Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.
With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
"Are you always this forward?" He asked teasingly since it would be a very short thread if he just ignored her entirely. — Tobin Cartwright in Take A Peek
Did you know? Churchgoers and worshippers had to endure a foul stench during prayers due to the amount of bodies often stored within the vaults of churches and chapels.
Christmas is on the horizon, and with that in mind, we have some goodies to give away—twelve days of them!
Every day from December 13th through December 24th, there will be a riddle to solve or a task to complete. Send the evidence of your having done so to Kayte on @'Aldous Crouch' before 11:59pm EST. Complete all twelve days to collect this beauty:
In addition, each day has between one and an unlimited number of prizes to be doled out on a first come, first served basis. I can't tell you what they are yet (what would be the fun in that), but I CAN tell you the December Challenge stamp is hidden in there somewhere, as are some goodies you might find advantageous during the move ;)
The answer to yesterday's riddle was "A Unicorn" (or some variation thereof), and there were TEN prizes of 10HP! As to today's challenge...
READ ALL ABOUT IT! Complete a journal entry or start a new thread (100-500 words) based on a DP or WW article from the month of December. Include a link to the article in question as well as your post when you PM me by 11:59pm EST!
Yesterday saw THREE prizes of a positive feature in Witch Weekly, one awarded to each of Emma, Bree, and Fallin. Those who didn't get a prize still contributed to their streak though, to keep themselves in the running for the Stamp! As to today's challenge...
UNDER THE TREE! Sort out Christmas Gifts for one of your characters, and PM a link to your post to me by 11:59pm EST!
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday saw FIVE prizes of graphics from MJ—including options for moodboards or instagrams as well as the more traditional sets, one awarded to each of Alex, Emma, Lynn, Bee, and Lauren. Those who didn't get a prize still contributed to their streak though, to keep themselves in the running for the Stamp! As to today's challenge...
A, E, I, O, U! Complete a post of 100 words or more where the first vowel in each sentence is the same. For example, I seem to be doing O ;) Of course, remember to PM me the link to your post by 11:59pm EST!
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday saw FIVE 'Against the Odds' go out, one awarded to each of Lauren, Emma, MJ, Lynn, and Bee. Those who didn't get a prize still contributed to their streak though, to keep themselves in the running for the Stamp! But on the fifth day of Charming, Kayte's giving you...
FIVE GOLDEN RINGS! That's right, it's a search-and-find! Living in posts in five different active, IC threads are golden rings waiting to be discovered! Once you have them all, PM the links to the posts they are in (right click on the # in the top right corner to get it) to me by 11:59pm EST ;)
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday saw TEN players were given the one-time ability to app two characters at once—perfect for migrating your horde to the new board ;) Anyone else who managed to find the rings (which are staying where they are probably forever) still was able to add to their streak! As to today...
CROSSWORD-ISH PUZZLE! Solve the clues below to reveal the bolded letters, then unscramble the letters to get a code word. To earn your prize, PM the code word to me by 11:59pm EST!
1. The eldest child of Ursula Black
[_] _ _ _ _ _
2. The name of Charming’s founder at the time it was founded
_ _ [_] _
3. Player who joined in February of 2014
_ _ _ _ [_]
4. Founder of Witch Weekly
_ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_]
5. Female MoM candidate, surname
_ _ _ _ _ [_] _ _
6. The third Whitledge child
_ [_] _ _ _ _ _
7. Kayte’s favourite type of mail
_ [_] _ _ _ _
8. Player of Mary Pince
[_] _ _ _ _ _
9. Canon house elf
[_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday saw FIVE players earn some retired stamps! Everyone else contributed to their streaks. The code word was SNOWFLAKES and the puzzle was solved as follows:
1. The eldest child of Ursula Black
[S] I R I U S
2. The name of Charming’s founder at the time it was founded
L O [L] A
3. Player who joined in February of 2014
O C E A [N]
4. Founder of Witch Weekly
Y [E] N T E V E N T U [S]
5. Female MoM candidate, surname
G R E Y B [A] C K
6. The third Whitledge child
S [W] E E T I E
7. Kayte’s favourite type of mail
H [O] W L E R
8. Player of Mary Pince
[F] A L L I N
9. Canon house elf
[K] R E A C H E R
But today, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! Start a thread or write a read-only (100-500 words, both) where your character is practicing dueling, potion brewing, or quidditch, then PM the link to me by 11:59pm EST!
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday, there were FIVE prizes of 20HP handed out! As to today's challenge...
ON THIS WINTER’S NIGHT! It’s winter now, bitches. Create a read-only, thread starter, or journal entry from 100 to 500 words in length inspired by this song. PM me the link by 11:59pm EST!
That’s right—unlimited prizes today!
Everyone who completes the challenge will take something home!
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday, EVERYONE got to take home a December Challenge stamp! Told you it was hidden in there ;) What’s on tap for today? Buddy up, because you cannot complete this one alone!
MAKE NEW FRIENDS! Start a thread (each person posts at least once) with someone your character has never threaded with before. Each player completing the challenge must PM me the link to their post in the thread by 11:59pm EST. You do not both have to claim it, but you only get credit yourself if you do.
That’s right—unlimited prizes today!
Everyone who completes the challenge will take something home!
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday saw EVERYONE get a one-time discount on immortality! As to today...
It’s back—CROSSWORD-ISH PUZZLE! Solve the clues below to reveal the bolded letters, then unscramble the letters to get a code word (or phrase). To earn your prize, PM the code word to me by 11:59pm EST!
1. Ruth Lockhart’s brother
[_] _ _ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. The first member of our current staff team to be made an admin
_ [_] _ _ _
3. Harry Potter’s first crush
_ [_] _ [_] _ _ _ _
4. The man who most loves quidditch, or so he claims
_ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] _ _
5. Winter skin by Lynn
[_] _ _ _ _[_] _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _
6. The loveliest debutante
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_]
7. Proprietor of The Painted Lady
_ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday, TWO lucky ducks got to put their stamp on the new board by helping us choose some forums! The code word was HOLIDAY CHEER, and the solutions are as follows:
1. Ruth Lockhart’s brother
[E] L I A S G [R] I M S T O N E
2. The first member of our current staff team to be made an admin
K [A] Y T E
3. Harry Potter’s first crush
C [H] O [C] H A N G
4. The man who most loves quidditch, or so he claims
M [|] T C H Q U I D [D] E L
5. Winter skin by Lynn
[H] O O T H[O] O T, M O T H E R F [L] U T T E R
6. The loveliest debutante
L O V E D A R B [Y]
7. Proprietor of The Painted Lady
T [E] S S A V A N P A T T E N
BUT NOW, DAY TWELVE IS UPON US! Christmas Eve is a busy day, so I’m not going to make you work too hard for this. Just PM me the word “done” by 11:59pm EST ;)
after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp. set by bree
Yesterday, THREE of our members were granted access to the new board a week early! Even more exciting, though, is that nine Charmers completed all twelve days, earning them the stamp! Congrats go out to Beanie, Bee, Olive, Nichole, Fallin, Fawkes, Lauren, Emma, and Bree!
Missed out this year? 12 Days will be back in 2018 ;)