Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...
    Application Template
    Application templates for those who prefer to use HTML. If you would like to add a small image, or any private notes, to your application, check out this thread for appropriate coding!

    — Copy and paste this template into a new topic. The subject line should be your character's name.
    — For muggle characters please erase the following categories: Hogwarts House, Wand
    — Confused about what to fill out? Anything inside [brackets]. (Remove brackets when posting.)
    — Need help finding an occupation? Click here to see our list of open positions.
    — It is strongly recommended that you switch to source mode before starting your application.

    HTML not your cup of tea? Check out our BBCode application!

    Human Application Template:

    Full Name: [First, middle, last]
    Nicknames: [If any]
    Birthdate: [Month, day, year]
    Current Age: [ ? Years]
    Occupation: [If any]
    Reputation: [Appropriate number 1-5. See this thread for help.]
    Residence: [Where do they currently live?]
    Hogwarts House: [Either current or former. If future or for those who did not attend Hogwarts, simply write 'unknown']
    Wand: [ex. holly, 11", supple, single phoenix tail feather]
    Blood Status: [Pure, half, muggle]
    Social Class: [Upper, middle, lower]
    Family: [Optional.]
    Appearance: [Don't forget to mention height, build, wand hand, clothing, etc.]
    History: [Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.]
    Personality: [Optional.]
    Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph.]

    Out of Character

    Name: [Or Alias]
    Age: [here]
    Contact: [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]
    Other Characters: [If any]
    How did you hear about us?: [where or who?]

    <center><table border="0" style="background-color:#fff;border-collapse:collapse;border:none;color:#000000;width:95%; cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
    <td class="row1" align="justify" valign="top"><div style="background-color: #FFF; padding: 8px;border: 5px solid #eeeeee;outline: 1px solid #EEE;"><div class="thead" style="text-align:center">In-Character</div>

    <b>Full Name:</b> [First, middle, last]<br>
    <b>Nicknames:</b> [If any]<br>
    <b>Birthdate:</b> [Month, day, year]<br>
    <b>Current Age:</b> [ ? Years]<br>
    <b>Occupation:</b> [If any]<br>
    <b>Reputation:</b> [Appropriate number 1-5. [url=]See this thread for help.][/url]<br>
    <b>Residence:</b> [Where do they currently live?]<br>
    <b>Hogwarts House:</b> [Either current or former. If future or for those who did not attend Hogwarts, simply write 'unknown']<br>
    <b>Wand:</b> [ex. holly, 11", supple, single phoenix tail feather]<br>
    <b>Blood Status:</b> [Pure, half, muggle]<br>
    <b>Social Class:</b> [Upper, middle, lower]<br>
    <b>Family:</b> [Optional.]<br>
    <b>Appearance:</b> [Don't forget to mention height, build, wand hand, clothing, etc.]<br>
    <b>History:</b> [Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.]<br>
    <b>Personality:</b> [Optional.]<br>
    <b>Sample Roleplay Post:</b> [At least a paragraph.]

    <div class="thead" style="text-align:center">Out of Character</div>

    <b>Name:</b> [Or Alias]<br>
    <b>Age:</b> [here]<br>
    <b>Contact:</b> [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]<br>
    <b>Other Characters:</b> [If any]<br>
    <b>How did you hear about us?:</b> [where or who?]

    Non-Human Application Template:

    Full Name: [First, middle, last]
    Nicknames: [If any]
    Birthdate: [Month, day, year. Don't forget to check out what month it is currently so that you can calculate the age correctly.]
    Current Age: [ ? Years]
    Race: [Centaur, Merfolk, Vampire, House-Elf, Goblin]
    Occupation: [If any]
    Reputation: [Appropriate number 1-5. See this thread for help.]
    Residence: [Where do they currently live?]
    Social Class: [If any. Upper, middle, lower]
    Family: [Optional]
    Appearance: [Be sure to read the extra information provided so that you can get the appearance correct.]
    History: [Highlight important events.]
    Personality: [Optional for original, required for canon]
    Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph]

    Out of Character

    Name: [Or Alias]
    Age: [here]
    Contact: [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]
    Other Characters: [If any]
    How did you hear about us?: [where or who?]

