewolf scratch.
They have to work together all the time. Hilarity ensues.
I would like to add that as Morwenna is imminently about to join the wolf club but is in a position of power to avoid detection she will send them on missions to distract them that range from "find me a replica of this sandwich I had in 1865" to "I think there's a wolf up Snowdonia, go look."
A character wants very badly to inherit something--whether it's a certain house, artifact, position, title, money, etc--but there is a rather long line of people set to inherit it first. They set about scheming to kill, maim, incapacitate, defraud, disown, disinherit, or otherwise sabotage everyone above them on the tree--all without letting any be a bit suspicious!
Obviously, they can't be successful, that's no fun and also the plot to A Gentleman's Guide To Love And Murder oops #notsorry. They must overcome unspeakable challenges at every turn and continuously be thwarted! Of course, as long as they're playing their cards right, no one will be the wiser--but the character will be quietly grinding their teeth in the background every time something fortunate happens to one of their relatives despite their best efforts.