Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Ministry of Magic
    Professional Quidditch
    Hogwarts School
    Non-Humans & General

    Occupations may be reserved for five days only with no renewals allowed. Only currently open occupations can be reserved. You may reserve and claim previous positions here. It is strongly recommended you double check those history lists for vacation dates.

    The staff may restrict occupations for specific types of characters, or include notes about when a position was vacated IC. These notes must be considered when applying for a character in that position and are done to promote both realism and continuity.

    Your character is not limited to the list of occupations found below! You are free to create your own occupation if it is not found on this list—both the Victorian era and the HP universe provide a wide variety of options to explore :)

    Want to know what schooling your dream job requires? See this documentation.
    The Ministry of Magic
    Minister’s Office

    Minister of MagicJustin Ross
    Senior Undersecretary--28+. Male. Approved by MoM. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Junior Assistant--20+. Approved by MoM. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Secretary--Female, Middle Class, Unmarried, 20+, Vacated March, 1885

    On Membership
    Chief Warlock@'Lucius Lestrange'
    Interrogators--, --, --, --, --WG member for 3+ years
    Court Scribe--, --, --Literate; 15+

    Committee on Experimental Charms
    Committee HeadFlitterbottom VaiseyMale. 30+. Upper Class.
    Members--, --, --,
    Only one female (unmarried); all upper or middle class; 25+

    Research Committee
    Committee HeadGaius MalfoyMale. 30+. Upper Class. Vacated Oct. 1886.
    Members--, --, --, --Only one female (unmarried); all upper or middle class; 25+

    Department of Magical Law Enforcement
    Head of Department--3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Assistant Head--5+ years in department. Vacated October 1887.
    LawyersJustus Pilliwickle, Albert Pettigrew, --, --, --1+ year as a clerk.
    Clerks--, --, --, --1+ years as an intern. 18+
    Interns--, --, --17+. Maximum of 2 years.
    Secretary--Vacated Jan. 1886. Female, Middle Class, Unmarried, 17+.

    Dept. MLE — Aurors

    Head Auror--8+ years as full auror. Vacated Jan. 1888.
    AurorsEnoch Rosier, Theodoric Jameshill, Overstreet Richardson, --, --, --, --Complete Auror Training

    Dept. MLE — Auror Training Program

    Instructors: Stealth & Tracking--10+ years as auror. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Instructor: Concealment & Disguise--10+ years as auror. No metamorphamagi.
    Instructor: Poisons & Antidotes--Potioneer; 7+ years professional experience.
    Instructor: Field Medicine--7+ years as mediwizard.
    Instructor: Combative Magic--8+ years as auror or hit wizard. Vacated April 1887.
    Instructor: Paperwork & Drudgery--10+ years in the Department of MLE.
    Instructor: Law--8+ years as lawyer. Vacated August 1887.
    First Year Trainees--, --, --E+ on DADA, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology NEWTs; suitable disposition.
    Second Year TraineesTheodore Gallivan, --, --, --Complete Year 1 Training
    Third Year Trainees--, --, --, --Complete Year 2 Training

    Dept. MLE — Investigation
    Head of Department--3+ years as assistant head or 7+ years in department with MOM permission.
    Assistant Head--7+ years in dept. Vacated March 1886.
    Investigators--, --, --, --, --, --1 year as trainee.
    Coroners--, --Medical experience.
    Trainee Investigators--, --, --3 years of experience as auror.

    Dept. MLE — Law Enforcement
    Squad Chief--5+ years in DMLE; 28+
    Interrogators--, --, --, --21+
    Hit Wizards--, --, --, -- 2 years as trainee.
    Trainee Hit Wizards--, --E+ OWLs in Transfiguration, DADA, Charms, Potions, Herbology; 17+
    ObliviatorsTheseus Greengrass, --, --, --, --E+ on Charms NEWT

    Dept. MLE — Improper Use of Magic Office
    Head of OfficeKonstantin Fisk3+ years in office. Vacated Jan. 1886.
    Investigators--, --, --1+ year as intern.

    Dept. MLE — Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
    Head of Office--3+ years in office. Vacated Jan. 1888.
    InvestigatorsPercival Adlard Jr, --1+ year as intern.

    Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
    Head of DepartmentAstrid Parkinson3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission.
    Assistant HeadGarrett WallingfordPreviously ran a squad or department. 30+. Vacated Jan. 1887.
    EmployeesZelda Fisk, --, --, --, --
    Secretery--Female, Middle or Lower Class, Unmarried, 17+

    Dept. MA&C — Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
    Squad Head--3+ years in squad, 25+, vacated April 1887.
    Squad MembersLeander Grantham, --, --. --, --

    Dept. MA&C — Muggle Liaison Office
    Head of OfficeWalter Brownhill30+; 5+ years in office. Vacated June 1886.
    EmployeesNemo Fisk, Andrew Bingham, --Not purists. Muggle studies OWL.

    Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
    Head of Department--3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission. Vacated Jan. 1888.
    Assistant HeadMorwenna SkeeterDivision Head for 3+ years or 10+ years in dept. with HoD permission.
    SecreteryHyacinth SproutFemale; Middle or Lower Class; Unmarried; 17+; vacated Aug. 1884

    Dept. R&CMC — Beast Division
    Head of DivisionClinton Podmore7+ years in division; 30+. Vacated Nov. 1886.
    Division Employees --, --, --

    Beast Division: Werewolf Capture Unit
    Unit Head@'Amery Headley'Male. 30+. Former Auror or Hit Wizard. Vacated April 1887.
    Unit MembersSamson Jane, --, --, --Former Auror or Hit Wizard.

    Beast Division: Dragon Research & Restraint Bureau
    Bureau HeadKentigern MacFustyPosition Created Oct. 1884. Vacated June 1886.
    Dragon Restraint Officers--, --, --Male. 3+ Years in Beast Division or 17+ MacFusty/Ifan. Position established Oct. 1884.
    Researchers--, --, --Position established Oct. 1884. Outstanding COMC NEWT. Third spot for individual 30+
    Secretary--Female. Lower/Middle Class. 17+. Single. Vacated Aug. 1885

    Dept. R&CMC — Being Division
    Head of DivisionSalazar Slughorn7+ years in division; 30+
    Division Employees--, --, --

    Being Division: Goblin Liaison Office
    Head of Office--5+ years in division.
    Office Employees--, --

    Being Division: Office for House Elf Relocation
    Head of Office--5+ years in division.
    Office EmployeesAlexander Echelon, --

    Dept. R&CMC — Spirit Division
    Head of DivisionKillian Tabiner7+ years in division; 30+
    Division Employees--, --, --

    Dept. R&CMC — Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures
    Members --, --, -- 30+. 10+ years in Ministry.
    Executioner--Male. 17+.

    Dept. R&CMC — Pest Advisory Bureau
    Bureau Head--5+ years in department. Vacated Sept. 1887.
    Bureau Employees--, --

    Department of International Magical Co-Operation
    Head of DepartmentAldous Crouch3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission.
    Assistant HeadCharles Macmillan5+ years in department. Vacated Jan. 1887.
    Secretary--Female, Middle Class, Unmarried, 18+. English, French, + one other language. Vacated Jan. 1887.
    TranslatorsAlexandra Seymore, --, --, --, --, --Fluent in English, French, and one+ other language(s).
    Employees--, --, --Fluent in English, French, and one+ other language(s). 1+ year as intern.
    International LiaisonZian Zhao (China), --, --, --, --Upper or Middle Class. One per country. 21+.

    Department of Magical Transportation
    Head of Department--3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission. Vacated Jan. 1888.
    Assistant HeadJonathan Webster5+ years in department. Vacated June 1887.
    Secretary--Female, Middle or Lower Class, Unmarried, 17+. Vacated June 1887.

    Dept. MT — Apparition Test Centre
    Test Director--5+ years as an examiner. Vacated June 1887.
    ExaminersAeronwy Rife, --, --21+. Apparition License.

    Dept. MT — Broom Regulatory Control Office
    Head of Office--5+ years in office.
    Employees--, --, --

    Dept. MT — Floo Network Authority
    Head of Office--5+ years in office. Vacated May 1884
    Employee--, --, --

    Dept. MT — Portkey Office
    Head Co-Ordinator--5+ years in office.
    Employees--, --, --

    Department of Magical Games and Sports
    Head of DepartmentWesley Cavanaugh3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission.
    Assistant HeadEdmund Grimm5+ years in department.
    Secretary--Female, Middle Class, Unmarried, 17+. Vacated January 1888
    EmployeesMortimer Skeeter, --, --
    Quidditch League Director--5+ years in department. Vacated August 1885
    Quidditch League Referees--, --, --

    Dept. G&S — Dueling Commission
    Head of OfficeBarnabas Skeeter
    Members of the Dueling Commission--, --, --

    Dept. G&S — Ludicrous Patents Office
    Head of Office--3+ years in office. Vacated Aug. 1885.
    Employees--, --, --

    Dept. G&S — Gobstones Association
    Head of Office--3+ years in office.

