Charming is a Victorian Era Harry Potter roleplay set primarily in the village of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the non-canon village of Irvingly. Characters of all classes, both magical and muggle — and even non-human! — are welcome.

With a member driven story line, monthly games and events, and a friendly and drama-free community focused on quality over quantity, the only thing you can be sure of is fun!
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    You have found our archive! Charming lives on here!
    02.05 One last puzzle before we depart!
    02.01 AC? What AC?
    01.26 Impending URL changes!
    01.11 I've got a bit of a reputation...
    01.06 AC underway, and a puzzle to solve!
    01.01 Happy new year! Have some announcements of varying importance.
    12.31 Enter the Winter Labyrinth if you dare!
    12.23 Professional Quidditch things...
    12.21 New stamp!
    12.20 Concerning immortality
    12.16 A heads up that the Secret Swap deadline is fast approaching!
    12.14 Introducing our new Minister of Magic!
    12.13 On the first day of Charming, Kayte gave to me...
    12.11 Some quick reminders!
    12.08 Another peek at what's to come...

    Play-bys are completely optional.

    It is your responsibility to make sure your play-by is claimed. Check after your character is accepted, when you re-activate a character, and after the 1st of the month to make sure your claim is on the list.
    —Reservations for a play-by last for five days. You may renew your reservation once only if a link to a finished application is provided, otherwise re-reservations will be immediately deleted. Renewals last only three days. Please ensure that the character name listed matches the name on the account in question.

    TIP! If you post your reservation in code and with the account in question, there's no need to come back once the character is approved, provided your reservation doesn't expire!

    —Duplicate playbys are only allowed when all players have agree to it.

    —Characters who have at least 75 posts will have their play-bys retired for a period of three months in the event of their deactivation. Deceased characters who have reached 75 posts or more will have their play-bys retired for a period of two months. Such names appear on the list in sienna.

    —Characters who have at least 200 posts have their play-bys retired for a period of six months in the event of their deactivation. Deceased characters who have reached 200 posts or more will have their play-bys retired for a period of two months Such names appear on the list in gray.

    —Players are responsible for making sure their claims get colored! Please let us know by posting below on the account in question.

    — Retired playbys for inactive characters can be used by the new player, but is not required.
    Willing players are more than welcome to share their PBs if they so choose! You can do so on your own terms to ensure you feel comfortable having one (or more) other character(s) sharing a face with your own. If you’re happy to discuss this possibility with other players, please list your claim as sharable using the appropriate form!

    See a face you like already claimed? If the character name is tagged, that means the player is open to sharing. Check to see how similar the existing character is to the one you have in mind. Fairly different? Get in touch!

    Claim play-bys using one of the codes below:

    PHP Code:
    [code]<b>Play-by's Last name, First Name</b> - Character's First Name Last Name<br />[/code

    PHP Code:
    [code]<b>Play-by's Last name, First Name</b> - @'Username'<br />[/code] 

    Aggeliki, Zoe - Valeria Greengrass
    Agron, Dianna - Elizabeth Humphrey-Mavis [02/06/18]
    Aiken, Liam - Germander Macnair
    Amanda, Maria - Ambrosia Shinnick
    Amell, Robbie - @'Tiberius Lestrange'
    Arjun, Sara - Tatianna Brownhill
    Armitage, Richard - @'Phineas Black'
    Atwell, Hayley - @'Virginia Carmichael'

