Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
  • Newbie Guide
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  • Hogwarts '87
  • CML
  • Daily Prophet
  • Witch Weekly
  • Lonely Threads
  • House Points
  • 1887
  • Events
  • New Posts
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  • Stamps
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  • Toggle Cbox

    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Stamp Station

    Charming would like to promote activity and create challenges for its roleplayers- what better way to do this than to start an award program? There are awards for winning contests, having a certain number of posts, reaching a certain point in the RP, and more! The awards you've earned can be displayed in the Postlogs, Profiles and Stamps forum for all to see!

    NOTE: The Stamp Station and its coding was created by Charming staff and members and belongs to them. Please do not steal. It will be reported.

    A filled stamp collection will look like this:

    Stamp Collection

    Posting Awards

    Roleplaying Awards

    OOC Awards

    Admin Awards

    Now for some rules:

    — In order to earn the stamp, you must complete the challenge for it.
    — Once the challenge is complete, you'll need to post here and claim the stamp. Be sure to post proof that you have completed the challenge as well! (Links usually do the trick. For post count stamps, just post with the correct character.)
    — An admin or staff member will approve your request and then you are able to either edit your table yourself, or ask a staff member for assistance.

    If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to PM a staff member or reply below.

    Copy and paste this code wherever you'd like to store it and become a stamp member!

    <center><div class="container" style="width:425px; padding:5px; border:3px solid white;"><div style="font-family:georgia, times, serif; text-transform:uppercase; font-size:25px; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; text-shadow:2px 2px white;">Stamp Collection</div>
    <div class="thead">Posting Awards</div><p>
    <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" />
    <p><div class="thead">Roleplaying Awards</div><p>
    <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" />
    <p><div class="thead">OOC Awards</div><p>
    <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="h" title="Empty" />
    <p><div class="thead">Admin Awards</div><p>
    <img src="" title="Join the stamp program" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" /> <img src="" title="Empty" />

    Need to find a stamp but can't find it below?
    Head on over to the Retirement Home!
    Posting Awards

    Win the Posting Wizard of the Month Contest

    <img src="" title="Win Posting Wizard of the Month Contest" />

    Win 3 Posting Wizard of the Month Contests

    <img src="" title="Win 3 Posting Wizard of the Month Contests" />

    Win 6 Posting Wizard of the Month Contests

    <img src="" title="Win 6 Posting Wizard of the Month Contests" />

    Win 12 Posting Wizard of the Month Contests

    <img src="" title="Win 12 Posting Wizard of the Month Contests" />

    Reach 100 posts on your post count. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Reach 100 IC posts" />

    Reach 500 posts on your post count. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Reach 500 IC posts" />

    Reach 1000 posts on your post count. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Reach 1000 IC posts" />

    Reach 5000 posts on your post count. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Reach 5000 IC posts"/>

    Reach 10,000 posts on your post count. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Reach 10,000 IC posts"/>

    Reach 25,000 posts on your post count. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Reach 25,000 IC posts"/>

    Join 10 open threads and create 10 open threads. Threads must have 10 replies each, 3 of which being your own, and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Join and Create 10 Open threads" />

    Complete 26 threads that has a title that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Threads must be at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Complete the Alphabet Challenge" />

    Have 10 Daily Prophet articles published. A link to all 10 of the articles is needed when requesting the stamp. All articles must have your name credited at the bottom.

    <img src="" "title="Publish 10 Daily Prophet Articles" />

    Have a character journal with a total of at least 25 posts. Must be all posted by the same character.

    <img src="" title="Keep a Journal" />

    Finish a thread in 3 days or less. The thread must have 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and archived.