    Department of Mysteries
    Head of Department--3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission. Vacated Jan. 1888.
    Assistant Head--5+ years in department. Vacated Nov. 1886
    UnspeakablesEphraim Vablatsky, Tiberius Lestrange, --, --, --, --
    SecretaryFortuna LockhartFemale. Lower or Middle class. 17+. Unmarried. Vacated November 1887.

    Department of Magical Education
    Head of DepartmentAurelius Fogg3+ years as assistant head or 10+ years in dept. with MoM permission. UC Male OR Former Professor.
    Assistant HeadEvander Darrow5+ years in department. Vacated April 1884. Male OR Former Professor.
    Secretary--Female. Lower or Middle class. 15+. Unmarried. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Employees--, --, --

    Dept. ME —  Wizarding Examinations Authority
    Authority Head--30+. Upper or Middle Class. Former Professor. Authority member 3+ years.
    Members--30+. Upper or Middle Class. One female. Former professor OR 5+ years in department.

    Ministry of Magic Public Information Services
    Head of Office--Female. 25+. Unmarried. Office for 3+ years.
    Employees--, --, --, --, --Female. 17+. Unmarried.

    Security Wizards--, --, --, --Male, Middle or Lower Class
    Magical Maintenance--, --, --, --Male, Lower Class
    Welcome WitchesLily Huddleston, --, --Female, Middle or Lower Class, 17+

    Please bear in mind…

    — Unless otherwise specified, the minimum age for department heads is thirty.
    — The minimum age for assistant department heads is twenty-seven.
    — The minimum age for squad, unit, and office heads is twenty-five.
    Exceptions to the above can be made for characters who earn their promotions IC.
    — Interns generally intern for at least one year, but no more than three. If a department has an intern program, you must fulfill that before becoming a full employee.
    — Any position that requires the use of magic requires all employees to be 17 or older.
    — Aurors-in-Training must complete three years of training before becoming a full-fledged Auror. (More information on Auror training and required NEWT scores can be found here.)
    — Non-miscellaneous occupations need to have at least OWLs. Miscellaneous workers must be at least fifteen.
    — Ministry employees will be let go if their reputation is lower than 3.
    International Liaisons hail from the country they represent. They typically have several years' experience in their country's International Magical Co-Ops prior to posting, and are almost always male. They will be upper class, with a few exceptions.

    Owner--30 Galleons. Middle/Upper Class; bought June 1887.
    Manager--28+, Knowledge of Herbology and Potions. Vacated Oct. 1886. Full human.
    Employees--, --, --17+, Knowledge of Herbology and Potions. Full human.

    Beautiful Beast Boutique
    OwnerCatigern Weasley65 Galleons
    ManagerPhilip Calendar25+, Middle Class, Male. Vacated Dec. 1886.
    EmployeesAmelia Evans, --, --, --15+, Middle or Lower Class, Respectable. Full human.
    Cleaner--13+, Lower Class, Respectable. Vacated Dec. 1887.

    Dervish and Banges
    Owners Mr. ______ Dervish and Mr. ______ Banges(available canons)
    Silent Partner--Upper Class. Male. 30+. Bought in early 1885.

    Gladrags Wizardwear
    Owner--75 Galleons. Sold August 1887.
    Manager--25+. Respectable. Full human.
    Front End Clerks--, --17+. Respectable. Full human.
    Seamstresses --, --, -- 17+. Respectable. Must be talented at sewing, embroidery and knitting/crocheting. Full human.

    Hog's Head
    Owner--25 Galleons. Lower or Middle Class. Sold Nov. 1886.
    Bartender--17+, Lower class, Trustworthy. Vacated June 1887.  
    Maid--13+, Lower Class, Trustworthy. Vacated May 1887.
    CookSouri Avninder15+, Lower Class, Trustworthy. Vacated Feb. 1887.
    Employees--, --13+, Lower Class, Trustworthy

    Hogsmeade Ballroom
    Master of Ceremonies--30+, Middle class, Male, Respectable. Full human.  
    String Quartet-- (Violinist), -- (Violinist), -- (Cellist), -- (Pianist)13+, Lower Class. Full human.
    Cook--25+, Lower Class, Respectable. Full human.
    Kitchen Maid--, --11+, Lower Class, Respectable. Full human.
    Footmen--, --, --17+, Lower Class, Respectable. Full human.
    Behind-the-Scenes House Elves--, --, --

    Honeyduke's Sweet Shop
    OwnerQuincey Honeyduke60 Galleons
    Manager--25+, Preferably Female. Competent. Vacated June 1887.
    Employees--, --, --15+, Middle or Lower Class

    Ollivander's Wands
    OwnerMr. Grayson Ollivander (canon)
    Employees--, --, --17+, Middle Class, Respectable. Full human.