    Badgley, Penn - Malcolm MacFusty
    Bair, Aja - Delight Urquart [Until Move]
    Baisaeva, Iman - Tansy Abberton
    Balfe, Caitriona - Threnody Mohr [Until Move]
    Bamber, Ellie - Acacia Ruskin
    Bamber, Jamie - Philip Calendar
    Barks, Samantha - Minnie Pendergast
    Barnard, Aneurin - His Majesty Merlin Huxley
    Barnes, Ben - Edward Macmillan [04/02/18]
    Barr, Matt - August Echelon-Arnost
    Basso, Annalise - @'Citrine Weasley'
    Bates, Kathy - Mary Pince
    Beecham, Emily - Vera Podmore
    Bell, Matthew - Jacques Michaud
    Benoist, Melissa - Lisa Fairbairn
    Belle, Camilla - Viola Prince
    Benson, Ashley - Angie Swan
    Bentall, Ruby - Prunella Vaisey
    Bethel, Wilson - Albert Pettigrew
    Bilson, Rachel - Lily Huddleston
    Blagden, George - Elliot Carmichael
    Blanchard, Rowan - Holliday Fudge
    Bledel, Alexis - Elsie Beauregard
    Blondeau, Thylane - Glimmer Whitledge
    Blunt, Emily - Cassandra Trelawney
    Bogucharskaia, Kate - Nerissa Stone
    Bolger, Sarah - Tilda MacFusty (07/04/18)
    Bond, Samantha - Morwenna Skeeter
    Boneta, Diego - Esteban Zavala
    Booth, Douglas - Enoch Rosier
    Bostick, Devon - Theodoric Jameshill
    Boyega, John - Eaton Shelby
    Boynton, Lucy - Angelica Fawley
    Bradley, John - Casper Darrow  [17/12/17]
    Bravo, Ciara - Flora Halliday
    Bravo, Ciara - Fauna Halliday
    Bronova, Vika - Violetta Lestrange
    Brown, Millie Bobby - George Waterford
    Browning, Emily - Alcyone Slughorn
    Browning, Logan - @'Patsy Flynn'
    Brutskaya, Alexandra - Temerita Reid
    Butterfield, Asa - Benjamin Turner

    Cam, Stephanie - Gertrude Baker [02/06/18]
    Cameron, Dove - Hope Crawford
    Carpenter, Sabrina - Maybelle Marriot
    Cavill, Henry - Grayson Ollivander
    Chaplin, Oona - Laura Darrow
    Chastain, Jessica - @'Honoria Urquart' [Until Move]
    Chernysheva, Liliana - Hestia Fairchild
    Cho, John - Basil Stretton
    Christensen, Hayden - Brendan Beckett [07/03/18]
    Clarke, Emilia - @'Marcella Weasley'
    Clavane, Matthew - Waffle Whitledge
    Coleman, Jenna - Gwenda Cadwallader
    Colfer, Chris - Allan Pavlovich
    Collins, Lily - Porphyria Dempsey
    Connolly, Billy - Egbert Candlemass
    Cooper, Andrew - @'George Livesey'
    Cooper, Bradley - Wesley Cavanaugh
    Cooper, Jake - Tobin Cartwright
    Corinth, Caroline - Annette Fontaine [Until Move]
    Coster-Waldau, Nikolaj - @'Nikolai Sleptov'
    Cox, Brian - @'Hamish Darrow'
    Cox, Mark - Sparrow Bloodworth
    Crawford, Chace - Elias Grimstone
    Creber, Fionn - Eoin Friel
    Criss, Darren - @'Tybalt Kirke'
    Cumberbatch, Benedict - @'Aldous Crouch'
    Cuthbert, Elisha - Alexandra Seymore

    Daddario, Alexandra - @'Hortensia Moody'
    Daddario, Matthew - Philip Aymslowe
    Dallas, Josh - Quincey Honeyduke
    D'arcy, James - @'Frederick Humphrey-Mavis' [Until Move]
    Davidson, Laurie - Overstreet Richardson
    Day, Rosie - Adasia Mohr [Until Move]
    Day, Spencer - Stacey Livingstone
    Dayal, Manish - Samson Jane
    Delevingne, Cara - Ottilie Pine
    de Ravin, Emilie - Truly Scrumptious
    Deutch, Zoey - Emmeline Woodcroft/color]
    Diaconu, Andreea - February Lynch
    Dobrev, Nina - Loretta Browne
    Dockery, Michelle - @'Rufina Mulciber' [05/02/18]
    Dolan, Xavier - Kieran Abernathy

    Donnell, Colin - Ari Fisk
    Dormer, Natalie - @'Rosaline Bennett'
    Dornan, Jamie - Shawn Delaney
    Doyle Kennedy, Maria - Helena MacMillan
    Drayton, Poppy - Fortuna Lockhart
    Eastwood, Scott - Fletcher Peverell
    Ebanks, Selita - Marceline Gillum
    Edwinson, Hanna - Regina Lacey
    Efron, Zac - Jesse Hatchitt [04/05/18]
    Egerton, Taron - Justus Pilliwickle
    Egorova, Karina - Sisse Thompsett
    Egerton, Tamsin - @'Penelope Humphrey-Mavis'
    Elba, Idris - @'Justin Ross'
    Elgort, Ansel - Handsome Whitledge
    Emerin, Victoria - Honey Whitledge
    Evans, Chris - Sydney Podmore
    Evans, Indiana - Modesty Beechworth [04/02/18]
    Evans, Luke - Salazar Slughorn

