Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Dueling Tournament: January '88

    Official Dueling Contests
    1. All proper decorum must be observed, including bowing or curtsying to ones opponent at the open and close of the match.
    2. During a duel, there shall be no physical contact of any sort between contestants. Should one contestant require assistance, then the match will be stopped by the official.
    3. Excessive force must not be used. The purpose of the contest is to display strength and skill; it is not to injure or maim. Likewise, all spells used must be allowed under the law.
    4. Creativity is encouraged; a match that consists merely of stunning and disarming is not enjoyable for the audience.
    5. As of April 5th, 1886 women are allowed to duel as mens' equals. No more ornamental magic displays!
    6. Students duel separately from adults. During the summer months, the tournament is the only sanctioned use of underage magic.

    OOC Rules
    1. Matches will be moderated by a member of the staff. Follow instructions by the IC moderator regarding who is to post. After both participants have posted once, wait for the moderator to post again before continuing.
    2. Points will be given by the moderator based on an OOC modified dice roll. While commentary by the official is IC, the scoring is done in the fairest way possible.
    3. Do not state how your action will end, but rather what is intended. That way, when the point is determined then you can post the results of your actions in a way that fits with the scoring.
    4. If a participant does not post within three days, they will be disqualified and the other participant wins the match.
    5. Keep all spells age appropriate. A first year could not cast an Unforgivable (although that would get them disqualified anyway). If you are not sure if your character could cast a spell at their age, feel free to ask other members or the staff for opinions.
    6. Members may enter a maximum of 8 characters in the tournament, and no more than four to any one competition (student, leisure, or professional).
    Bonuses Etc.
    1. We include a bonus for character specialties. Your character may only specialize in one area, but does not need to specialize in any.
    2. Part-veela (¼ or ½) receive a bonus against the opposite sex. Please be sure to note this at signup.
    3. There is a roll to determine realistic IC effects  such as injury. No such outcomes will be severe except in cases with player consent or of extreme spells.
    4. Ties are decided based on IC judge bias (such as blood, gender, or class, or simply friendship).

    Note: Adults and students will be participating in separate competitions. Starting November 1886, there will be a new “professional” category added to the tournament for adults with ample dueling/combative experience through either work or hobby. This is in lieu of the bonus previously awarded to aurors and hit wizards, and is being implemented on a trial basis!

    To sign up your student, use this form:
    [b]Year:[/b] Please use current year.

    To sign up your adult (leisure), use this form:
    [b]Schooling:[/b] (choose did not attend, attended but did not complete testing, completed OWLs, completed NEWTs)
    [b]Skill:[/b] (general magical skill; choose poor, average, or good)
    [b]Bonus:[/b] (if your character is particularly good with ONE of the following: offence, defence, charms, transfiguration, conjuring)

    To sign up your adult (professional), use this form:
    [b]Schooling:[/b] (choose did not attend, attended but did not complete testing, completed OWLs, completed NEWTs)
    [b]Skill:[/b] (general magical skill; choose poor, average, or good)
    [b]Bonus:[/b] (if your character is particularly good with ONE of the following: offence, defence, charms, transfiguration, conjuring)
    [b]Tie/Since:[/b] What is their involvement in dueling/combat regularly (Pro dueler on the continent, auror, etc.), and how long have they been doing it?

    Signups close January 11th at 10:00pm EST.  Duels begin January 12th. IC the tournament lasts from January 12th to 14th.

    When posting in your duel, please tag both your partner and your moderator. This way, no one will be overlooked! To tag, simply type @'Character Name'.

    All participants may claim this beauty:

    This stamp does not yet exist >.>
    after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp.
    [Image: xndky8.jpg]
    set by bree
    Name: Gwenda Cadwallader
    Age: 23
    Schooling: NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: --

    Name: Gaius Malfoy
    Age: 34
    Schooling: NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Offence

    Name: Elijah Urquart
    Year: 2

    Name: Patsy Flynn
    Year: 6 but the second time

    if I could marry Bee I would but I can't so I ship our characters instead.
    Name: Handsome Whitledge
    Year: 7
    ** Adding my +1 dueling modifier from 12 days to Handsome!