    <img src="" title="Completed a Thread in 3 Days" />

    Participate in 3 duels. Duels must be completed and archived. Post links as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Participate in 3 Duels" />

    Participate in 10 Duels. Duels must be completed and archived. Post links as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Participate in 10 Duels" />

    Participate in 25 Duels. Duels must be completed and archived. Post links as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Participate in 25 Duels" />

    Participate in 75 Duels. Duels must be completed and archived. Post links as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Participate in 75 Duels" />

    Participate in a duel in the year 1882. The duel must be completed and archived. Post with a link as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Duel in 1882" />

    Participate in a duel in the year 1883. The duel must be completed and archived. Post with a link as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Duel in 1883" />

    Participate in a duel in the year 1884. The duel must be completed and archived. Post with a link as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Duel in 1884" />

    Participate in a duel in the year 1885. The duel must be completed and archived. Post with a link as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Duel in 1885" />

    Participate in a duel in the year 1886. The duel must be completed and archived. Post with a link as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Duel in 1886" />

    Participate in a duel in the year 1887. The duel must be completed and archived. Post with a link as proof when requesting.

    <img src="" title="Duel in 1887" />

    Participate in the student potion brewing competition. Competition must be completed and archived. Post links as proof when requesting. There is no minimum number of posts required.

    <img src="" title="Potion Brewing Competition" />

    Haiku Challenge: Complete 1 thread with at least 10 replies, 3 of which being your own, all written in haiku verse. (All participants must write in haiku.) English haiku's traditionally have 3 lines - the first line consisting of five syllables, the second consisting of seven and the third consisting of five. To learn more about them, visit the wiki article.

    <img src="" title="Completed the Haiku Challenge" />

    Participate in a group thread that includes ten or more played characters each with three or more posts. The thread must be completed and archived.

    <img src="" title="Completed a large group thread" />

    Complete and archive a 12-post thread in which each post has precisely 12 words. At least three of the posts must be yours.

    <img src="" title="The Dozen" />

    Complete and archive a thread in which every post is precisely 100 words. Threads must be at least 10 posts long, and at least 3 must be yours!

    <img src="" title="The Drabbler" />

    Complete and archive a thread in which every post is precisely 1000 words. Threads must be at least 10 posts long, and at least 3 must be yours!

    <img src="" title="The Novella" />

    Complete and archive a thread in which every post is one word shorter than the post that came before it! The last post should be a grand total of one word. At least 3 post in the thread must be yours.

    <img src="" title="The Countdown" />

    Complete a thread each month for a consecutive year with the same character. Threads must be 10+ posts with 3+ of your own and a wrapped up ending. Threads must be started in the month they count for!

    <img src="" title="All Year Long" />

    Monthly Challenge Stamps
    Complete the monthly challenge. Challenges will be posted in a separate thread in the C&E forum.

    Have your character appear in The Daily Prophet in five different articles. Character accounts cannot be combined. You do not need to write the articles yourself!

    <img src="" title="Newsworthy" />  

    Complete a thread entirely in iambic pentameter. All threads must be archived with 10+ posts, three or more of which are your own.

    <img src="" title="Thread in iambic pentameter" />

    Roleplaying Awards

    Have a thread in 10 different forums. Threads must have 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. No dead or unfinished threads will be accepted. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Roleplay in 10 forums" />

    Have a thread with 25 different characters. Threads must have 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and 3 being the other characters and have a wrapped up ending. No dead or unfinished threads will be accepted. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Meet 25 Characters" />

    Have a thread with 50 different characters. Threads must have 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and 3 being the other characters and have a wrapped up ending. No dead or unfinished threads will be accepted. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Meet 50 Characters" />

    Have a thread with 100 different characters. Threads must have 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and 3 being the other characters and have a wrapped up ending. No dead or unfinished threads will be accepted. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Meet 100 Characters" />

    Participate in a boardwide IC event. Threads must have 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. No dead or unfinished threads will be accepted.

    <img src="" title="Participate in a boardwide event" />

    Play a Lower Class Citizen for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Lower Class Citizen, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Lower Class Citizen one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Lower Class Citizen" />

    Play a Middle Class Citizen for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Middle Class Citizen, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Middle Class Citizen one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Middle Class Citizen" />

    Play an Upper Class Citizen for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Upper Class Citizen, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Upper Class Citizen one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play an Upper Class Citizen" />

    Play a Hogsmeade member for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Hogsmeade member, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Hogsmeade member one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Hogsmeade member" />

    Play a character from Irvingly for at least one month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Irvingly character, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Irvingly character one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play an Irvingly Resident" />

    Play a London resident for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the character must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the character one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. Only those in the London usergroup qualify.