    Fanning, Elle - Gretchen Lestrange [Until Move]
    Fassbender, Michael - Balthazar Urquart
    Feild, JJ - @'Herbert Fudge'
    Ferland, Jodelle - Frida Lestrange
    Findlay, Katie - Eilis Hooligan

    Flowers, Brandon - @'Thom Pettigrew'
    Follows, Megan - @'Katherina Selwyn' [Until Move]
    Forchhammer Christensen, Camilla - Oceane Beaumont
    Franciosi, Aisling - Beatrix Borgin
    Franco, James - @'Elmer Macmillan' [02/06/18]
    Frank, Miles - Owain Edwards
    Frazier, Nia - Claire de Luna
    Freeman, Kimberly - Socellia Morzolla
    Froseth, Kristine - Daffodil Potts
    Fry, Lucy - Leah Harding
    Fuhrman, Isabelle - @'Galatea Merrythought' [02/06/18]

    Gadon, Sarah - @'Drusilla Travers'
    Gale, Kelly - Meredith Crowninshield
    Gao, Godfrey - Zian Zhao
    Gardner, Ginny - Terpsichore Van Helsing
    Gelmis, Rachel - Avril Lukeson
    Gillan, Karen - @'Felicity Riley' [02/06/18]
    Gillis, Niclas - Ignatius Quirrell
    Ginzburg, Esti - Magdalena Backus
    Giordano, Alexia - Odette Hoch [02/03/18]
    Gleeson, Domhnall - Catigern Weasley
    Gleeson, Jack - Castor Allaway [12/03/18]
    Goldani - Telles, Julia - Clarissa Cosgrove
    Gomez, Selena - Mozelle Rios
    Goode, Matthew - Roberto Devine
    Gosse, Arthur - Lorcan Byrne
    Goyo, Dakota - Cameron Gillenwater
    Graham, Katerina (Kat) - Odette Lécuyer
    Grazer, Jack Dylan - Sirius Black
    Grimes, Luke - Theseus Greengrass
    Gröblinghoff, Joana - Madeleine Backus
    Guerrero, Diane - @'Antonia Greyback'
    Gustin, Grant - Nemo Fisk
    Gutierrez, Froy - Eugene Reese

    Hadid, Gigi - Ligeia Baudelaire
    Haig, Georgina - Attica Paxton
    Hale, Lucy - Gemma Simpson
    Hamill, Mark - @'Noah Hatchitt' [07/02/18]
    Hammer, Armie - Eugene Scamander [Until Move]
    Hanratty, Sammi - Sweetie Whitledge
    Hansen, Lindsay - Eavan MacKay
    Harding, Ian - Jonathan Webster
    Harmon, Richard - Yarrow Macnair [04/05/18]
    Harington, Kit - Orpheus Parkinson [Until Move]
    Hargitay, Mariska - Bihotz Whitney
    Hart, Aiysha - Eleanora Brownhill
    Hathaway, Anne - Marguerite Gauthier
    Hawes, Keeley - Temperance Fairchild
    Healy, Matthew - @'J. Alfred Darrow'
    Heathcote, Bella - Circe Barret
    Hempstead-Wright, Isaac - @'Gabriel Vablatsky' [02/03/18]
    Hemsworth, Chris - @'Garrett Wallingford'
    Hemsworth, Liam - Fitzroy Prewett
    Hughes Geijer, Tait - Clayton Ross
    Heukels, Ton - Jude Wright
    Hewitt, Jennifer - Guinevere Lukeson
    Hibbert, Alex - Edgar Rey II
    Hicks, Bobby - Leander Grantham
    Hiddleston, Tom - Edward Mohr
    Higginson, Will - August Lynch
    Hilmar, Hera - Ellory Pendergast
    Hinds, Ciaran - Lucius Lestrange
    Holland, Willa - Morgana Gaunt
    Hollander, Tom - Ephraim Vablatsky
    Holt, Olivia - Trinity Estep
    Hoult, Nicholas - Cassius Lestrange
    Howle, Billy - Freddie Prewett (07/04/18)
    Hughes, Tom -Timothy Ainsworth
    Huttlestone, Daniel - Questor Spryly

    Irons, Jeremy - Herschel Dawlish
    Irons, Max - Ezra Vablatsky
    Irons, Max - Micajah Vablatsky
    Isaac, Oscar - Marcus Lytton [Until Move]