    Owl Emporium
    Owner--50 Galleons. Sold Oct. 1886.
    Manager--25+ , Lower Class. Vacated Oct. 1883. Full human.
    Employees--, --14+, Lower Class. Full human.
    Shop Scrubber--14+, Lower Class

    Post Office
    Manager--Respectable. 30+. Experienced. Vacated Oct. 1886. Full human.
    Employees--, --Respectable. 17+. Experienced. Full human.

    Quality Quidditch Supplies
    OwnerNathaniel Gallivan70 Galleons
    Manager--25+. Quidditch fan. Male. Lower Class. Respectable. Full human.
    Employees--, --, -- 15+. Middle or Lower Class. Full human.

    Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
    OwnerMr. _____ Scrivenshaft(available canon)
    Manager--30+, Middle or Lower Class, Respectable. Vacated May 1886. Full human.
    Employees--, --, --15+. Respectable. Lower Class. Full human.

    Silverwand Cauldrons
    Owner--55 Galleons
    Employees--, --Full human.

    The Painted Lady
    OwnerEléonore Lévesque (Tessa Van Patten)
    Manager--Respectable, Trustworthy, Female. Full human.
    Waitresses--, --15+, Respectable. Full human.
    Maid--13+, Respectable. Full human.
    Pâtissier (M)/Pâtissière (F) --25+, Experienced, Lower/Middle Class. Full human.

    The Three Broomsticks
    Owner--45 Galleons. Sold Jan. 1887.
    ManagerBasil Stretton27+. Male. Middle or Lower Class. Trustworthy. Good with numbers/money.
    Bartenders--, --17+. Male. Lower Class. Full human.
    Waitresses--, --15+. Female. Lower Class. Full human.
    Maid--10+. Female. Lower Class. Full human.

    Twilfit and Tatting's
    OwnersMs. _____ Twilfit and Mrs. _____ TattingCanons
    Employees --, --, --Full human.

    Whizzhard Books
    OwnerOrlando LovegoodSold Jan. 1887
    Manager--21+, Middle or Lower Class, Reputation 4+, Good with Numbers & Trustworthy. Vacated Dec. 1886. No full/part veela.
    Employees--, --, -- , --16+, Middle or Lower Class, Reputation 3+ No full/part veela.

    Please bear in mind…

    — Shop owners must be able to realistically afford the upkeep and expense of a shop. Smaller shops have fewer employees while larger shops have more.
    — Owners can post a response to this thread regarding requirements for currently open positions once they have reached 25+ posts. Requirements are limited to five maximum. They can also change the title of open positions with staff approval, i.e. Employee -> Kitchen Maid.
    — Anyone may be fired at employer discretion if their reputation is lower than 3.
    Hogsmeade Hospital

    Hospital DirectorBaxter Keene40+. MC/UC with 20+ years as a healer or UC with 10+ years as administrator.
    Senior Assistant--Literate. Experience required. Vacated May 1883
    Junior Assistant--Literate.

    Artifact Incidents
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Assistant Head-- 7+ years as Healer. Vacated Sept. 1886.
    HealersTrinity Estep, Adrien Favreau, --, --
    Interns--, --

    Creature-Induced Injuries
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer. Vacated Aug. 1885
    Assistant Head--7+ years as Healer. Vacated May 1887.
    Healers--, --, --, --

    Magical Bugs
    Healer-In-ChargeAnnabelle Bones12+ years as Healer. Vacated Dec. 1886.
    Assistant Head-- 7+ years as Healer. Vacated March 1887.
    HealersDionisia Tweedy, --, --, --
    Interns--, --

    Potion and Plant Poisoning
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer.
    Assistant HeadAri Fisk 7+ years as Healer.
    HealersAnthony Grimstone, --. --, --, --
    Interns--, --

    Spell Damage
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Assistant Head--7+ years as Healer. Vacated Nov. 1887.
    Healers--, --, --, --
    Interns--, --

    Unit Head--5+ years’ experience. Vacated Jan. 1883
    Mediwitches & MediwizardsOttilie Pine, Alfred Clearwater, --, --, --
    Trainees--, --

    Welcome Witches--, --
    Magical Maintenance--, --, --
    Tearoom StaffMorgana Gaunt, --
    Hospital Shop Staff--, --

    St Mungo's

    Hospital DirectorCharles Jameshill40+. Former Healer-in-Charge at St. Mungo’s.
    Senior Assistant--Literate. Experience required. 30+
    Junior Assistant--Literate. 20+. Vacated June 1887.

