Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Hogwarts Roster '87 - '88
    Hogwarts Calendar 1887-1888

    — 09/01 (Friday): Start of term, Sorting Ceremony and Welcome Feast
    — 09/04 (Monday): Classes begin
    — 09/07-10 (Thursday - Sunday): Quidditch team tryouts

    — 10/07 (Saturday): Hogsmeade Trip
    — 10/31 (Tuesday): Halloween Feast

    — 11/04 (Saturday): Quidditch Match, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
    — 11/11 (Saturday): Hogsmeade Trip
    — 11/26 (Sunday): Quidditch Match, Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw

    — 12/09 (Saturday): Hogsmeade Trip
    — 12/21 (Thursday): Last day of classes before winter holidays

    — 01/02 (Tuesday): End of winter holidays; students return to school
    — 01/03 (Wednesday): Classes resume
    — 01/27 (Saturday): Hogsmeade Trip

    — 02/18 (Sunday): Quidditch Match, Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin

    — 03/03 (Saturday): Quidditch Match, Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff
    — 03/03-04/02 (Friday - Monday): Easter Holidays (No Classes)

    — 03/03-04/02 (Friday - Monday): Easter Holidays (No Classes)
    — 04/09 (Monday): Apparition Testing in the Great Hall (Optional)
    — 04/15 (Sunday): Quidditch Match, Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin

    — 05/05 (Saturday): Quidditch Match, Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
    — 05/12 (Saturday): Hogsmeade Trip
    — 05/26 (Saturday): Quidditch Cup: Teams TBA
    — 05/14 (Monday): OWL Astronomy and NEWT Charms
    — 05/15 (Tuesday): OWL Charms and NEWT Defense Against the Dark Arts
    — 05/16 (Wednesday): OWL Defense Against the Dark Arts and NEWT Herbology
    — 05/17 (Thursday): OWL Herbology and NEWT History of Magic
    — 05/18 (Friday): OWL History of Magic and NEWT Potions
    — 05/21 (Monday): OWL Potions and NEWT Transfiguration
    — 05/21-28 (Monday-Monday): Hogwarts Examinations
    — 05/22 (Tuesday): OWL Transfiguration and NEWT Astronomy
    — 05/23 (Wednesday): OWL and NEWT Elective Examinations
    — 05/24 (Thursday): OWL and NEWT Elective Examinations
    — 05/25 (Friday): OWL and NEWT Elective Examinations
    — 05/30 (Wednesday): Hogwarts’ Annual Coming Out Ball
    — 05/31 (Thursday): End of Term Feast & House Cup Awarded

    — 07/31 (Tuesday): O.W.L. and N.E.W.T results, Hogwarts acceptance letters and supply lists (as well as Prefect and Head Boy/Girl badges) sent out.

    Since it was considered improper for young ladies to walk about without chaperons, Hogwarts provides chaperons through teachers and Head of Houses as well as other staff members. They are assigned to a location and whomever wants to go to that particular location will be escorted there in a group. Seeing as the groups could be rather large, it would be easy to escape from the chaperon's view, though is greatly frowned upon and could result in a detention. Third years and higher are allowed to go on the excursions. Students who have written permission from their parents/guardians are allowed to visit their families in Hogsmeade if there is a good reason, such as a family emergency, a wedding, or a funeral. As a note, students are not allowed to leave school for events like family dinners.

    O.W.L.s are tests taken by all fifth years. N.E.W.T.s are tests taken by all seventh years. Students not enrolled in the subject writing on a given day will have that day free of classes, to study for other subjects.

    Quidditch game outcomes (unplayed) are determined by die rolls, coin flips, and player ability.  

    Charming uses house points to determine the winner of the House Cup.

    To apply for a student staff position, please fill out this form and PM it to a staff member, who will then post it up for scoring in the staff forum.  For student quidditch positions, please post in maintenance.