    Name: Holly Scrimgeour
    Year: 1

    Name: Ernie Nuffer
    Year: 5

    Name: Flora Halliday
    Year: 5

    Name: Annabelle Scrimgeour
    Age: 19
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Charms

    Name: Tierney Walsh
    Age: 25
    Schooling: completed [American-version] NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Defence

    Name: Albert Pettigrew
    Age: 29
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Offence

    Name: Violetta Lestrange
    Age: 23
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Offence

    Name: Imogen MacFusty
    Age: 27
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Charms

    Name: Persephone Van Helsing
    Age: 19
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Transfiguration

    Scarce, but still around! <3
    Please send all alerts to @'Imogen MacFusty', thank you!
    [Image: 6ipiXdu.jpg]
    signature and avatar created by the talented ladybug

    Name: Jacques Michaud
    Age: 26
    Schooling: Completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Charms

    Name: Sparrow Bloodworth
    Age: 20
    Schooling: Completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Offense

    Name: Mundungus MacFusty
    Year: 7th

    Name: Rupert Bingham
    Year: 6th
    1/4 vampire, french accent
    [Image: pvHSXO.png]
    [Image: uFux3rx.png]
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Name:Katherine Midford
    Year: 7
    Name:October Lynch
    Year: 5
    Name:Honey Whitledge
    Year: 2
    Name:Ligeia Baudelaire
    Age: 23
    Schooling: NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Transfiguration
    [Image: mIIrgVp.jpg]
    [Image: wki5uv.png]
    Name: Emmeline Woodcroft
    Year: 6th Year
    using +1 modifier from 12 Days

    Name: Clinton Podmore
    Age: 31
    Schooling: Complete NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Transfiguration

    Name: Fletcher Peverell
    Age: 30
    Schooling: Completed NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Offense

    Name: Fortuna Lockhart
    Age: 21
    Schooling: Completed NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Transfiguration

    Name: Una Walsh
    Age: 25
    Schooling: Completed Ilvermorny NEWT equivalent
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Charms
    [Image: psFZTN.png]
    Name: Beatrix Borgin
    Year: Fourth.

    Name: Konstantin Fisk.
    Age: 30.
    Schooling: NEWTs.
    Skill: Good.
    Bonus: Charms.

    Name: Constance Sykes.
    Age: 40.
    Schooling: NEWTs.
    Skill: Good.
    Bonus: Charms.

    Name: Philip Calendar.
    Age: 40.
    Schooling: NEWTs.
    Skill: Good.
    Bonus: Transfiguration.

    Name: Grayson Ollivander.
    Age: 33.
    Schooling: NEWTs.
    Skill: Good.
    Bonus: None.

    Name: Enoch Rosier.
    Age: 27.
    Schooling: NEWTs
    Skill: Average.
    Bonus: Offence.
    Tie/Since: Auror since 1879.
    [Image: Connie_SIG_by_MJ.png]
    this MJ set stole my heart and refused to give it back
    Name: Reuben Crouch *
    Age: 29
    Schooling: Completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Defense!

    Name: J. Alfred Darrow
    Age: 32
    Schooling: Completed NEWTs
    Skill: SO POOR.
    Bonus: Alfred by and large did not use magic from 82-86. The wand he currently has did not choose him and only occasionally cooperates. He should get all the negatives. He's only participating for my amusement because someone goaded him into it.

    Name: Magnus Lockhart **
    Age: 25
    Schooling: Completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Nah.

    * pretty sure Ben competed at leisure level last time, but I'm happy to fill out a professional one for him if his experience as a cursebreaker qualifies him for that (~3 years).