    Jafri (Jaffrey), Abbas - Halvar Kirmani
    Jaizani, Maddison - Martha Denbright [Until Move]
    James, Bradley - Alexander Echelon
    James, Lily - @'Hannah Pettigrew' [04/05/18]
    James-Collier, Rob - Jeremy Rohlwing [02/03/18]
    Jerins, Sterling - Zadie Pine
    Jin-goo, Yeo - Oscar Stretton
    Jonas, Nick - Rufus Bixby
    Jones, Felicity - Eva Sleptova [Until Move]
    Jones, Maggie Elizabeth - Sapphire Weasley [02/03/18]
    Justice, Victoria - @'Pauline Woodcroft' [02/03/18]
    Kane, Adelaide - @'Tatiana Lestrange'
    Kapoor, Sonam - Souri Avninder
    Kapoor, Ranbir - @'Rush Khatri'
    Keen, Dafne - Meta Lestrange [Until Move]
    Kelly, Brock - Kristoffer Lestrange
    Kendrick, Anna - Nathalie Jennings [04/02/18]
    Kim, Jongin - Young-Jae Choi
    Kinney, Emily - Phoebe Beauregard
    Knightley, Keira - Emma Macmillan
    Kolbaseeva, Daria - Madeline Bell
    Komleva, Ksenia - Novella Braunstone
    Kouklina, Polina - Jamesina Mcintrye
    Kovalenko, Alina - Ginevra Blackwood
    Kruk, Lilly - Sloane Bixby
    Kusakina, Nastya - November Malfoy
    Lachowski, Francisco - Ignatius Wilde
    Lanter, Matt - Clinton Podmore
    Lapaeva, Sofija - Constance Huntingtower
    Larson, Brie - @'Lucinda Cavanaugh'
    Larson, Brie - Roslyn Ross
    Laswick, Marina - @'Tessa Darrow'
    Lauridsen, Mathias - Adrien Favreau
    Lazzini, Rafael - @'Reuben Crouch'
    Lee, Christopher - @'Armando Dippet'
    Lee, Victoria - Xena Fisk [Until Move]
    Ledé, Kiana - Naeva Lécuyer
    Lerman, Logan - Sage Macnair
    Leslie, Rose - Maeve Connolly [Until Move]
    Leto, Jared - @'Paul Pince' [Until Move]
    Levine, Adam - Claudius Lestrange [04/05/18]
    Lewis, Matthew - Mason Skeeter
    Liberato, Liana - Zelda Fisk
    Lindemann, Maggie - Margaret Rawlinson
    Liu, Crystal (Yifei) - Natsuko Mountbatton
    Lively, Blake - Adella Calendar
    Lloyd, Harry - Brian Pratt
    Lloyd, Harry - Konstantin Fisk
    Lord, Quinn - Nathan Blackwall
    Lutz, Kellan - @'Magnus Lockhart'
    Lyapina, Valentina - Céleste Bennet
    Lyapina, Valentina - Claire Bennet

    Madden, Richard - Javert de Montfault [02/06/18]
    Makarov, Vasiliy - Aleksei Nichols
    Malhotra, Sidharth - Samson Jane
    Malik, Zayn - Jacob Babineaux
    Manganiello, Joe - Kentigern MacFusty
    Mara, Rooney - Ismene Swift
    Mararazzo, Gaten - @'Angus Greyback'
    Marling, Brit - Adelia Lovegood
    Martin, Ellie - February Lynch
    Mcaullife, Callan - Felix, Parkinson
    McAvoy, James - Killian Macmillan
    McGowan, Rose - Tessa Van Patten
    McGrath, Katie - @'Ursula Black'
    McKellen, Ian - @'Meserimus Valenduris'
    McKenzie, Benjamin - Evander Darrow
    McLaughlin, Caleb - Julian Dearborn
    McNamara, Katherine - Juniper Middlemiss
    Menzies, Tobias - Priam Lestrange [04/05/18]
    Miller, Ezra - Rupert Bingham
    Miller, Levi - Elijah Urquart
    Mitchell, Elizabeth - Constance Sykes
    Mitchell, Robert - Tripper Jameson
    Momsen, Taylor - Nectar Shinnick
    Montgomery, Janet - Gwendolyn Vane Tempest
    Moretz, Chloe Grace - Cecily Gallivan [Until Move]
    Morley, Bob - Worthy Paine [04/02/18]
    Morris, Julian - Edmund Grimm
    Moseley, William - Harvey Beauregard [04/05/18]
    Moss, Carrie-Anne - Hecate Moody
    Mulligan, Carey - Grace Grimm
    Mulvoy-Ten, Ana - Darling Whitledge
    Museau, Joekenneth - @'Atticus Sharpe'