    Roster of Students

    First Years: 16 | Second Years: 9
    Third Years: 9 | Fourth Years: 13 | Fifth Years: 14
    Sixth Years: 13 | Seventh Years: 15

    First Years @'Meta Lestrange'
    @'Madeline Bell'
    @'Angus Greyback'
    @'Sisse Thompsett'
    @'Sloane Bixby'
    @'Alcyone Slughorn'
    @'Ramona Fogg'
    @'Theodosia Brownhill'
    Second Years @'Hestia Fairchild'
    @'Cameron Gillenwater'
    @'Questor Spryly'
    Third Years @'Edgar Rey II'
    @'Tansy Abberton'
    Fourth Years @'Vesta Bones'
    Fifth Years @'Cora Smith'*
    @'Tripper Jameson'
    @'Fauna Halliday'
    @'Waffle Whitledge'
    Sixth Years @'Ignatius Quirrell'
    @'Glitter Whitledge'
    @'Emmeline Woodcroft'*
    Seventh Years @'Mundungus MacFusty'
    @'Hope Crawford'
    @'Handsome Whitledge'*
    @'Glitter Whitledge'
    @'Sophia Moreland'

    First Years @'Hwan Moon'
    @'Calla Potts'
    @'Luce Faucher-De Loncrey'
    @'Tatianna Brownhill'
    Second Years @'Honey Whitledge'
    @'Aleksei Nichols'
    Third Years @'Julian Dearborn'
    Fourth Years @'Ruby Urquart'
    @'Demelza McGonagall'
    @'Frida Lestrange'
    @'Darling Whitledge'
    @'Crystal Ruskin'
    Fifth Years @'Joanna Triggs'
    @'Mozelle Rios'
    Sixth Years @'Delight Urquart'*
    @'James Baird'
    @'Patsy Flynn'
    Seventh Years @'Madeleine Backus'*
    @'Owain Edwards'*
    @'Eoin Friel'
    @'Margaret Rawlinson'

    First Years @'Nathan Blackwall'
    @'Claire de Luna'
    Second Years
    Third Years @'George Waterford'
    @'Augusta Selwyn'
    @'Thomas Sanger'
    Fourth Years @'Holliday Fudge'
    @'Citrine Weasley'
    @'Beatrix Borgin'
    @'Marguerite Gauthier'
    Fifth Years @'Hudson Pine'
    @'Flora Halliday'*
    @'Germander Macnair'*
    @'Acacia Ruskin'
    Sixth Years @'Rupert Bingham'
    @'Benjamin Turner'*
    @'Oscar Stretton'
    @'Ivory Kamaria'
    @'Iziza Noel'
    Seventh Years @'Daffodil Potts'
    @'Cecily Gallivan'
    @'Katherine Midford'*
    @'Ian Longstaff'

    First Years @'Holly Scrimgeour'
    Second Years @'Zadie Pine'
    @'Elijah Urquart'
    @'Sebastian Urquart'
    @'Irene Fudge'
    @'Constance Huntingtower'
    @'Allan Pavlovich'
    Third Years @'Maybelle Marriot'
    @'Gretchen Lestrange'
    @'Time Day'
    Fourth Years @'Sage Macnair'
    @'Archelaus Abney'
    @'Seneca Lestrange'
    Fifth Years @'Sweetie Whitledge'
    @'Blythe Fairchild'*
    @'October Lynch'
    @'Tobin Cartwright'*
    @'Ernie Nuffer'
    Sixth Years @'Kristoffer Lestrange'*
    @'Magdelene Cadden'
    Seventh Years @'Naeva Lécuyer'
    @'Novella Braunstone'

    Prefects have a * behind their name. Years 5-7 are allowed to be appointed as prefects, one boy and one girl are elected in their fifth year and carry out their duties until they leave the school.

    [Image: G12-Book-3-icon.png]
    Student Positions

    Head BoyHandsome Whitledge7th Year
    Head GirlKatherine Midford7th Year

    Male Prefects--5th Year
    --6th Year
    Handsome Whitledge7th Year
    Female PrefectsCora Smith5th Year
    Emmeline Woodcroft6th Year
    --7th Year

    CaptainMundungus MacFusty
    ChaserCameron Gillenwater
    ChaserMadeline Bell
    ChaserAngus GreybackAvailable Autumn '87
    BeaterMundungus MacFusty
    BeaterTripper JamesonAvailable for January ‘87
    KeeperHandsome Whitledge
    Seeker--Available Autumn '87

    Male Prefects--5th Year
    --6th Year
    Owain Edwards7th Year
    Female Prefects--5th Year
    Delight Urquart6th Year
    Madeleine Backus7th Year

