06-30-2017, 03:17 PM
This is a staff run, member-submitted thread that will post anonymous rumors. These may or may not be true and members are welcome to submit their own, but they must have to do with their own characters or include the permission of the character's player. If a character is breaking propriety in public, a rumor will be written by the GHag staff and posted here. Want to submit a thread? Check this out or PM this account!
If you want a rumor posted, PM this account with your rumor. Rumors are presumed to have begun being spread the same day that they are posted.
For the rumors before 6/30/1887, check out this thread.
If you want a rumor posted, PM this account with your rumor. Rumors are presumed to have begun being spread the same day that they are posted.
For the rumors before 6/30/1887, check out this thread.