    Artifact Incidents
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer.
    Assistant Head-- 7+ years as Healer. Vacated June 1887.
    Healers--, --, --,
    Interns--, --

    Creature-Induced Injuries
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer.
    Assistant HeadSydney Podmore7+ years as Healer.
    Healers--, --, --, --
    Interns--, --

    Magical Bugs
    Healer-In-ChargeRichard Gladstone12+ years as Healer.
    Assistant Head-- 7+ years as Healer. Vacated Jan. 1887.
    Healers--, --, --, --
    Interns--, --

    Potion and Plant Poisoning
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Assistant HeadFletcher Peverell 7+ years as Healer.
    Healers--, --, --, --
    Interns--, --

    Spell Damage
    Healer-In-Charge--12+ years as Healer.
    Assistant HeadEzra Vablatsky 7+ years as Healer. Vacated Jan. 1883
    HealersAmbrosia Shinnick, Laurel Twelvetrees, --, --, --
    InternsGarrett Cavey, --

    Unit Head--5+ years’ experience.
    Mediwitches & MediwizardsLorcan Byrne, Jamesina McIntyre, --, --, --
    Trainees--, --

    Welcome WitchesAnnabelle Scrimgeour, --
    Magical Maintenance--, --, --
    Tearoom Staff--, --
    Hospital Shop Staff--, --

    Please bear in mind…

    — Healers-in-Charge must have at least twelve years of experience as a full healer.
    — Assistant Heads must have at least seven years of experience as a full healer.
    Exemptions may be made IC by the Hospital Director or Healer-in-Charge, respectively.
    — The Hospital Director will ideally have been a Department Head, if possible.
    — Interns must intern for one year, or nine months if previously a summer intern. Internships start in June and conclude at the end of May or March.
    — Healers require NEWTS. (More information on required NEWT scores can be found here.)
    — Mediwizards require  OWLs of E or higher in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, and Potions, and train for six months.
    — Hospital employees will be let go if their reputation is lower than 3.

    Healers and nurses are also employed at Irvingly Infirmary.
    Quidditch: Appleby Arrows

    Sponsor -- Cost = 60G
    Coach -- 35+ with 7+ years of professional quidditch experience. Male.
    Captain Edward Mohr
    Chasers 1st String: --, --, -- Reserve: --, --, --
    Beaters 1st String:-- (v. March 1887), -- (v. Dec 1886) Reserve: --, --
    Keepers 1st String: Edward Mohr Reserve: John Humphrey-Mavis
    First-String Seekers 1st String: -- (v. July 1883) Reserve: --

    Quidditch: Chudley Cannons

    Sponsor Nathaniel Gallivan Cost = 60G
    Coach -- 35+ with 7+ years of professional quidditch experience. Male. Vacated Nov. 1886.
    Captain Fitzroy Prewett
    Chasers 1st String:-- (v. Oct. 1887), --, -- Reserve: --, --, --
    Beaters 1st String: Magnus Lockhart, Fitzroy Prewett Reserve: -- (v. Sept. 1886), -- (v. Sept. 1886)
    Keepers 1st String: -- (v. Jan 1883) Reserve: --
    First-String Seekers 1st String: Cassius Lestrange Reserve: --

    Quidditch: Hogsmeade Howlers

    Sponsor Mitch Quiddel NPC
    Coach -- 35+ with 7+ years of professional quidditch experience. Male.
    Captain Arthur Pettigrew
    Chasers 1st String:Desdemona Pettigrew, Arthur Pettigrew, -- (v. April 1885) Reserve: --, --, --
    Beaters 1st String: Tybalt Kirke, Sparrow Bloodworth Reserve: --, --
    Keepers 1st String: -- (v. Jan. 1887) Reserve: --
    First-String Seekers 1st String: -- (v. March 1887) Reserve: --

    Quidditch: Holyhead Harpies

    Sponsor Ginevra Blackwood Cost = 60G.
    Coach Marceline Gillum 35+ with 7+ years of professional quidditch experience. Open gender.
    Captain -- Vacated June 1887.
    Chasers 1st String: -- (v. Nov. 1887), Nectar Shinnick, -- Reserve: --, -- (v. July 1887), --
    Beaters 1st String: --, -- Reserve: --, --
    Keepers 1st String: -- (v. Feb. 1887) Reserve: --
    First-String Seekers 1st String: -- Reserve: --