    CaptainDelight Urquart
    ChaserDelight Urquart
    ChaserRuby Urquart
    ChaserCalla Potts
    BeaterJulian DearbornAvailable Autumn '87
    BeaterOwain Edwards
    KeeperJames BairdAvailable Autumn '87
    Seeker--Available for January ‘87

    Male PrefectsGermander Macnair5th Year
    Benjamin Turner6th Year
    --7th Year
    Female PrefectsFlora Halliday5th Year
    --6th Year
    Katherine Midford7th Year

    CaptainCecily Gallivan
    ChaserOscar StrettonAvailable Autumn '87
    ChaserCitrine Weasley
    ChaserHudson Pine
    BeaterCecily Gallivan
    BeaterRupert Bingham
    Keeper--Available Autumn '86
    SeekerGeorge WaterfordAvailable Autumn '87

    Male PrefectsTobin Cartwright5th Year
    Kristoffer Lestrange6th Year
    --7th Year
    Female PrefectsBlythe Fairchild5th Year
    --6th Year
    --7th Year

    CaptainKristoffer Lestrange
    ChaserSebastian Urquart
    ChaserElijah Urquart
    ChaserErnie NufferAvailable Autumn '86
    BeaterKristoffer Lestrange
    BeaterTobin CartwrightAvailable Autumn '86
    KeeperZadie PineAvailable Autumn '87
    SeekerArchelaus Abney

    Quidditch Captains are decided based on seniority, but must be in at least fifth year. Quidditch players during this time period were typically male, due to the rough nature of the sport. As of 25 October 1881, females were banned IC from playing Quidditch, but have been re-allowed as of 30 August 1883. Hogwarts does not have second string quidditch teams.

    Those interested in club presidencies should click here.

    For a list of people who have held student staff positions in the past, click here.

    For a list of Hogwarts Professors, click here.

    To apply for a prefect position, fill out the following from and submit it to a member of staff. It will be scored for suitability, and you’ll be contacted as soon as possible! Characters up to a month old must have 5 posts to apply. Older characters need 25+ posts.

    [b]Character Name:[/b] Please include application link.
    [b]Applying For:[/b] What position do you want?
    [b]Class & Blood Status:[/b] Public perception, please. Don’t tell me half-veela if your character is perceived as a muggleborn or something xD
    [b]Traits:[/b] Optional if application has a personality section. Five required if personality field is blank.
    [b]Why Should You Be Prefect:[/b]<blockquote>An IC-meets-OOC explanation. We know that not all characters would try to talk themselves up, but if they were trying to, what would they say? Linking to posted evidence can give you a much-needed boost! Threads from previous school years may be included here as evidence!</blockquote>
    [b]Activity Log:[/b]
    [*]You’re welcome to include links to threads set at Hogwarts to help illustrate your character’s activity! This field is optional.

    N.E.W.T. Requirements

    Below are the grades required for students to enter into NEWT-level classes in a particular subject.  Please note that Art, Music, and Etiquette do not have OWLs or NEWTs, but the first two are offered from third year forward, and the third is mandatory for all years. Hogwarts professors may PM any member of staff to have their requirement added to the list; until they do so, and for unfilled classes, the default requirement is a pass (A).
    Alchemy--O in Potions or HoH Reference (NEWT-level Only)
    Ancient Runes@'Halvar Kirmani' Acceptable (A)
    Ancient Studies--Acceptable (A)
    Acceptable (A)
    Astronomy --Acceptable (A)
    Care of Magical Creatures @'Phyllida Rummage' Outstanding (O) or professor permission
    Charms --Aceptable (A)
    Defense Against the Dark Arts @'Nikolai Sleptov' Exceeds Expectations (E)
    Divination @'Elliot Carmichael' Acceptable (A)
    Earth Magic-- Acceptable (A)
    Ghoul Studies@'Barrett Keene' Acceptable (A)
    Gobbledegook--Faculty Reference Required (NEWT-level Only)
    Herbology@'Mason Skeeter' Acceptable (A)
    History of Magic@'Hamish Darrow'Exceeds Expectations (E)
    Muggle Studies -- Acceptable (A)
    Potions@'Meserimus Valenduris'Outstanding (O) or Professor Permission
    Transfiguration-- Acceptable (A)