    <img src="" title="Play a London Resident" />

    Play a character in the Elsewhere usergroup for one month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the character, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the character one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Character Living Elsewhere" />

    Play a Ministry member for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Ministry member, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Ministry member one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Ministry member" />

    Play a Hogsmeade Hospital employee for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Hospital employee, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Hospital Employee one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Hospital Employee" />

    Play a St Mungo's Hospital employee for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Hospital employee, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Hospital Employee one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a St Mungo's Employee" />

    Play an Irvingly Infirmary employee for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Hospital employee, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Hospital Employee one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play an Infirmary Employee" />

    Play a Hogwarts Staff member for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Hogwarts Staff member, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Hogwarts Staff member one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Hogwarts Staff member" />

    Play a Hogwarts student for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Hogwarts student, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Hogwarts student one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Hogwarts student" />

    Play a professional quidditch player for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the player, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the player one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. Alternatively, you may claim simply by having earned any of our QWC team stamps.

    <img src="" title="Play a Professional Quidditch Player" />

    Play a professional high street employee for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the employee, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the employee one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a High Street Employee" />

    Play a Non-Human for 1 month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Non-Human, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Non-Human one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Non-Human" />

    Reach 75 posts on the account of a muggle or squib character.

    <img src="" title="Play a Muggle or Squib" />

    Play an uneducated character for one month. Uneducated means either a drop out student or one who has had no magical education at all. They cannot have taken their OWLs. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the uneducated character, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the uneducated character one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play an uneducated character" />

    Reach 75 posts on the account of a canon list character.
    <img src="" title="Play a Canon Character" />

    Complete three threads with a carnie character. Threads must have at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and be archived.
    <img src="" title="Play a Carnie" />

    Play a character 10 years of age or younger for at least one month. Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Youngin', must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Youngin' one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Character 10 Years or Younger" />

    Play a character 35 years of age or older for at least one month (non humans excluded.) Two threads are required. 1: Your first thread with the Olden'', must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. 2: A thread with the Olden' one month later, must have 10 replies 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending.

    <img src="" title="Play a Character 35 Years or Older" />

    Come up with and play out a plot that can be considered boardwide - involving at least five of the members groups.

    <img src="" title="Create a Plot" />

    Complete threads with one member from each of eight different user groups. One must be a non-human, and one must be a student. Threads must have a total of 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Thread with multiple member groups" />

    Adopted a character from the Wanted ads and have 75 posts on that account. Post here with the account as proof.

    <img src="" title="Adopted a Wanted Character" />

    Have 1 character (the same character) go through three life changing events. Events must be well-developed in character and require at least 3 threads for each event - 1 for before, 1 for during and 1 for after. Qualifying life changing events are: social class switch, achieve a dream/goal, user group switch, relationship/orientation switch, new passion/hobby, death/birth, tragedy, happy event, occupation change or develop a flaw.

    <img src="" title="Character Development Achievement" />

    Complete the 10 scenarios listed below:
    1 - Find a note with a secret in it
    2 - Find a purse of 10 galleons
    3 - Get utterly and hopelessly lost
    4 - Accidentally knock on the wrong door
    5 - Steal something
    6 - Neglect responsibilities and deal with the consequences
    7 - Get revenge, argue or fight with someone else
    8 - Get hurt and/or sick
    9 - Witness a crime
    10 - Smell something and find the cause of it.

    The scenarios must all be open threads. Threads must have at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and be archived. The scenarios do not need to be completed by the same characters.

    <img src="" title="Completed 10 Scenarios" />

    Have your character fall in love with another all through open threads. Minimum of three required for proof (all three must be open threads.) Threads must have at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and be archived.

    <img src="" title="Fall in love" />

    Have your character fall in hate with another all through open threads. Minimum of three required for proof (all three must be open threads.) Threads must have at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and be archived.