    Quidditch: Kenmare Kestrels

    Sponsor Roberto Devine Cost = 50G
    Coach -- 35+ with 7+ years of professional quidditch experience. Male.
    Captain -- Vacated Oct. 1884.
    Chasers 1st String: --, --, -- (v. Sept 1883) Reserve: --, --, --
    Beaters 1st String: -- (v. Jan. 1886), -- (v. Nov. 1887) Reserve: --, --
    Keepers 1st String: -- Reserve: --
    First-String Seekers 1st String: -- (v. April 1883) Reserve: --

    Quidditch: Puddlemere United

    Sponsor Thom Pettigrew Cost = 60G.
    Coach -- 35+ with 7+ years of professional quidditch experience. Male.
    Captain Esteban Zavala
    Chasers 1st String: -- (v. Sept. 1886), Tristan Michaud, Rufus Bixby Reserve: --, --, --
    Beaters 1st String: -- (v. Sept. 1887), -- (v. Jan. 1888) Reserve: --, --
    Keepers 1st String: Esteban Zavala Reserve: --
    First-String Seekers 1st String: Jacob Babineaux Reserve: --

    Please bear in mind…

    — The Holyhead Harpies are exclusively female.
    — Unless a staff-approved IC development, all players must serve a minimum of one year on second string if they were previously on their house team. They must spend two years if they were not.
    — A sponsor may choose to cut a player with a reputation lower than 3.
    — Captains must be at least twenty-one years old.
    — Currently, we only allow played players from the teams listed.
    — Coaches are responsible for training the team, as well as all hiring decisions--though the sponsor, as the financial backer, might overrule them if so inclined. Coaches are hired by the sponsor as well.
    Hogwarts School

    Headmaster of Hogwarts Phineas Nigellus Black
    Deputy Head of Hogwarts Hamish Darrow Vacated Aug. 1886
    Alchemy Professor -- Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Ancient Runes Professor Halvar Kirmani (Ravenclaw Head of House)
    Ancient Studies Professor -- Vacated Summer 1887
    Arithmancy Professor -- Vacated Dec. 1885
    Art Professor -- Vacated June 1887
    Astronomy Professor --
    Care of Magical Creatures Professor qedma bakaffa Vacated December 1887
    Charms Professor Edgar Pomfrey Vacated June 1885
    Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Nikolai Sleptov
    Divination Professor Elliot Carmichael
    Earth Magic Professor Young-Jae Choi Vacated Dec. 1884
    Etiquette Professor -- Vacated June 1885. Position created Oct. 1881
    Ghoul Studies Professor Barrett Keene (Gryffindor Head of House)
    Gobbledegook Professor -- Male Goblin; Established Summer 1886
    Herbology Professor Mason Skeeter
    History of Magic Professor Hamish Darrow (Hufflepuff Head of House)
    Magical Theory Professor -- Vacated Dec. 1886
    Muggle Studies Professor -- Vacated Dec. 1886
    Music Professor -- Vacated Dec. 1885
    Potions Professor Meserimus Valenduris (Slytherin Head of House)
    Transfiguration Professor Violet Wiltingham
    Caretaker -- Vacated Dec. 1882
    Nurse -- Vacated Dec. 1886
    Groundskeeper Egbert Candlemass Vacated Dec. 1886
    Referee and Flight Instructor -- Vacated Dec. 1886
    Librarian -- Vacated Dec. 1886
    Gryffindor House Matron -- Unmarried/Widowed. 30+. Gryffindor alumna. Vacated Dec. 1886
    Hufflepuff House Matron -- Unmarried/Widowed. 30+. Hufflepuff alumna.
    Ravenclaw House Matron Rosaline Bennett Unmarried/Widowed. 30+. Ravenclaw alumna.
    Slytherin House Matron Constance Sykes Unmarried/Widowed. 30+. Slytherin alumna.