    <center><table border="0" style="background-color:#fff;border-collapse:collapse;border:none;color:#000000;width:95%; cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
    <td class="row1" align="justify" valign="top"><div style="background-color: #FFF; padding: 8px;border: 5px solid #eeeeee;outline: 1px solid #EEE;"><div class="thead" style="text-align:center">In-Character</div>

    <b>Full Name:</b> [First, middle, last]<br>
    <b>Nicknames:</b> [If any]<br>
    <b>Birthdate:</b> [Month, day, year. Don't forget to check out what month it is currently so that you can calculate the age correctly.]<br>
    <b>Current Age:</b> [ ? Years]<br>
    <b>Race:</b> [Centaur, Merfolk, Vampire, House-Elf, Goblin]<br>
    <b>Occupation:</b> [If any]<br>
    <b>Reputation:</b> [Appropriate number 1-5. [url=]See this thread for help.][/url]<br>
    <b>Residence:</b> [Where do they currently live?]<br>
    <b>Social Class:</b> [If any. Upper, middle, lower]<br>
    <b>Family:</b> [Optional]<br>
    <b>Appearance:</b> [Be sure to read the extra information provided so that you can get the appearance correct.]<br>
    <b>History:</b> [Highlight important events.]<br>
    <b>Personality:</b> [Optional for original, required for canon]<br>
    <b>Sample Roleplay Post:</b> [At least a paragraph]

    <div class="thead" style="text-align:center">Out of Character</div>

    <b>Name:</b> [Or Alias]<br>
    <b>Age:</b> [here]<br>
    <b>Contact:</b> [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]<br>
    <b>Other Characters:</b> [If any]<br>
    <b>How did you hear about us?:</b> [where or who?]

    Portrait Application Template:

    Name: Explanatory. Could be an actual name, or something more descriptive like “The Fat Lady”.
    Painted In: What year was it painted?
    Location: Where does it hang? Portraits may visit other frames in the same building. Please note whether or not that exact same portrait has other locations for visitation.
    Hung In: When was it hung here?
    Physical Description: Is he/she/it the only resident of the frame? What do they look like? What does the background look like?
    History: Any of the character’s fictionalized background, what they’ve endured since their painting, etc.
    Personality: Optional. What are they like?
    Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph.]

    Out of Character

    Name: [Or Alias]
    Age: [here]
    Contact: [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]
    Other Characters: [If any]
    How did you hear about us?: [where or who?]

    <center><table border="0" style="background-color:#fff;border-collapse:collapse;border:none;color:#000000;width:95%; cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
    <td class="row1" align="justify" valign="top"><div style="background-color: #FFF; padding: 8px;border: 5px solid #eeeeee;outline: 1px solid #EEE;"><div class="thead" style="text-align:center">In-Character</div>

    <b>Name:</b> Explanatory. Could be an actual name, or something more descriptive like “The Fat Lady”.
    <b>Painted In:</b> What year was it painted?
    <b>Location:</b> Where does it hang? Portraits may visit other frames in the same building. Please note whether or not that [u]exact same[/u] portrait has other locations for visitation.
    <b>Hung In:</b> When was it hung here?
    <b>Physical Description:</b> Is he/she/it the only resident of the frame? What do they look like? What does the background look like?
    <b>History:</b> Any of the character’s fictionalized background, what they’ve endured since their painting, etc.
    <b>Personality:</b> Optional. What are they like?
    <b>Sample Roleplay Post:</b> [At least a paragraph.]

    <div class="thead" style="text-align:center">Out of Character</div>

    <b>Name:</b> [Or Alias]<br>
    <b>Age:</b> [here]<br>
    <b>Contact:</b> [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]<br>
    <b>Other Characters:</b> [If any]<br>
    <b>How did you hear about us?:</b> [where or who?]

    — Copy and paste this template into a new topic. The subject line should be your character's name.
    — For muggle characters please erase the following categories: Hogwarts House, Wand
    — Confused about what to fill out? Anything inside [brackets]. (Remove brackets when posting.)
    — Need help finding an occupation? Click here to see our list of open positions.
    — It is strongly recommended that you switch to source mode before starting your application.