    Natarov, Petr - Eros Mohr
    Nélisse, Sophie - Petra Sleptova
    Nessman, Simon - Mathias Beaumont
    Norton, James - Orlando Lovegood

    O'Donoghue, Colin - Leon Lupin
    Offerman, Nick - @'Flitterbloom Vaisey'
    Oman, Teresa - Annabeth Jennings
    Omundson, Timothy - @'Aurelius Fogg'
    O'Shaughnessy, Dudley - Valentino Khatri
    Osorio, Daniela Lopez - Laura Beasley
    Overstreet, Chord - Barnabas Skeeter

    Palmer, Teresa - @'Coraline Cattermole'
    Palvin, Barbara - Ella Carrington
    Park, Jung-Yoon - Moriko Shimizu
    Parker, Mary-Louise - Mariana Macnair
    Pasqualini, Gino - Ernie Nuffer
    Penry-Jones, Rupert - Nathaniel Gallivan
    Pestryakova, Sofia - Calla Potts
    Pieterse, Sasha - Love Darby
    Pimenova, Kristina - Luce Faucher-De Loncrey
    Pine, Chris - Gaius Malfoy
    Plaza, Aubrey - @'Ophelia Dippet'
    Plowright, Joan - Lydia Harleston
    Poésy, Clémence - Catherine Weasley
    Poots, Imogen - @'Antigone Lestrange'
    Popplewell, Anna - @'Odira Potter' (07/04/2018)
    Potter, Ryan - James Baird
    Pouliot, Anais - @'Marianne Hatchitt' [02/03/18]
    Pratt, Chris - Edgar Pomfrey
    Ptacek, Fatima - Lorna Van Patten

    Quaid, Jack - Conrí Power

    Raffey, Cassidy - Rhaposdy Harper
    Redmayne, Eddie - Richard Gladstone
    Regan, Bridget - @'Annabelle Bones'
    Renner, Jeremy - Baxter Keene
    Reynolds, Ryan - Everett Grimm [04/05/18]
    Rheon, Iwan - @'Charles Macmillan'
    Ritter, Tyson - Howell Merrick
    Rhys Meyers, Jonathan - Gaston Darby
    Riley, Charlotte - Belphoebe Lestrange [Until Move]
    Robbie, Margot - @'Aurelia Wallingford'
    Robb, AnnaSophia - Persephone Van Helsing
    Roberts, Emma - Crystal Ruskin [02/03/18]
    Robertson, Britt - Eveylyn Morgenstern
    Rogulina, Camilla - Demelza McGonagall
    Romanova, Kristina - January Lynch
    Roy, Drew - @'Andrew Bingham'
    Rudd, Emily - Benevolence Montague
    Rudd, Paul - @'Walter Brownhill'
    Rush, Joshua - Carius Bulstrode

    Samuel, Xavier - Toussaint Favreau [Until Move]
    Saner, Julia - October Lynch
    Sarbaeva, Lera - Annabelle Scrimgeour
    Sarbaeva, Valeria - Ari Scrimgeour
    Satterlee, Bridget - Dionisia Tweedy
    Schnapp, Noah - Time Day
    Scott, Adam - Barrett Keene
    Scott, Stefanie - Katrina Winthrop [04/02/18]
    Seyfried, Amanda - Katherine Midford (07/04/18)
    Shahidi, Yara - Ivory Kamaria
    Sharma, Anushka - Yasmina Khatri
    Sharman, Daniel - Mundungus MacFusty
    Shields, Willow - Seneca Lestrange
    Shum Jr, Harry - Montgomery Morales
    Sinclair Jenness, Mia - Ramona Fogg
    Singer, Paulina - Winifred Whiteley
    Sivan, Troye - Garrett Cavey
    Skarsgård, Bill - Archelaus Abney
    Smith, Maggie - Violet Wiltingham
    Smurfit, Victoria - Lucy Pettigrew
    Sorensen, Tobias - Josiah Rohlwing
    Speckhart, Anna Christine - Calliope Riley
    Sprouse, Cole - @'Nigel Yaxley' [02/03/18]
    Stan, Sebastian - @'Hiram Birch'
    Stenberg, Amandla - Topaz Urquart
    Stenberg, Amandla - Ruby Urquart [Until Move]
    Stevens, Dan - John Smith
    Stirling, Lindsey - Saoirse Cleary
    Stone, Benjamin - John Humphrey-Mavis
    Strahovski, Yvonne - Evelyn Abercrombie
    Stroma, Freddie - Alfred Clearwater
    Sturgess, Jim - Arthur Pettigrew
    Sudol, Alison - Una Walsh
    Sulkin, Gregg - Theodore Gallivan
    Sung-Jong, Lee - Hwan Moon
    Swift, Taylor - Aurelia Vernon