    <img src="" title="Become a Fighter" />

    Show a pattern of selfless behavior with one character. Complete 3 threads with at least 10 posts, at least 3 being yours, showing a character helping someone, doing volunteer work, etc. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Be an Angel" />

    Show a pattern of selfish behavior with one character. Complete 3 threads with at least 10 posts, at least 3 being yours, showing a character being intentionally cruel, committing a crime with a clear victim, etc. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Be a Demon" />

    Thread in every shop in High Street. Complete threads with at least 10 posts, at least 3 being your own inside each shop's subforum on High Street. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Thread in every shop" />

    Have a thread where your character is experiencing one of each of the seven deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Character accounts are able to be combined. One sin per thread. Threads must have at least 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. For more information on 7DS, you can see the wiki article on it here.

    <img src="" title="7 Deadly Sins Challenge" />

    Have a thread where your character is experiencing one of each of the seven heavenly virtues: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility. Character accounts are able to be combined. One virtue per thread. Threads must have at least 10 replies, 3 of which being your own and have a wrapped up ending. For more information on 7HV, you can see the wiki article on it here.

    <img src="" title="7 Heavenly Virtues Challenge" />

    Complete 1 thread roulette. Threads must be at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and archived.

    <img src="" title="Participated in Thread Roulette" />

    Complete 3 thread roulettes. Threads must be at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and archived.

    <img src="" title="Participated in 3 Thread Roulettes" />

    Complete 5 thread roulettes. Threads must be at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and archived.

    <img src="" title="Participated in 5 Thread Roulettes" />

    Complete 10 thread roulettes. Threads must be at least 10 posts, 3 of which being your own and archived.

    <img src="" title="Participated in 10 Thread Roulettes" />

    Win the house cup. Player must have 1+ characters from the winning house who have contributed positively to the house's total points.

    <img src="" title="Earned the House Cup" />

    Play a member of the cup-winning team! Must have posted 3+ times in one played game—please include the link to the game when claiming.

    <img src="" title="Won the Quidditch Cup" />

    Compete your character’s prefect career. To claim, include one completed thread that takes place at school in each of their fifth, sixth, and seventh years—they must mention that your character is a prefect, but do not have to involve prefect actions. Threads should have 10+ posts with 3+ being your own, and must take place during the proper calendar year—no backdating!

    <img src="" title="Completed Prefect Career" />

    See a character from sorting to graduation. Must post in the initial sorting thread, then complete one thread per school year from years 2-7. No back-dated threads allowed!

    <img src="" title="Hogwarts (My Home)" />

    Play out a complete pregnancy. To be eligible, you must complete three threads: two during pregnancy in which your character deals with the emotional or physical challenges or excitements of pregnancy, and one during/just after delivery. All threads must be archived with 10+ posts, three or more of which are your own. Only available to female characters.

    <img src="" title="Play Out a Full Pregnancy" />

    Have your character's like, dislike, minor affliction, ugly haircut, etc. referenced in three or more threads.  All threads must be archived with 10+ posts, at least 3 of which should be your own.

    <img src="" title="Continuity in Threads" />

    Complete five archived threads of five posts or more in which your character experiences good luck, such as finding a sickle on the ground, being saved from a fall, etc.

    img src="" title="Play a Lucky Character" />

    Complete five archived threads of five posts or more in which your character experiences bad luck, such as stepping in a chamberpot, losing the rings on their wedding day, etc.

    <img src="" title="Play an Unlucky Character" />

    Complete three threads (10+ posts, 3+ from your character) in which your teenager does stereotypical teenaged things such as have a crush, fret about pimples, or worry about what to be when they “grow up”. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Play a stereotypical teen" />

    Complete three soap opera-esque storylines with your character. Each requires at least one archived thread of 10 posts or more. Suggestions include long-lost twins, accidental bigamy, and anything over-the-top, really. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Have a soap opera-worthy character" />

    Complete a thread set in a school boys’ dormitory. It must have at least three participants, and all participants must post at least three times. It must also be completed and archived.

    <img src="" title="Fraternity" />

    Complete a thread set in a school girls’ dormitory. It must have at least three participants, and all participants must post at least three times. It must also be completed and archived.

    <img src="" title="Sorority" />

    Post 3+ times in at least three different Monthly Groupers. Character accounts can be combined.

    <img src="" title="Grouped" />  

    Participate in three or more of Peeves’s pranks. To demonstrate, you should have an archived thread of ten or more posts from each, three posts of which must be your own. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Peeved" />

    Complete a thread set on Leap Day (or Magical Bonus Day, when it happens xD). Threads must have 10+ posts and 3+ must be your own, and they must be archived. The thread must also have been started within two weeks of that OOC date.