    Please bear in mind…

    — The minimum age for a professor position is twenty-one. They must have worked in a field related to their subject since leaving school.
    — They must have taken NEWTs and scored highly in the appropriate subjects, though individual exceptions might be made for life experience.
    — Regardless of post count, a professor who falls inactive will have their term lengthened/shortened to the start of the nearest term to avoid mid-term replacements.
    — The Head of Houses must have been sorted into the respective house, as must House Matrons.
    — House matrons were added to the staff roster for the 1884/1885 school year. They are directly responsible for the female students in their house, but have authority over male students as well. They live in small chambers off of the common room. Middle class is preferred, but other classes will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

    Museum of Magical Miscellany
    Director--30+. Male. Middle/Upper Class. Vacated Jan. 1888.
    CuratorsHis Majesty Merlin Huxley, --, --17+. NEWTs Required.
    Tour Guides--, ---17+, knowledge of history, has OWLs
    Welcome Witches--, --17+, Female

    Crowdy Memorial Library
    Head LibrarianOrlando LovegoodMale or Unattached Female. 30+. Middle or Upper Class. NEWTs. 7+ years as Librarian.
    LibrariansTimothy Ainworth, --, --, --21+. OWLs. 2+ Years as Junior.
    Junior LibrariansElsie Beauregard, Odira Potter, --17+. OWLs. Only Access Floors 1-3.
    Welcome Witches--, --Female. Lower or Middle Class. 15+. Literate.

    The Leaky Cauldron
    Landlady--30+. Female. Single/Widowed. Middle Class.
    Bartenders--, --17+, Lower Class, Male
    WaitressesEileen Buchanan, --15+, Lower Class, Female
    Maid--12+, Lower Class, Female

    Flourish & Blotts
    Owners Mrs. _____ Flourish, Mr. _____ Blott (available canons)
    EmployeesMr. _____ Flourish, --, --, --

    Ollivander’s Wands: London
    OwnerGervaise Ollivander
    EmployeesTemerita Reid (apprentice), -- (shopkeep), -- (shopkeep)20+, Respectable. Pref. Male.

    Fudge & Son Desserterie
    OwnersMr. _____ Fudge, Mr. _____ Fudge(available canons)
    Employees--, --15+. Female.

    Borgin & Burkes
    OwnerMr. _____ Borgin, Mr. _____ Burke(available canons)
    Employees--, --, --17+. Dark leanings.

    Gringotts Wizarding Bank
    Branch Manager--Goblin. 20+ years experience.
    BankerUnlimited OpenGoblin
    Security--, --Male. Human or Goblin. Lower Class. 17+.
    Curse BreakersAngie Swan, --, --19+. Human. Trains for two years as apprentice first.
    Apprentice Curse Breakers--, --17+. Human
    Welcome Witch--Female. Human. Lower or Middle Class. 16+

    The Daily Prophet

    Photographers--, --
    Weather Witches --, -- Middle or lower class. 20+.

    Crime and Politics
    Head Reporter Ian Pengloss NPC
    Secretary -- 17+, Lower Class, Literate, Respectable.
    Reporters Kieran Abernathy, --, -- 18+, Middle or Lower Class. Pref. Male.
    Intern -- 17+, Middle or Lower Class.

    Social and Gossip
    Head Reporter Fidelia Spiller NPC
    Secretary -- 17+, Middle Class, Respectable.
    Reporters --, --, -- 18+, Respectable.
    Intern -- 17+, Female, Middle or Lower Class, Respectable.

    Head Reporter Mitch Quiddel NPC
    Secretary -- 21+, Middle or Lower, Respectable, Long-Suffering
    Quidditch Correspondent --> 20+, Former Quidditch Player or Commentator
    Reporters --, --, -- 20+
    Intern -- 17+

    Head Reporter Mabel Knott NPC
    Secretary -- 17+, Middle or Lower, Respectable, Occasionally an extra work-horse.

    Staff Writers
    Head Reporter Gulliver Doran NPC
    Secretary -- 17+, Middle or Lower Class, Respectable, Long-Suffering. Vacated May 1887.
    Reporter --, --, -- 18+, Middle or Lower Class
    Intern -- 17+, Middle or Lower Class

    Please bear in mind…

    — Shop owners must be able to realistically afford the upkeep and expense of a shop. Smaller shops have fewer employees while larger shops have more.
    — Owners can post a response to this thread regarding requirements for currently open positions once they have reached 25+ posts. Requirements are limited to five maximum. They can also change the title of open positions with staff approval, i.e. Employee -> Kitchen Maid.
    — Anyone may be fired at employer discretion if their reputation is lower than 3.
    — Daily Prophet reporters & photographers will be let go with a reputation lower than 3. Miscellaneous employees are kept on regardless of social standing.
    — Paper interns can hold the post for as little as three months, but are perpetually waiting for a real position to open up.