    Human Application Template:
    Full Name: [First, middle, last]
    Nicknames: [If any]
    Birthdate: [Month, day, year. Don't forget to check out what month it is currently so that you can calculate the age correctly.]
    Current Age: [ ? Years]
    Occupation: [If any]
    Reputation: [Appropriate number 1-5. See this thread for help.]
    Residence: [Where do they currently live?]
    Hogwarts House: [Either current or former. If future or for those who did not attend Hogwarts, simply write 'unknown']

    Wand: [ex. holly, 11", supple, single phoenix tail feather]
    Blood Status: [Pure, half, muggle]
    Social Class: [Upper, middle, lower]
    Family: [Optional]
    Appearance: [Don't forget to mention height, build, wand hand, clothing, etc.]
    History: [Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.]
    Personality: [Optional for originals, required for Canons]
    Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph]

    Name: [Or Alias]
    Contact: [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]
    Other Characters: [If any]
    How did you hear about us?
    [b]Full Name:[/b] [First, middle, last]
    [b]Nicknames:[/b] [If any]
    [b]Birthdate:[/b] [Month, day, year. Don't forget to check out what month it is currently so that you can calculate the age correctly.]
    [b]Current Age:[/b] [ ? Years]
    [b]Occupation:[/b] [If any]
    [b]Reputation:[/b] [Appropriate number 1-5. [url=]See this thread for help.][/url]<br>
    [b]Residence:[/b] [Where do they currently live?]
    [b]Hogwarts House:[/b] [Either current or former. If future or for those who did not attend Hogwarts, simply write 'unknown']
    [b]Wand:[/b] [ex. holly, 11", supple, single phoenix tail feather]
    [b]Blood Status:[/b] [Pure, half, muggle]
    [b]Social Class:[/b] [Upper, middle, lower]
    [b]Family:[/b] [Optional]
    [b]Appearance:[/b] [Don't forget to mention height, build, wand hand, clothing, etc.]
    [b]History:[/b] [Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.]
    [b]Personality:[/b] [Optional for originals, required for Canons]
    [b]Sample Roleplay Post:[/b] [At least a paragraph]

    [b]Name:[/b] [Or Alias]
    [b]Contact:[/b] [If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]
    [b]Other Characters:[/b] [If any]
    [b]How did you hear about us?[/b]

    Non-Human Application Template:
    Full Name:
    Nicknames: [If any]
    Birthdate: [Month, day, year. Don't forget to check out what month it is currently so that you can calculate the age correctly.]
    Current Age: [ ? Years]
    Race: [Centaur, Merfolk, Vampire, House-Elf, Goblin]
    Occupation: [If any]
    Reputation: [Appropriate number 1-5. See this thread for help.]
    Residence: [Where do they currently live?]
    Social Class: [If any. Upper, middle, lower]
    Family: [Optional]
    Appearance: [Be sure to read the extra information provided so that you can get the appearance correct.]
    History: [Highlight important events.]
    Personality: [Optional for originals, required for canons.]
    Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph]


    Name: [Or Alias]
    Age: [We have an age limit here, please be sure that you are old enough to play here.]
    Contact:[If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]
    Other Characters: [If any]
    How did you hear about us?

    [b]Full Name:[/b]
    [b]Nicknames:[/b] [If any]
    [b]Birthdate:[/b] [Month, day, year. Don't forget to check out what month it is currently so that you can calculate the age correctly.]
    [b]Current Age:[/b] [ ? Years]
    [b]Race:[/b] [Centaur, Merfolk, Vampire, House-Elf, Goblin]
    [b]Occupation:[/b] [If any]
    [b]Reputation:[/b] [Appropriate number 1-5. [url=]See this thread for help.[/url]<br>
    [b]Residence:[/b] [Where do they currently live?]
    [b]Social Class:[/b] [If any. Upper, middle, lower]
    [b]Family:[/b] [Optional]
    [b]Appearance:[/b] [Be sure to read the extra information provided so that you can get the appearance correct.]
    [b]History:[/b] [Highlight important events.]
    [b]Personality:[/b] [Optional for originals, required for canons.]
    [b]Sample Roleplay Post:[/b] [At least a paragraph]

    [b]Name:[/b] [Or Alias]
    [b]Age:[/b] [We have an age limit here, please be sure that you are old enough to play here.]
    [b]Contact:[/b][If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.]
    [b]Other Characters:[/b] [If any]
    [b]How did you hear about us?[/b]

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