    <img src="" title="Leap Day!" />  

    Post 3+ times in three or more class threads during the course of a school year. Must all be done with the same character, be they a professor, student, or school portrait or ghost! You can still claim the stamp if the thread died provided yours was the last post in the thread.

    <img src="" title="Be an academic keener" />

    Complete a thread (10+ replies, properly archived) in which no one speaks. 3+ posts must be yours.

    <img src="" title="Silencio!" />  

    Complete a thread (10+ replies, properly archived) that contains only dialogue. 3+ posts must be yours.

    <img src="" title="Complete a thread with only dialogue" />  

    Complete five different threads with five different male characters set from June-August. Threads must have 10 posts, and three must be your own! Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Boys of Summer" />

    Complete five different threads with five different female characters set from June-August. Threads must have 10 posts, and three must be your own! Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Girls of Summer" />

    Complete a thread with a non-binary character set from June-August. It must have 10 posts, and three must be your own!

    <img src="" title="Non-Binaries of Summer" />

    Have a human POC character reach 75 posts.

    <img src="" title="Play a POC character" />

    Have a human character aged 75 or older reach 75 posts.

    <img src="" title="Play a character 75 or older" />

    Complete a thread set during the night with a vampire, transformed werewolf, ghost, hag, or poltergeist. The thread must have at least ten posts with three being your own.

    <img src="" title="Thread with a creature of the night" />

    Complete five different threads with five different characters, one at each of the reputation levels! The thread must have at least ten posts, and three must be your own. Character accounts cannot be combined.

    <img src="" title="Thread with every reputation level" />

    OOC Awards

    Take part in Charming's 7th sitewide plot. For information on how to claim, click here

    <img src="" title="Took part in Charming's seventh sitewide plot" />

    Celebrated Charming's 7th Birthday. Must have been an active member on June 9, 2017 (to submit proof, give us a link to your character's accepted application).

    <img src="" title="Celebrated Charming's 7th Birthday!" />

    Smash all of the pumkpins.

    <img src="" title="Smash those Pumpkins!" />

    Actively (3+ posts) participate in any one book club discussion. Please make sure you’ve read the book first ;)

    <img src="" title="Read & discussed one Book Club book" />

    Actively (3+ posts) participate in any three book club discussions. Please make sure you’ve read the books first ;)

    <img src="" title="Read & discussed three Book Club books" />

    Actively (3+ posts) participate in any five book club discussions. Please make sure you’ve read the books first ;)
    <img src="" title="Read & discussed five Book Club books" />

    Recorded Charming's monumental moment of reaching 225,000 posts. Only achievable by participating in the contest and getting a screencap of any post between 225,000 and 225,250.

    <img src="" title="225,000 Posts Contest" />

    Complete the Winter Labyrinth challenge for 2017.

    <img src="" title="Winter Labyrinth 2017" />

    Meet all IC and OOC challenges for Camp Charming!.

    <img src="" title="Participated in Camp Charming" />

    Admin Awards

    Join the stamp program. You get it automatically, no need to request.

    Earn 50 stamps. To claim, link to your stamp collection.

    <img src="" title="Earn 50 Stamps" />

    Earn 100 stamps. To claim, link to your stamp collection. Those who complete this impressive task can request a set from Té as their reward!

    <img src="" title="Earn 100 Stamps" />

    Be a member at Charming for 1 year. The date to go off of will be the date of your first character's accepted application.

    <img src="" title="Be a member for 1 year" />

    Be a member at Charming for 3 years. The date to go off of will be the date of your first character's accepted application.

    <img src="" title="Be a member for 3 years" />

    Be a member at Charming for 5 years. The date to go off of will be the date of your first character's accepted application.

    <img src="" title="Be a member for 5 years" />

    Become a staff member at Charming.

    <img src="" title="Become a staff member" />

    Be on the Advert Team.

    <img src="" title="Advert Teammember" />

    Become a Gossipmongering Hag.

    <img src="" title="Proud Gossipmongering Hag" />

    Become a Weekly Wench.