    ** If he's even allowed to compete? Round 2 of Quidditch finals is played on the 14th and he has to be there. :P I'm not very optimistic about his chances of being in the final day of duels but just in case... uh, he can't be. :P

    All of my characters are great candidates for surprise injury. ;) But if Lock's up for an injury that might get him sat out of the Quidditch cup games, I might like a heads up.
    Name: Questor Spryly
    Year: 2nd but he would've been 3rd

    Name: Ramona Fogg
    Year: 1st


    Name: Petra Sleptova
    Age: 18
    Schooling: NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Defense

    Name: Antigone Lestrange
    Age: 20
    Schooling: NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Transfiguration


    Name: Theodoric Jameshill
    Age: 21
    Schooling: NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Defense
    Tie/Since: Fully fledged Auror as of June 1887
    Rune keeps spoiling me unexpectedly with graphical wonders

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Name: Sisse Thompsett
    Year: First

    Wonderful set is a work of art from Lynn!


    after a splinching incident in july 1884, aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp.
    [Image: xndky8.jpg]
    set by bree
    Name: Zadie Pine
    Year: 2

    Name: Kristoffer Lestrange
    Year: 6

    Name: Tybalt Kirke
    Age: 22
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: --
    /Hogsmeade Howlers are out so he's good to go

    Name: Lorcan Byrne
    Age: 26
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Average
    Bonus: Charms

    Name: Theodore Gallivan
    Age: 19
    Schooling: completed NEWTs
    Skill: Good
    Bonus: Defence
    Tie/Since: Auror-in-Training (2nd year) if that counts!
    [Image: RlYf65H.jpg]
    Only having three professional entrants means we’ll be doing round robin instead of a traditional structure for that grouping. Hopefully one of you wins two, otherwise I’ll see you next round ;)


    Sisse Thompsett vs. Holly Scrimgeour
    Ramona Fogg vs. Elijah Urquart
    Honey Whitledge vs. Zadie Pine
    Questor Spryly vs. Beatrix Borgin
    Ernie Nuffer vs. October Lynch
    Flora Halliday vs. Emmeline Woodcroft
    Rupert Bingham vs. Kristoffer Lestrange
    Patsy Flynn vs. Katherine Midford
    Handsome Whitledge vs. Mundungus MacFusty

    J. Alfred Darrow vs. Violetta Lestrange
    Petra Sleptova vs. Gwenda Cadwallader
    Jacques Michaud vs. Magnus Lockhart
    Lorcan Byrne vs. Annabelle Scrimgeour
    Sparrow Bloodworth vs. Tybalt Kirke
    Fortuna Lockhart vs. Imogen MacFusty
    Antigone Lestrange vs. Ligeia Baudelaire
    Reuben Crouch vs. Una Walsh
    Tierney Walsh vs. Persephone Van Helsing
    Albert Pettigrew vs. Grayson Ollivander
    Fletcher Peverell vs. Konstantin Fisk
    Gaius Malfoy vs. Constance Sykes
    Clinton Podmore vs. Philip Calendar

    Theodoric Jameshill vs. Enoch Rosier
    Theodore Gallivan vs. Theodoric Jameshill
    Enoch Rosier vs. Theodore Gallivan
    I just moved to a new country! [Image: mThvFq.png]
    set by MJ!

    [Image: 11shy53.gif][Image: 16204dv.gif]
    I forgot to ask! When you guys make the threads, would you mind tagging me on Annabelle's account rather than the individual characters, at least to start with? <3
    [-] The following 1 user Likes Annabelle Scrimgeour's post:
       Sisse Thompsett

    Holly Scrimgeour vs. Elijah Urquart
    Honey Whitledge vs. Beatrix Borgin
    October Lynch vs. Emmeline Woodcroft
    Rupert Bingham vs. Patsy Flynn
    Mundungus MacFusty has a bye.

    Violetta Lestrange vs. Petra Sleptova
    Magnus Lockhart vs. Lorcan Byrne
    Sparrow Bloodworth vs. Fortuna Lockhart
    Ligeia Baudelaire vs. Reuben Crouch
    Persephone Van Helsing vs. Grayson Ollivander
    Konstantin Fisk vs. Constance Sykes
    Philip Calendar has a bye.
    [-] The following 2 users Like Lucius Lestrange's post:
       Annabelle Scrimgeour, Emmeline Woodcroft
    unless you're related to him, work under him, or are a mudblood, lucius is actually very friendly. your character might find him intimidating, but would not consider him a giant dick, esp. if they are also a UCPB.
    [Image: pelLJj0.png]
    set by bex

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