    Ministry of Magic Complaints Office
    Magical Liason--Muggleborn. Male. Respectable. Vacated Nov. 1884
    Police ConstablesJosiah Rohlwing, --Lower or Middle Class. Male. Respectable. Muggle. Created May 1883.
    Postman-- Lower Class. Male. Muggle. Respectable.
    Receptionist--Female, 17+, muggle or muggleborn preferred, middle or lower class, respectable

    Manager--Male, Muggle, 25+
    Dealers--, --17+, Lower Class
    Waiters/Waitresses--, --, --15+, Lower Class
    Security--, --17+, Male, Lower Class.
    Cashiers--, --15+, Lower Class. Trustworthy.
    Bartenders--, --17+, Lower Class
    Cook--25+, 5 years experience
    Kitchen Maid--Female, 11+

    The Irvingly Arms
    Owner & InnkeeperAtticus SharpeMiddle Class. Muggle. 30+.
    Maids--, --Lower Class. Female. Muggle.
    Cook--Lower Class. 30+. Female.
    Bartender-- Lower Class. 17+. Male. Muggle.
    Waitresses-- Lower Class. 17+. Female.

    Irvingly Infirmary
    FounderFelicity Riley
    Healers--, --Respectable. 5+ years' experience.
    PhysicianBrian PrattRespectable. Muggle. Middle Class. Appropriately Trained.
    Nurses--, --, --Respectable. Female. Lower or Middle Class. 15+
    Druggist--Male. Middle Class. 25+. Muggle. Position as of December 1883.
    Maids-- Female. Lower Class. 15+
    Cook-- Female. Lower Class. 25+
    Welcome Witch-- Female. Lower or Middle Class. 15+. Muggle.

    Chance L'Amour
    FounderAugust Echelon-Arnost
    ManagerCassandra Trelawney16+. Female. Responsible; good with math. Vacated Oct. 1883
    Waitresses--, --Female, 17+
    Cooks--, --
    Kitchen Maid--Female, 11+

    Church of St. Fergus
    RectorMr. _____ Dursley (Available Canon)
    Caretaker--17+. Male. Lower Class. Respectable.

    Irvingly Village Shoppe
    Owner-- Muggle. Middle Class. Cost = 25 Galleons. Respectable.
    Manager-- Lower or Middle Class. Muggle. Respectable.
    Employees--, --Lower or Middle Class

    Salem Square Quality Meats
    Owner-- Lower or Middle Class. Muggle. Cost = 20 Galleons
    Butchers--, --Lower Class. Male. 20+
    Cleaner--Lower Class. 12+.

    Irvingly School
    Schoolmaster--Middle Class. 35+. Experienced. Respectable. Male.
    Teacher--Middle Class. 21+. Experienced. Respectable. Female. Single or Widowed.
    Caretaker--Vacated April 1887

    Irvingly Station
    Station Manager-- Lower or Middle Class. Male. 30+.
    Ticket Sellers--, --, --Lower Class.
    Cloakroom Attendant--Lower Class.

    Please bear in mind…

    — Shop owners must be able to realistically afford the upkeep and expense of a shop. Smaller shops have fewer employees while larger shops have more.
    — Owners can post a response to this thread regarding requirements for currently open positions once they have reached 25+ posts. Requirements are limited to five maximum. They can also change the title of open positions with staff approval, i.e. Employee -> Kitchen Maid.
    — Anyone may be fired at employer discretion if their reputation is lower than 3.
    — Daily Prophet reporters & photographers will be let go with a reputation lower than 3. Miscellaneous employees are kept on regardless of social standing.
    — Paper interns can hold the post for as little as three months, but are perpetually waiting for a real position to open up.

    Herd Leader -- Male. Vacated Dec. 1887.
    Herd Leader -- Female

    Merchieftainess -- Vacated June 1886

    Please bear in mind…

    — Many non-humans may take on shop jobs etc., but please be aware that they will almost assuredly face prejudice in the work place.
    — Goblins can also look at the London section for information on Gringotts jobs.
    — Non-humans are not limited to the listed roles within their communities.
    Promote Morwenna to HoD please!
    [-] The following 1 user Likes Helena MacMillan's post:
       Ophelia Dippet
    Helena SIG by Bex
    gorgeous set by Bex
    Violet's had it with retirement; can she please be Transfiguration Professor again?
    [Image: rIPEOxP.png]
    Professor Wiltingham is a severe old lady with an unfortunate desire to say what  is 
    on her mind, though one must credit that to her age.  She uses a cane to walk, and
     should you require a bit of extra-credit, one must simply persuade her with sweets.
    [Image: DFw5U7K.png]