    Tatum, Channing - Warwick Nott
    Taylor, Holly - Dorothea Potts
    Taylor-Joy, Anya - Blythe Fairchild
    Thompson, Emma - Iphigenia Urquart
    Thorne, Bella - Emerald Weasley [02/03/18]
    Till, Lucas - Andren Lovegood [Until Move]
    Tipton, Analeigh - Ruth Lockhart
    Tomlinson, Eleanor - Amelia Evans
    Townsend, Stuard - Killian Tabiner
    Traue, Antje - Elladora Black
    Tremblay, Jacob - @'Alfred Bott'
    Tupper, Rosie - Artemisia Carrow [04/05/18]
    Turner, Aidan - Benedict Sterling
    Turner, Sophie - Aeronwy Rife
    Tveit, Aaron - Mortimer Skeeter


    Van Den Hoven, Jaco - Tristan Michaud
    Van Meervenne, Simon - @'Cornelius Sherington III'
    Varma, Indira - Reva Khatri
    Vasylchenko, Antonina - Nora Abercrombie
    Velikodnvi, Timothy - Sebastian Urquart
    Ventimiglia, Milo - Percival Adlard Jr
    Verwegen, Harm - Tierney Walsh

    Waltz, Christoph - Charles Jameshill
    Ward, Gemma - Alphonsine Maxine
    Wasikowska, Mia - Hyacinth Sprout
    Waterhouse, Suki - Anais Beaumont
    Watson, Emily - Astrid Parkinson
    Watson, Emma - Imogen MacFusty
    Weber, Jade - Holly Scrimgeour
    Weissman, Malina - Augusta Selwyn
    Westwick, Ed - @'Simeon Graves'
    Whishaw, Ben - @'Lupus Jameshill'
    White, Jeremy Allen - Ian Longstaff
    Wilde, Olivia - Prudence Silvertree
    Wolfhard, Finn - Thomas Sanger


    Yasheva, Alina - Irene fudge

    Zadro, Amelia - Eileen Buchanan
    Zhidkova, Nastya - @'Iziza Noel'
    Claiming pending reactivation
    <b>King (Accola), Candice</b> - Francoise Blankenship<br />
    Can Sudol, Alison be sienna'd!
    I've lost count of Nolan Sets..
    [Image: G4Ji8S5.jpg]
    Una is a Metamorphmagus and can therefore change her appearance.
    She is also an American but has a kinda odd accent that is predominately American with a random mix of other places she's visited for extended times.
    Tuni is getting my immortality discount so can Drayton, Poppy be sienna'd?
    And sienna this bitch too! Eastwood, Scott
    [-] The following 2 users Like Fletcher Peverell's post:
       Annabelle Scrimgeour, Elsie Beauregard
    Nolan is amazing!
    [Image: Asu3sFj.jpg]

    Vasylchenko, Antonina


    <b>Bethmann, Celine</b> - Nora Abercrombie<br />
    [-] The following 1 user Likes Elsie Beauregard's post:
       Emmeline Woodcroft
    words cannot describe this set by Stef ♥
    [Image: oTMsdz.gif]
    [Image: 2emz8zq.png]
    Lol not even a day back and I'm doing obnoxious PB switches ;) She's 15 now so she's old enough to have an actual adult PB.

    Switching from Shields, Willow to
    <b>Pugh, Florence</b> - Seneca Lestrange<br />
    [-] The following 1 user Likes Seneca Lestrange's post:
       Frida Lestrange
    thanks bree for the avatar!

    check out this awesome moodboard by tiff!
    <b>Amell, Stephen</b> - Amery Headley<br />
    Frida hit 75! Please sienna Ferland, Jodelle <33
    I should have done this ages ago can the date for Seyfried, Amanda be removed. Thanks! <3
    [Image: leYc9BD.png]
    Reserving Paddy Mitchell for Ignatius Quirrell on the new site and relinquishing Niclas Gillis
    [Image: oicvlM.png]