    <img src="" title="Proud Weekly Wench" />

    Plot with new members consistently in both the networking and roleplaying forums. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Plot with New Members" />

    Excel at being a member of our buddy team. Can only be awarded, not requested.

    <img src="" title="Best Buddy" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    Contribute to the board. Will be personally given by the admin/staff. Not able to be requested.

    <img src="" title="Contribute to Charming" />

    The Above & Beyond stamp is awarded to those who are more than simply active members of the community and helpful Charming citizens but who donate so much extra time and effort to help make Charming what it is—going, as the name would apply, above and beyond xD To be publicly awarded by Charming staff.

    <img src="" title="Go above and beyond in your service to the community" />

    Have ten or more retired stamps in your collection.

    <img src="" title="Ten Retired stamps in collection" />

    To learn how to add stamps to your stamp collection, click here.
    Quick Q: For the 'Have your character fall in love with another all through open threads' stamp, do open hurling threads count as well?
    owl electives; ancient runes, ancient studies, muggle studies
    clubs; charms, transfiguration
    [Image: mNBL9m.png]
    [Image: I9Swzd.png][Image: IyGtyD.png]
    Posting to claim the seventh birthday stamp
    1/8 vampire, has a light dash of a French accent
    [Image: mBgvze.png]
    [Image: fbG6udO.png][Image: IVbwHN.png][Image: AnQ1s0Z.png]
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    I'd like to claim the sonorous stamp and also the most recent birthday one(s)! I think I need the 6th one. xD
    [Image: 6KPo4lT.png]
    (06-05-2017, 05:45 AM)Ignatius Quirrell Wrote: Quick Q: For the 'Have your character fall in love with another all through open threads' stamp, do open hurling threads count as well?

    Yes but you can only use a hurling thread for 1/3 of them!
    I just moved to a new country! [Image: mThvFq.png]
    set by MJ!

    [Image: 11shy53.gif][Image: 16204dv.gif]
    @'Tristan Michaud' @'Ruby Urquart' Claim them!
    I just moved to a new country! [Image: mThvFq.png]
    set by MJ!

    [Image: 11shy53.gif][Image: 16204dv.gif]

    Idk if this is soap-opera-y or just weird buuut:

    Ianto & Etsy get amnesia and think that they're kidnapped by witches. They're also lost in Peru.

    Amnesiac Ianto and wife work on a ship in order to get to America

    Ianto & Etsy still have amnesia and they find a job within 15 minutes of being in the US
    Tuesday is at 75 posts now, so I believe that qualifies her for the Magicless, Canon, and Forever Home stamps! :D
    [-] The following 3 users Like Tuesday Hatchitt's post:
       Blythe Fairchild, Ellory Pendergast, Gemma Simpson
    [Image: YrosHpr.png]
    Beautiful set by Steph!
    @'Ellory Pendergast' @'Tuesday Hatchitt'


    if I could marry Bee I would but I can't so I ship our characters instead.
    Claiming the Breaking Boundaries one with Ruby here!

    Also the retirement home one.
    [Image: 6KPo4lT.png]
    Newsworthy -
    I just moved to a new country! [Image: mThvFq.png]
    set by MJ!

    [Image: 11shy53.gif][Image: 16204dv.gif]
    This is the first of many "Bree's finally doing her stamps" posts xD

    Claiming the great poster with Mathias' existence and amazing poster with this. The links lead to each characters post counts on their mini-profiles!

    Claiming newsworthy stamp with Mathias in these: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 (fun fact: Bree is ashamed that Mathias has been mentioned in the DP more times than these five)

    I'm also gonna attempt to claim the developer extraordinaire (relationship switch) with Mathias, seeing as he's been with three different girls over a span of three years (Zephyra, February, Rosalind)? If you need me to hunt down threads I can go searching through 550 posts xD

    Also going to claim the continuity stamp with Handsome's constant mention of how annoying Sweetie is/the troubles with his sisters (1 & 2 & 3).

    Claiming silencio w/ the group thread Dionisia was in w/ Beans/Rosa/Soph!

    edit: OH! And the 3+ years longevity stamp w/ Mathias' app!